[Baypiggies] [ANN] May 26 talk at UC Berkeley Py4Science group

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Mon May 24 08:06:05 CEST 2010

Hi all,

our speaker this week is Prabhu Ramachandran
(http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/), original author of Mayavi and
all-around scientific Python developer extraordinaire, it should make
for a lively session.

Please forward this announcement to colleagues who might be interested.



Py4Science at Berkeley seminar
When: Wednesday May 26, 2pm
Where: Redwood Center's conference room: 508-20 Evans Hall (5th floor).
Further information: https://cirl.berkeley.edu/view/Py4Science/WebHome

Title: Smoothed particle Hydrodynamics in Python and the Free Open Source
software for Science and Engineering Education in India project.

Speaker: Professor Prabhu Ramachan, IIT Bombay, Department of aerospace


 1. A 5 minute introduction to FOSSEE (fossee.in) -- Free Open Source
software for Science and Engineering Education in India.

 2. The story of the development of a Python framework for Smoothed Particle

In the second presentation I will talk about the story behind the
development of PySPH.  The talk will be somewhat informal.  SPH (Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics) is a numerical technique to solve PDEs and is
commonly used for structural and fluid dynamic simulations.  I'll briefly
introduce SPH as a technique (without going into gory details) and then
discuss my experiments on building software to perform such simulations.
This will touch upon C++/Swig, D, PyD, Cython, Python and mpi4py.  I will
talk about the development of parallel load balancing algorithms in pure
Python and how that worked out.  The talk is more of a personal journey
through the landscape of Python and "high-performance" scientific computing.

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