[Borgbackup] file changed while we backed it up

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Sat May 13 07:59:19 EDT 2023

> last night I got two files reported with "file changed while we backed 
> it up". Is there an option to get reported file date & size, rwx, 
> owner:group, or whatever is meant?


It detects changes in the ctime ("inode change time") timestamp of the file.

> (The reported files are video files 
> from last year that should not have changed.)

That's strange. Any cronjobs that do chown/chmod or ACL changes? Any 
search indexer or other tool modifying xattrs?

> What happens if this occurs: is the old file backed up, the new one, 
> something between, or nothing?

Something in between. How serious that is of course depends on the 
specific change (could be metadata, could be content data).

borg 1.x just backs up whatever it gets from the filesystem.

borg2 will do some retries in such a case.

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