[Borgbackup] Disk usage of repository

Bzzzz lazyvirus at gmx.com
Fri Feb 18 16:06:09 EST 2022

On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 19:36:11 +0100
Support SimpleRezo <simplerezo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi

Hi Simple ;-),

> Because I need to retrieve some space, I'm trying to figure out which
> archive is using space. I ran "borg info -P ''" to have a look at
> "Deduplicated size" of each archive.

To achieve that, as you have many common parts to all backups, the best
is to keep a logbook, either a manual one or better: use the comment
possibility for each backup.

For example, when I migrated some big data from one server to another
among several days, I changed my (manual) script to ask for a backup
comment where I wrote down the main changes - this way, when I was
absolutely sure there was no data corruption on the new server and
several days had passed, I was able to destroy all former backups from
the original server up to the day after the migration, recovering a lot
of place.

My €¢0.017658753


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