[Canberra-PUG] Proposed meeting date

Paul C. Leopardi paul.leopardi at anu.edu.au
Mon May 6 03:59:06 CEST 2013

Hi Padarn,
On Sunday 05 May 2013 14:21:40 Padarn Wilson wrote:
> I'd like to propose the 13th of June for our next meeting. Our plan was to
> have meetings on the  first Thursday of every month, but I may be away on
> the 6th of June. Will lock this date in soon unless there are objections.
> Speakers for the next meeting currently are:
> - Me, giving an introduction to the ipython notebook (and perhaps some
> other ipython tricks I use).
> - Andrew Rowe (ABS) talking about Python performance.

That date may clash with the Canberra LUG Programming SIG meeting, since it is 
generally on the second Thursday of the month.

Please contact the organizers to check:
Paul Wayper <paulway at mabula.net> http://clug.org.au/

Maybe we could combine the CPUG and PSIG meetings in June? The PSIG meeting is 
always on the lookout for speakers.
All the best, Paul
Paul Leopardi

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