From  Sat Mar 10 18:22:26 2001
From: (Francois Granger)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 19:22:26 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] For french Pythoneers
Message-ID: <v04210111b6d0212b4498@[]>

Sorry for this message in french. There is a UsenetFR vote on 
creating the newsgroup fr.comp.lang.python. And I feel important to 
get as many french pytoneer as possible to vote for this.

Le premier appel à voter pour la création d'un groupe de discussion 
sur Python est paru.

Allez dans  et cherchez le message dont le sujet est :
[AAV 1] Creation de fr.comp.lang.python (non-modere)
Message-ID: <>

et votez ;-)

PS: "Votez OUI, votez NON mais votez"
PPS: "Je vous parle d'un temps / Que les moins de vingt ans / Ne 
peuvent pas connaitre..."

"Faites des phrases courtes. Un sujet, un verbe, un complément. Quand 
vous voudrez ajouter un adjectif, vous viendrez me voir." - Georges 
Clemenceau, 1841-1929, médecin et homme politique français. Consignes 
aux journalistes de "L'Aurore". d'après 

From  Sat Mar 10 20:02:35 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 15:02:35 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Tasks arising from IPC9
Message-ID: <>

Various events related to the Catalog- and Distutils-SIG happened at
IPC9 this past week.  To summarize them:

* Sean Reifschneider demonstrated swalow during the Lightning Talks
  session and got a favorable reaction from the attendees.

* Packaging was discussed at Paul Prescod's BoF session, and some
  decisions were made there.  (More about that below...)

* On Developer's Day, Moshe turned over half of his "Batteries Included" 
  session to me for catalog discussion, and a few more items were
  added to the task list.

So, here's the plan of action:

1) For 2.1final, change the Distutils sdist command to construct a
   text file containing the metadata for a package.  Exactly *what*
   metadata to collect was left open for subsequent discussion on the
   Catalog-SIG.  (Amos has a patch to implement this that I'll look at
   when I can.)  

   This is the only thing to be done in time for 2.1, so it's the only
   really pressing task.

2) Once that metadata support is there, someone can start running an 
   experimental swalow server and begin adding to its database.
   If Python 2.2 comes along in 6-12 months, that should be enough
   time to have an idea of what should go into 2.2 to support it.
3) Other Distutils changes would be to design and create a package
   database, and implement an uninstall command.  The 'sdist' command
   would also grow an --upload or --register option that would
   automatically submit the package to the catalog (but first we'd need
   to finalize how that should be done).

I'll make a separate post to start the metadata discussion.


From  Sat Mar 10 21:00:40 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 16:00:40 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Note about metadata discussion
Message-ID: <>

A discussion of the metadata fields for Python software packages is
now going on in the Distutils SIG.  Given that most people are there
and not here, we'll have further discussions there.  I'll look into
winding up the Catalog-SIG mailing list this week.


From  Sun Mar 11 16:33:20 2001
From: (
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 16:33:20
Subject: [Catalog-sig] FREE Biotech Stock Info!    807
Message-ID: <>


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From  Tue Mar 13 16:08:35 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:08:35 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PEP 241 draft
Message-ID: <>

[Followups set to, since that's where most of
 the posters are.]

I've checked in a first draft of PEP 241.  Here it is; please offer
comments and changes.

PEP: 241
Title: Metadata for Python Software Packages
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Author: A.M. Kuchling <>
Type: Standards Track
Created: 12-Mar-2001
Status: Draft


    This PEP specifies the names and semantics of the fields used to store
    metadata about Python software packages.  

Including Metadata in Packages

    The Distutils 'sdist' command will be modified to extract the
    metadata fields from the arguments and write them to a file in the
    generated zipfile or tarball.  This file will be named METADATA
    and will be placed in the top directory of the source
    distribution (where the README, INSTALL, and other files usually

    Authors might expect to include a METADATA file of their own that
    would be used instead of the generated file, but this will not be
    permitted.  It would be confusing if person B makes a custom
    release of person A's software, modifies accordingly, but
    uses identical metadata because person B didn't delete the
    METADATA file.  When running the 'sdist' command, a user-supplied
    METADATA file will be ignored and a warning about this action will
    be printed.

