[Baypiggies] Looking for 1 reviewer to review an ebook copy of The Python Standard Library by Example" by Doug Hellmann.

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 00:57:11 CEST 2011

Pearson is looking for *** 1 *** reviewer to review an eBook version of The
Python Standard Library by Example"  by Doug Hellmann.

Please reply OFF-LIST if interested.


"The Python Standard Library by Example" (Doug Hellmann), published by
Addison-Wesley Professional, June 2011, Copyright 2011 Pearson Education,

Publisher page:


Introduction 1

 ** Chapter 1: Text (page 3)

1.1 string—Text Constants and Templates

1.2 textwrap—Formatting Text Paragraphs

1.3 re—Regular Expressions

1.4 difflib—Compare Sequences

** Chapter 2: Data Structures (page 69)

2.1 collections—Container Data Types

2.2 array—Sequence of Fixed-Type Data

2.3 heapq—Heap Sort Algorithm

2.4 bisect—Maintain Lists in Sorted Order

2.5 Queue—Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation

2.6 struct—Binary Data Structures

2.7 weakref—Impermanent References to Objects

2.8 copy—Duplicate Objects

2.9 pprint—Pretty-Print Data Structures

 **Chapter 3: Algorithms (page 129)

3.1 functools—Tools for Manipulating Functions

3.2 itertools—Iterator Functions

3.3 operator—Functional Interface to Built-in Operators

3.4 contextlib—Context Manager Utilities

 Chapter 4: Dates and Times (page 173)

4.1 time—Clock Time 173

4.2 datetime—Date and Time Value Manipulation 180

4.3 calendar—Work with Dates 191

**Chapter 5: Mathematics (page 197)

5.1 decimal—Fixed and Floating-Point Math

5.2 fractions—Rational Numbers

5.3 random—Pseudorandom Number Generators

5.4 math—Mathematical Functions

** Chapter 6: The File System (page 247)

6.1 os.path—Platform-Independent Manipulation of Filenames

6.2 glob—Filename Pattern Matching

6.3 linecache—Read Text Files Efficiently

6.4 tempfile—Temporary File System Objects

6.5 shutil—High-Level File Operations

6.6 mmap—Memory-Map Files

6.7 codecs—String Encoding and Decoding

6.8 StringIO—Text Buffers with a File-like API

6.9 fnmatch—UNIX-Style Glob Pattern Matching

6.10 dircache—Cache Directory Listings

6.11 filecmp—Compare Files

** Chapter 7: Data Persistence and Exchange (page 333)

7.1 pickle—Object Serialization

7.2 shelve—Persistent Storage of Objects

7.3 anydbm—DBM-Style Databases

7.4 whichdb—Identify DBM-Style Database Formats

7.5 sqlite3—Embedded Relational Database

7.6 xml.etree.ElementTree—XML Manipulation API

7.7 csv—Comma-Separated Value Files

** Chapter 8: Data Compression and Archiving (page 421)

8.1 zlib—GNU zlib Compression

8.2 gzip—Read and Write GNU Zip Files

8.3 bz2—bzip2 Compression

8.4 tarfile—Tar Archive Access

8.5 zipfile—ZIP Archive Access

** Chapter 9: Cryptography (page 469)

9.1 hashlib—Cryptographic Hashing

9.2 hmac—Cryptographic Message Signing and Verification

** Chapter 10: Processes and Threads (page 481)

10.1 subprocess—Spawning Additional Processes

10.2 signal—Asynchronous System Events

10.3 threading—Manage Concurrent Operations

10.4 multiprocessing—Manage Processes like Threads

 ** Chapter 11: Networking (page 561)

11.1 socket—Network Communication

11.2 select—Wait for I/O Efficiently

11.3 SocketServer—Creating Network Servers

11.4 asyncore—Asynchronous I/O

11.5 asynchat—Asynchronous Protocol Handler

 Chapter 12: The Internet (page 637)

12.1 urlparse—Split URLs into Components

12.2 BaseHTTPServer—Base Classes for Implementing Web Servers

12.3 urllib—Network Resource Access

12.4 urllib2—Network Resource Access

12.5 base64—Encode Binary Data with ASCII

12.6 robotparser—Internet Spider Access Control

12.7 Cookie—HTTP Cookies

12.8 uuid—Universally Unique Identifiers

12.9 json—JavaScript Object Notation

12.10 xmlrpclib—Client Library for XML-RPC

12.11 SimpleXMLRPCServer—An XML-RPC Server

 ** Chapter 13: Email (page 727)

13.1 smtplib—Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client

13.2 smtpd—Sample Mail Servers

13.3 imaplib—IMAP4 Client Library

13.4 mailbox—Manipulate Email Archives

**Chapter 14: Application Building Blocks (page 769)

14.1 getopt—Command-Line Option Parsing

14.2 optparse—Command-Line Option Parser

14.3 argparse—Command-Line Option and Argument Parsing

14.4 readline—The GNU Readline Library

14.5 getpass—Secure Password Prompt

14.6 cmd—Line-Oriented Command Processors

14.7 shlex—Parse Shell-Style Syntaxes

14.8 ConfigParser—Work with Configuration Files

14.9 logging—Report Status, Error, and Informational Messages

14.10 fileinput—Command-Line Filter Framework

14.11 atexit—Program Shutdown Callbacks

14.12 sched—Timed Event Scheduler

** Chapter 15: Internationalization and Localization (page 899)

15.1 gettext—Message Catalogs

15.2 locale—Cultural Localization API

 ** Chapter 16: Developer Tools (page 919)

16.1 pydoc—Online Help for Modules

16.2 doctest—Testing through Documentation

16.3 unittest—Automated Testing Framework

16.4 traceback—Exceptions and Stack Traces

16.5 cgitb—Detailed Traceback Reports

16.6 pdb—Interactive Debugger

16.7 trace—Follow Program Flow

16.8 profile and pstats—Performance Analysis

16.9 timeit—Time the Execution of Small Bits of Python Code

16.10 compileall—Byte-Compile Source Files

16.11 pyclbr—Class Browser

** Chapter 17: Runtime Features (page 1045)

17.1 site—Site-Wide Configuration

17.2 sys—System-Specific Configuration

17.3 os—Portable Access to Operating System Specific Features

17.4 platform—System Version Information

17.5 resource—System Resource Management

17.6 gc—Garbage Collector

17.7 sysconfig—Interpreter Compile-Time Configuration

 ** Chapter 18: Language Tools (page 1169)

18.1 warnings—Nonfatal Alerts

18.2 abc—Abstract Base Classes

18.3 dis—Python Bytecode Disassembler

18.4 inspect—Inspect Live Objects

18.5 exceptions—Built-in Exception Classes

** Chapter 19: Modules and Packages (page 1235)

19.1 imp—Python’s Import Mechanism

19.2 zipimport—Load Python Code from ZIP Archives

19.3 pkgutil—Package Utilities

 *Index of Python Modules (page 1259)*

Index (page 1261)
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