[Baypiggies] Please update baypggies.net / 28-Jan / Explore Gitinternals using Python / Let's write "git log" in Python

Phu Sam psam1304 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 01:40:12 EST 2016



On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

> [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> This message is eligible
> for Automatic Cleanup! (glen at glenjarvis.com) Add cleanup rule
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> I saw no -1 votes for me stepping up to the plate and corralling cats for
> our next MeetUp. I even saw a +1, w00t I'm in the black. :)
> Please update BayPIGgies.net:
> Who: Glen Jarvis
> What: Explore Git internals using Python | Let's write "git log" in Python
> When: Thursday, January 28, 2016 7:30 PM
> Where: LinkedIn Corporation / Stierlin Ct. / Mountain View / CA / Exact
> address and room not yet known
> Why: Because we need to know the airspeed of an unladen swallow
> Git is a powerful tool for source control. It's often misunderstood and
> abused. Under the surface Git is an elegant and simple data structure. When
> you don't understand that data structure, you don't really understand Git.
> It is flexible enough to give you all the rope that you need to hang
> yourself in Git hell. However, if you understand it, metaphorical Gordian
> knots seem simple and Git hell doesn't exist.
> Python is an elegant programming language heavily influenced by ABC "a
> teaching language, a replacement for BASIC...." [1] It's a perfect tool
> that looks like pseudo-code but executes. However, even with its
> simplicity, it is one of the most powerful programming languages that
> exists. It is a perfect language to document and run the Git data structure
> as we explore it.
> In this talk, we start with a simple explanation of the Git data structure
> on disk. We then begin live-coding to read those data structures and
> reconstruct a `git log` command for any arbitrary git repository without
> using the `git` command [2]. When finished, we should have our own working
> command that does the same thing as `git log` for any arbitrary repository,
> on any branch. We'll simply start at `HEAD` and work our way down the data
> structure.
> Although it is not *useful* to have a Python version of Git, it is *fun*.
> Also, this exploration helps you understand the Git tool on a much deeper
> level. When you can program something, you can understand it. And,
> understanding Git helps you be a better developer and collaborator.
> About the Speaker
> =============
> Glen Jarvis has been programming Python for over 7 years and has been
> programming in different languages for over twenty years. Before that, he
> was a highly certified database administrator and has been certified in
> Linux/Unix administration by UC-Berkeley.
> He has worked for companies such as IBM, UC-Berkeley, Sprint and many
> Silicon Valley Start-ups. He has worked in the fields of Databases, Data
> Science, Bioinformatics and Web Technologies.
> Glen has been working for two years at RepairPal, a very successful
> start-up that gives you free estimates for what your car repair *should*
> cost [3]. He is currently putting the "Dev" in "DevOps" using Ansible (and
> Ruby).
> He additionally owns a consulting and training company, Glen Jarvis, LLC,
> that mentors budding programmers. Some of his training Videos include How
> to create a free AWS instance, Ansible Hands-On Training, and An
> introduction to Test Driven Development. He has also been an open source
> contributor [4].
> [1]
> http://python-history.blogspot.com/2009/02/early-language-design-and-development.html
> [2] With one small caveat. There is only one plumbing command used to read
> a binary file `git cat-file`. The rest is ASCII text that we can
> read/open/manipulate.
> [3] http://repairpal.com/
> [4] https://github.com/glenjarvis/
> Also, note that I have cross-posted this on my own company's MeetUp site.
> Although this is not the BayPIGgies site, the more people that we see RSVP
> here, the more newcomers will be interested in attending (no one likes
> being the first one at a party):
> http://www.meetup.com/silicon-valley-python/events/228104282/
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