    XXX are we sure RFC-822 is enough? 
    The METADATA file format is a single set of RFC-822 headers
    parseable by the module.  The field names listed in the
    following section are used as the header names.


    This section specifies the names and semantics of each of the
    supported metadata fields.

      The name of the package.  XXX what's the set of legal characters?

      Example: 'BeagleVote'

      A string containing the package's version number.  This
      field should be parseable by one of the Version classes
      (StrictVersion or LooseVersion) in the distutils.version

      Example: '1.0a2'

      A (XXX whitespace?  comma?)-separated list of platform
      specifications.  Platform specifications are limited to the
      following list:

      XXX copy list from PPD?  SourceForge?

      Example: 'XXX'

      A one-line summary of what the package does.

      Example: "A module for collecting votes from beagles."
    Long-Description (optional)

      A longer description of the package that can run to several
      paragraphs.  (Software that deals with metadata should not
      assume any maximum size for this field, though one hopes that
      people won't include their instruction manual as the

      Example: 'This module collects votes from beagles in order to
      determine their electoral wishes.  Do NOT try to use this module
      with basset hounds; it makes them grumpy.'

      A list of additional keywords to be used to assist searching
      for this package in a larger catalog.

      XXX Keywords should probably be constrained to be from a fixed
      list, but I don't think this can be enforced by the 'sdist'
      command.  (The list might be large, and it could only be updated
      with new Distutils releases, which seems too inflexible.)
      Example: 'dog puppy voting election'
    Home-page (optional)

      A string containing the URL for the package's home page.

      Example: ''
    Author (optional)

      A string containing at a minimum the author's name.  Contact
      information can also be added, separating each line with

      Example: 'C. Schultz\nUniversal Features Syndicate\nLos Angeles, CA'

      A string containing the author's e-mail address.  It can contain
      a name and e-mail address in the legal forms for a RFC-822
      'From:' header ("name <email>" or "email (name)").  It's not
      optional because cataloging systems can use the e-mail portion
      of this field as a unique key representing the author.  A
      catalog might provide authors the ability to store their GPG
      key, personal home page, and other additional metadata *about
      the author*.  Author-related metadata fields are not covered by
      this PEP.  (XXX should they be?  I think not, since nothing in
      this PEP will deal with author data at all.)

      Example: 'C. Schultz <>'
      A string selected from a short list of choices, specifying the
      license covering the package.  Some licenses result in the
      software being freely redistributable, so packagers and
      resellers can automatically know that they're free to
      redistribute the software.  Other licenses will require
      a careful reading by a human to determine the software can be
      repackaged and resold.

      The choices are:

        XXX copy list from SourceForge, + 'Other'


    This document has been placed in the public domain.

Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil

From  Thu Mar 15 05:45:25 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:45:25 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] PEP 241 draft
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 11:08:35AM -0500
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 11:08:35AM -0500, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
>    generated zipfile or tarball.  This file will be named METADATA

See my previous message for why I don't like "METADATA".

>    Authors might expect to include a METADATA file of their own that
>    would be used instead of the generated file, but this will not be
>    permitted.  It would be confusing if person B makes a custom
>    release of person A's software, modifies accordingly, but
>    uses identical metadata because person B didn't delete the
>    METADATA file.  When running the 'sdist' command, a user-supplied
>    METADATA file will be ignored and a warning about this action will
>    be printed.

Alternate wording:

   Developers may not provide their own "METADATA" file.  The "sdist"
   command will, if it detects an existing "METADATA" file, terminate
   with an appropriate error message.  This should prevent confusion
   caused by the "METADATA" and "" files being out of sync.

>    XXX are we sure RFC-822 is enough? 
>    The METADATA file format is a single set of RFC-822 headers
>    parseable by the module.  The field names listed in the
>    following section are used as the header names.

RFC822 is an interesting choice.  I was initially thinking XML, but I kind
of like the RFC822 idea.  Probably good to note above that multi-line
entries must have white-space at the beginning of their continued lines...

>    Name
>      The name of the package.  XXX what's the set of legal characters?
>      Example: 'BeagleVote'

Questions: Is it expected this name corresponds either to the name of the
package which is imported, or the package top-level directory name?  If so,
what do we do about alternative packages that provide different implementations
of the same functionality?  I suppose we could reasonably expect to make
use of "import urllib2 as urllib" to take care of that.

