[Canberra-PUG] August Meeting - Jonah Sullivan, Using python to automate geoprocessing

Gavin Jackson gavin.jackson at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 06:05:59 CEST 2014

 Hi all, next CPUG meeting has been confirmed!

Thu, 7 August, 18:00
John Dedman G35 (the Neumann room) at ANU

Using python to automate geoprocessing

There are a few open-source geoprocessing libraries (GDAL, GRASS, QGIS)
most government agencies use ArcGIS, which supports Python 2.7 (with no
plans to move to version 3). Nearly all of the capabilities of ArcGIS can
be invoked through scripting, and even some capabilities that are not
available through the GUI (multiprocessing).  I'll be talking about what
works and what doesn't work when automating workflows using python

*Speaker Bio:*
Jonah Sullivan
Geospatial Analyst at Geoscience Australia.
Specialising in LiDAR and point cloud data.
Python user for less than 5 years.

PS Don't forget to sign up to the G+ community to keep abreast of upcoming
events and discussions within the Canberra Python community. Also, please
contribute news, articles, interesting packages:


Looking for a September speaker(s) - contact me if you are keen!


{e} gavin.jackson at gmail.com {mb} 0422 443 980
{skype} gavin6252 {twitter} @gavz {blog} www.gavinj.net
{g+} profiles.google.com/gavin.jackson
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