[Borgbackup] Repo init failure on a NFS directory with a raspberry pi 4

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Tue Jun 30 09:40:53 EDT 2020

> "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/borg/crypto/file_integrity.py",
> line 75 in write
> Bus Error

That is likely an unaligned access.

This occurs when not running ARM in "fixup" mode, then it just blows up 
when doing an unaligned access.

In "fixup" mode, a software exception handler would just make the access 
work as expected.

I heard that on raspi, the 32bit kernel usually runs in fixup mode, but 
the 64bit kernel does not (which i would say is an obviously bad idea).


- there is an issue about that in our github issue tracker
- the unaligned access is not in borg code, but in a library / 3rd party 
code borg uses


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