[borgbackup] Borg speed tuning on large files

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Tue Aug 25 18:45:05 EDT 2015

> No encryption.  Tested with compression and without - observed the
> behavior you described below, but the volume of data pretty much
> requires compression to properly function.  I tried compression levels
> of 0 and 3.

Maybe try 1 until lz4 is available. That's relatively fast and still

> Completely understood, and I am assuming starting multiple borg
> processes in parallel for each file is not a good idea?

You can run up to N borg in parallel (if N is your cpu core count), but
only if the target repo of each is a different one, otherwise they will
block each other.


GPG FP: 6D5B EF9A DD20 7580 5747 B70F 9F88 FB52 FAF7 B393

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