[Borgbackup] Export without keyfile (feature request ;))

Support SimpleRezo simplerezo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 14:39:24 EDT 2018

Hi list!

I will try to explain what I want to achieve :)

I'm backuping datas from server (S) with borg on a remote server (R) and
since I don't want that datas can be readed on the remote, I'm using
"keyfile" encryption.
But, because I want some kind of "double-safety", I want to export an
encrypted image on a "cold storage", but directly from the borg repository
because (S) don't have a very high speed or stable connexion.

So, it would be awesome if:
  - directly on (R) I was able to "extract" a tar encrypted without the
need of keyfile (don't know if it's possible by design) ;
  - or, probably simpler to implement, sending from (S) a extract-tar
request but the tar would be generated directly on (R) (with datas
encrypted) without the need to data transit from (R)...

I was thinking about doing it by scripting (from S through a ssh channel,
with extract-tar piped into openssl), but this will necessary means that
(R) will have keyfile temporaly in memory (and reguires (R) to


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