[Baypiggies] 2017 Adult Ed.: "Hands on Python 3.5"

Dan Bikle bikle101 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 16:48:43 EST 2016

Hello World,

I invite you to a new Python Class:

"Hands on Python 3.5"

Saturdays 10m to 2pm Jan 07 through Feb 25

Brought to you by Santa Clara Adult Education.

The cost is $300 for 8 weeks of instruction.


Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Python

Class Description:

In a computer-lab environment we build software projects from most popular
Anaconda Python packages.

Why Anaconda?

Anaconda is a high quality Python distribution constructed by a team of
experienced engineers.

This is a project based learning opportunity. You can work solo or try to
find a coding partner.

If you want to learn Python better, you could use this class and Anaconda
Python packages.

Or, maybe use this class to build projects from Python packages.

If your project is awesome, you could turn it into a startup.

In the class you will get feedback from peers and advice from an expert
software instructor.

Half of class-time will be lecture, half will be hands-on lab.

During the week, between classes, you will have access to online help from
the instructor and other students.

All the students will be encouraged to use the same VirtualBox Ubuntu 16
environment with the aim of reducing cross-platform problems.

But, do your development on a Mac or PC if you want.

Additionally the class will provide you an Ubuntu 16 AWS AMI if you want to
develop and collaborate over the internet.

After the 8 week session, you might have some new coding friends who want
to will help you learn more.

Most Anaconda Packages are listed below:


Maybe you will see something worthy of study in the above list.

A subset of the above list is listed below:

*Package                   Version   *
*anaconda-navigator        1.3.1     *

*babel                     2.3.4     *

*beautifulsoup4            4.5.1     *

*blaze                     0.10.1    *

*bokeh                     0.12.2    *

*bottleneck                1.1.0     *

*cloudpickle               0.2.1     *

*cryptography              1.5       *

*cython                    0.24.1    *

*decorator                 4.0.10    *

*fastcache                 1.0.2     *

*flask                     0.11.1    *

*gstreamer                 1.8.0     *

*hdf5                      1.8.17    *

*imagesize                 0.7.1     *

*itsdangerous              0.24      *

*jinja2                    2.8       *

*jsonschema                2.5.1     *

*jupyter                   1.0.0     *

*markupsafe                0.23      *

*matplotlib                1.5.3     *

*mkl                       11.3.3    *

*mpmath                    0.19      *

*numba                     0.28.1    *

*numpy                     1.11.1    *

*pandas                    0.18.1    *

*pytables           *

*pytz                      2016.6.1  *

*pyyaml                    3.12      *

*redis-py                  2.10.5    *

*requests                  2.11.1    *

*rope                      0.9.4     *

*scikit-learn              0.17.1    *

*scipy                     0.18.1    *

*sphinx                    1.4.6     *

*spyder                    3.0.0     *

*sqlalchemy                1.0.13    *

*statsmodels               0.6.1     *

*terminado                 0.6       *

*tornado                   4.4.1     *

*unicodecsv                0.14.1    *

*wheel                     0.29.0    *
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