[capi-sig] wrapping C library with asynchronous callbacks

Scott Koranda skoranda at gravity.phys.uwm.edu
Sat Jun 20 06:08:21 CEST 2009


I am wrapping a C library that uses an asynchronous
programming model. 

Operations in the C library are invoked by calling a function
and including as one of the arguments a callback function that
is to be called when the operation is completed. The function
call to start the operation returns immediately and the work
is done by a separate thread(s). When the operation is
complete the separate thread(s) calls the callback function
provided as input.

Below is a skeleton code sample that demonstrates how I am
attempting to wrap the C library.

I would be grateful if the experts could verify that I am
using  PyGILState_Ensure()/PyGILState_Release() correctly, or
if not please help me understand what I am doing wrong.

Also, is the call to PyEval_InitThreads() before the C library
creates any new threads necessary and sufficient?

Some Python code that I wrote that uses my wrapping module
(and a large number of other modules) is occasionally
experiencing deadlock. I am attempting to debug that and would
like to rule out errors in how I have wrapped the C library.

I appreciate any input you have.

Also, right now my need is to support using this wrapper
module with Python 2.4.x and Python 2.5.x.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "mylibrary.h"

#include "Python.h"

// used to store pointers to the Python objects that should
// be used during a callback for completion of operation 01
typedef struct
    PyObject * pyfunction; // Python object for the Python function to call as callback
    PyObject * pyarg;      // Python object for the Python argument to pass in to the callback
} operation01_callback_bucket_t;

// callback for the completion of operation 01
static void operation01_callback(void * user_data) 
    PyObject * func;
    PyObject * arglist; 
    PyObject * result; 
    PyObject * arg;

    operation01_callback_bucket_t  * callbackBucket;

    // cast the user_data that the libraries are passing in to the
    // callback structure where we previously stored the Python function and
    // arguments to call
    callbackBucket = (operation01_callback_bucket_t *) user_data;
    // we need to obtain the Python GIL before this thread can manipulate any Python object
    PyGILState_STATE gstate;
    gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

    // pick off the function and argument pointers we want to pass back into Python
    func = callbackBucket -> pyfunction;
    arg = callbackBucket -> pyarg;

    // prepare the arg list to pass into the Python callback function
    arglist = Py_BuildValue("(O)", arg);

    // now call the Python callback function
    result = PyEval_CallObject(func, arglist);

    if (result == NULL) {
        // something went wrong so print to stderr

    // take care of reference handling

    // release the Python GIL from this thread

    // free the space the callback bucket was holding


// initialize operation 01
PyObject * operation01(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject * completeCallbackFunctionObj;
    PyObject * completeCallbackArgObj;

    operation01_callback_bucket_t * callbackBucket = NULL;

    int result;

    // get Python arguments
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", 
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unable to parse arguments");
        return NULL;
    // create a third party callback struct to hold the callback information
    callbackBucket = (operation01_callback_bucket_t *) malloc(sizeof(operation01_callback_bucket_t));
    callbackBucket -> pyfunction = completeCallbackFunctionObj;
    callbackBucket -> pyarg = completeCallbackArgObj;

    // since we are holding pointers to these objects we need to increase
    // the reference count for each
    Py_XINCREF(callbackBucket -> pyfunction);
    Py_XINCREF(callbackBucket -> pyarg);

    // kick off operation01


    result = operation01(
                        (void *) callbackBucket


    if (result != 0){
        sprintf(msg, "rc = %d: unable to start operation01", result);
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, msg);
        return NULL;
    // return None to indicate success


// method table mapping names to wrappers
static PyMethodDef mywrappermethods[] = {
    {"operation01", operation01, METH_VARARGS},
    {NULL, NULL}

// module initialization function
void initmywrapper(){
    PyObject * module;
    PyObject * moduleDict;

    // this is called before the C library creates any threads

    // get handle to the module dictionary
    module = Py_InitModule("mywrapper", mywrappermethods);
    moduleDict = PyModule_GetDict(module);


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