Proposed valid characters: [-a-zA-Z_0-9]

>    Platforms
>      A (XXX whitespace?  comma?)-separated list of platform
>      specifications.  Platform specifications are limited to the
>      following list:

Does this include platform name, platform version, and architecture?  Like
redhat-7.0-x86, windows-nt-hppa, etc?

>    Description

See my other message about "Description" versus "Short-Description" and

What about:

   Group (such as "Database", "Network/SMTP", etc)?
   Provides (maybe "urllib2" would provide "urllib"?)
   Requires (dependences -- RPM for example has multiple lines of the
         form "Requires: initscripts >= 3.25", "Requires: openssl >= 0.9.4")

In general, it looks good.

 There is no force so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
                 -- Everett Dirkson
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Thu Mar 15 17:02:12 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 12:02:12 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] PEP 241 draft
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 10:45:25PM -0700
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 10:45:25PM -0700, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
>Alternate wording:
>   Developers may not provide their own "METADATA" file.  The "sdist"

More fascist; I like it!  Will add it...

>Questions: Is it expected this name corresponds either to the name of the
>package which is imported, or the package top-level directory name?  If so,

I don't think so; consider "Sketch", which may not actually
have a Sketch package.  

>what do we do about alternative packages that provide different implementations
>of the same functionality?  I suppose we could reasonably expect to make
>use of "import urllib2 as urllib" to take care of that.

>Does this include platform name, platform version, and architecture?  Like
>redhat-7.0-x86, windows-nt-hppa, etc?

I wish I knew!  This is the last remaining XXX in the PEP.  Thoughts?

>   Freely-Redistributable
>   Group (such as "Database", "Network/SMTP", etc)?
>   Provides (maybe "urllib2" would provide "urllib"?)
>   Requires (dependences -- RPM for example has multiple lines of the
>         form "Requires: initscripts >= 3.25", "Requires: openssl >= 0.9.4")

I'm lukewarm; can we decide on syntax for all of those fields?
(Semantics can wait; as long as users can put 'Group: blah', we can
figure out what the groups should be later.)  Can
Freely-Redistributable be derived from the License field?  (Side
effect: discourages using your own Open Source license).  Will
comma-separated values be sufficient for the last 3?


From  Thu Mar 15 23:45:22 2001
From: (John J. Lee)
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:45:22 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] PEP 241 draft
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> figure out what the groups should be later.)  Can
> Freely-Redistributable be derived from the License field?  (Side
> effect: discourages using your own Open Source license).  Will

Freely-Redist. is not something everyone understands in the same way, so I
think it is best done (if at all) as a derived field.  That way it is at
least consistent.


From  Sat Mar 17 08:53:08 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 01:53:08 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] PEP 241 draft
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 11:45:22PM +0000
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 11:45:22PM +0000, John J. Lee wrote:
>Freely-Redist. is not something everyone understands in the same way, so I

Such is life...  There are a lot of things that not everyone understands in
the same way.  We put a reasonable definition in the PEP, and that's what's
used as the guide for understanding it.  If you think the name is bad,
I'm open to another name, but I think specifying that is useful.

To some, the "Freely-redistributable" field is more important than the
License field.  The lack of such a field has constantly been painful in
CPAN.  At the least, if we imply this from the License field, the PEP
should list what licenses we imply that from.

On thinking of it more, I'm thinking that another name is probably good.
"Redistributable" with a value of "yes", "no", or "unmodified".  For example,
DJB's stuff is freely redistributable ONLY if it's unmodified or binaries
built from an unmodified source.

 Linux:  When you need to run like a greased weasel.
                 -- Sean Reifschneider, 1998
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Tue Mar 20 01:17:41 2001
From: (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 20:17:41 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PEP 241 posted
Message-ID: <>

I've posted PEP 241 to, so make any final comments.  Time for
me to start implementing...


From  Tue Mar 20 06:49:33 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 23:49:33 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Message-ID: <>

Here is PEP 243, discussing how to make Distutils submit .tar.gz
packages (and the like) to the mythical catalog server.  I've got code for
this prototyped, but give me a couple of days to make it completely

Moshe has already commented:

   a. you don't say which URL to post to (just spell it out:
   POST (and let upload override that)

   b. have the codes be HTTP codes and the headers HTTP non-standard
   (X-) headers.  how about using the HTTP headers and error-codes, and
   have *all* the page human readable.

