[Baypiggies] Subprocess: Common problem/common pattern

James Tatum jtatum at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 18:03:21 CEST 2010

For GUI Automation, there are a couple of options. My favorite is LDTP [0].

Should be available as a package for your OS of choice. If ldtp2 is
available it is preferable to the original.

There is a tutorial at [1] and API docs are at [2]. Support via
mailing list and #ldtp on Freenode.

[0] http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/
[1] http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/LDTP_test_scripts_in_python
[2] http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/user-doc/index.html

2010/10/6 Daniel González Gasull <daniel at djansoft.com>:
> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Luca Pellicoro <luca.pellicoro at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just ran into Pexpect a few minutes ago. Is this what you're looking for?
>> http://www.noah.org/wiki/Pexpect#Overview
> Thank you for sharing this.
> I wonder if there is something similar for the X Window System.  I use GNOME.
> --
> http://DjanSoft.com :: Agile Application Development with Python
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