[Baypiggies] Upcoming Python programming classes in the bay area?

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 02:43:50 CEST 2008

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Eric Walstad <eric at ericwalstad.com> wrote:
> One of my clients loves python since we convinced them to try it for a
> project a couple years back.  They have a new employee that they want
> to bring up to speed with Python and have asked me to see if there are
> any classes available soon.  He has some programming experience from
> his college days, but is not a computer programmer.
> Anyone know of any beginner-level Python classes coming up in the next
> 2-3 months?

If his interests are on the scientific end of things, I'll be
co-teaching a 2-day intro tutorial at SciPy 2008 at Caltech, August


But many examples will assume roughly grad-level math (FFTs, some
linear algebra, differential equations, etc) and will be
science-oriented.  So I don't know if this will be a good fit for him.



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