[Canberra-PUG] PyCon Australia 2015 Programme Released!

Clinton Roy clinton.roy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 05:39:49 CEST 2015

PyCon Australia is proud to release our programme for 2015, spread over the
weekend of August 1st and 2nd, following our Miniconfs on Friday 31 July.

 Following our largest ever response to our Call for Proposals, we are able
to present two keynotes, forty eight talks and two tutorials. The
conference will feature four full tracks of presentations, covering all
aspects of the Python ecosystem, presented by experts and core developers
of key Python technology. Our presenters cover a broad range of
backgrounds, including industry, research, government and academia.

We are still finalising our Miniconf timetable, but we expect another
thirty talks for Friday. We'd like to highlight the inaugural running of
the Education Miniconf whose primary aim is to bring educators and the
Python community closer together.

The full schedule for PyCon Australia 2015 can be found at

PyCon Australia has endeavoured to keep tickets as affordable as possible.
We are able to do so, thanks to our Sponsors and Contributors.
Registrations for PyCon Australia 2015 are now open, with prices starting
at AU$50 for students, and tickets for the general public starting at
AU$240. All prices include GST, and more information can be found at

We have also worked out favourable deals with accommodation providers for
PyCon delegates. Find out more about the options at

To begin the registration process, and find out more about each level of
ticket, visit http://2015.pycon-au.org/register/prices
Important Dates to Help You Plan

   - June 29: Financial Assistance program
   <https://2015.pycon-au.org/grants> closes.
   - July 8: Last day to Order PyCon Australia 2015 T-shirts
   - July 19: Last day to Advise Special Dietary Requirements
   - July 31 : PyCon Australia 2015 Begins

About PyCon Australia

PyCon Australia is the national conference for the Python Programming
Community. The sixth PyCon Australia will be held on July 31 through August
4th, 2015 in Brisbane, bringing together professional, student and
enthusiast developers with a love for developing with Python. PyCon
Australia informs the country’s Python developers with presentations,
tutorials and panel sessions by experts and core developers of Python, as
well as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on.

To find out more about PyCon Australia 2015, visit our website at
http://pycon-au.org or e-mail us at contact at pycon-au.org.

PyCon Australia is presented by Linux Australia (www.linux.org.au) and
acknowledges the support of our Platinum Sponsors, Red Hat Asia-Pacific,
and Netbox Blue; and our Gold sponsors, The Australian Signals Directorate
and Google Australia. For full details of our sponsors, see our website.

Clinton Roy
Head PyCon Australia 2014/15 Organiser
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