[Bundle-sponsorship-wg] International PyCon Prospectus

M.-A. Lemburg mal at python.org
Tue Apr 12 11:14:23 EDT 2016

On 12.04.2016 06:13, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> One thing I did look up was metrics on what's considered a reasonable
> processing-cost-per-invoice for corporate Finance departments, and
> that seems to be around the USD$5-12 mark, at least in the US:
> http://ww2.cfo.com/expense-management/2015/06/metric-month-accounts-payable-process-cost/

This would just be the invoice processing, which is essentially
what we'd need to cover Kurt's work w/r to associated payments.

> Since we're currently proposing an admin fee of 10-20x that even for
> the 3% "All the PyCons" level (and 50-100x for the a la carte level),
> we're likely going to need to adjust the way we cover those costs
> (e.g. making it a fixed charge per conference per sponsor, rather than
> scaling with the amount they distribute to participating conferences).

The bulk part of the administration will be chasing up the right
people in the resp. conference teams, making sure the right people
connect and doing all the upfront work of finding common denominators
among the different packages.

The main advantage for the sponsors is not having to get e.g. 10+
conference teams signed up to their procurement systems every year.
I wouldn't underestimate the costs of this either, even though it's
an internal spending.

If you look at absolute numbers, the admin charge is still a bargain
compared to having to work directly with the conference teams for
billing purposes.

I guess we're just not making these advantages explicit enough to
the sponsors.

Regardless of all this, sponsors don't seem to have widely open
pockets this year anyway, so the slow response is just showing
here as well.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Software Foundation

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