[Canberra-PUG] Fwd: [PyCon-AU-announce] DjangoConAU returns for PyCon AU 2016

Gavin Jackson gavin.jackson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 22:18:39 EST 2016

Hi guys,

Just in case you missed it - I'll be forwarding pycon.au announcements to
this list.

It's an awesome conference that is definitely worth getting to if you are
able - I've attended a few Django miniconfs and they are awesome too (last
year I actually thought it rivalled the main conference - and I'm not even
a django developer!).


{e} gavin.jackson at gmail.com {mb} 0422 443 980
{skype} gavin6252 {twitter} @gavz {blog} www.gavinj.net
{g+} profiles.google.com/gavin.jackson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 10:25 AM
Subject: [PyCon-AU-announce] DjangoConAU returns for PyCon AU 2016
To: pycon-au-announce at lists.linux.org.au

PyCon AU 2016 is happy to announce the first of our special events,
DjangoCon AU! DjangoCon AU is a special one-day event for the anyone using
Django - from beginners just learning how to build their own websites, to
experienced engineers looking for tips to optimize their high traffic site.

Django is a fantastic web framework for Python, and has a huge developer
base in Australia. “Django users make up a big part of the Python
community, and DjangoCon AU has been part of PyCon AU since special event
days were introduced 4 years ago. We’re extremely excited to be back again
in 2016,” said event coordinator and Django core team member Dr Russell

The Django community is also very welcoming to new contributors and users,
making it one of the best ways to get started with free software
development and making Django a great technology choice. More information
about the call for presentations and how to get involved will be circulated
as we get closer to the main event. For now, block out your diaries from
August 12 to 16th, start preparing your travel plans and buttering up your
boss in preparation for this fantastic event.

=== About PyCon Australia ===

PyCon Australia is the national conference for the Python programming
community. The seventh PyCon Australia will be held on August 12-16 2016 in
Melbourne, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast
developers with a love for programming in Python. PyCon Australia informs
the country’s developers with presentations by experts and core developers
of Python, as well as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on.

To find out more about PyCon Australia 2016, visit our website at
http://pycon-au.org, follow us at @pyconau <https://twitter.com/pyconau> or
e-mail us at contact at pycon-au.org.

They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

pycon-au-announce mailing list
pycon-au-announce at lists.linux.org.au
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