Good comments, I'll look at building them in...

I look forward to any comments -- I'd like to start working on distutils
patches within the week.



PEP: 243
Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Version: $Revision$
Author: (Sean Reifschneider)
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 18-Mar-2001
Python-Version: 2.1


    For a module repository system (such as Perl's CPAN) to be
    successful, it must be as easy as possible for module authors to
    submit their work.  An obvious place for this submit to happen is
    in the Distutils tools after the distribution archive has been
    successfully created.  For example, after a module author has
    tested their software (verifying the results of " sdist"),
    they might type " sdist --submit".  This would flag
    Distutils to submit the source distribution to the archive server
    for inclusion and distribution to the mirrors.

    This PEP only deals with the mechanism for submitting the software
    distributions to the archive, and does not deal with the actual
    archive/catalog server.

Upload Process

    The upload will include the Distutils "PKG-INFO" meta-data
    information (as specified in PEP-241 [1]), the actual software
    distribution, and other optional information.  This information
    will be uploaded as a multi-part form encoded the same as a
    regular HTML file upload request.  This form is posted using
    ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" encoding.

    The upload will be made to the host "" on port
    80/tcp.  The form will consist of the following fields:

	distribution -- The file containing the module software (for
	example, a .tar.gz or .zip file).

	distmd5sum -- The MD5 hash of the uploaded distribution,
	encoded in ASCII representing the hexadecimal representation
	of the digest ("for byte in digest: s = s + ('%02x' %

	pkginfo -- The file containing the distribution meta-data (as
	specified in PEP-241 [1]).

	infomd5sum -- The MD5 hash of the uploaded meta-data, encoded
	in ASCII representing the hexadecimal representation of the
	digest ("for byte in digest: s = s + ('%02x' % ord(byte))").

	platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
	platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
	distributions.  It is encoded as
	"<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".

	signature (optional) -- A GPG signature of the uploaded
	distribution as signed by the author.  This may be used by the
	cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.

Return Data

    The upload will report the status of the upload by sending the
    string "Upload status:" followed by one of the following:

	SUCCESS -- Indicates that the upload has succeeded.

	FAILURE -- The upload is, for some reason, unable to be

	TRYAGAIN -- The server is unable to accept the upload at this
	time, but the client should try again at a later time.
	Potential causes of this are resource shortages on the server,
	administrative down-time, etc...

    Following the above string may be a human-readable string
    providing further information.  This message continues to the end
    of the returned data-stream.

    Returned data which does not fit the above format should be
    treated as a temporary failure.

Sample Form

    The upload client must submit the page in the same form as
    Netscape Navigator version 4.76 for Linux produces when presented
    with the following form:

	<H1>Upload file</H1>
	<FORM NAME="fileupload" METHOD="POST" ACTION="swalowpost.cgi"
	<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="distribution"><BR>
	<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="distmd5sum"><BR>
	<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="pkginfo"><BR>
	<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="infomd5sum"><BR>
	<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="platform"><BR>
	<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="signature"><BR>


    The following are valid os names:


    The above include a number of different types of distributions of
    Linux.  Because of versioning issues these must be split out, and
    it is expected that when it makes sense for one system to use
    distributions made on other similar systems, the download client
    will make the distinction.

    Version is the official version string specified by the vendor for
    the particular release.  For example, "nt" (Windows), "9.04"
    (HP-UX), "7.0" (RedHat, Mandrake).

    The following are valid architectures:



    I currently have a proof-of-concept client and server implemented.
    I plan to have the Distutils patches ready for the 2.1 release.
    Combined with Andrew's PEP-241 [1] for specifying distribution
    meta-data, I hope to have a platform which will allow us to gather
    real-world data for finalizing the catalog system for the 2.2


    [1] Metadata for Python Software Package, Kuchling,


    This document has been placed in the public domain.

Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
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 I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in
 my body.  Then I realized who was telling me this.  -- Emo Phillips
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Tue Mar 20 09:25:00 2001
From: (Moore, Paul)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:25:00 -0000
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RE: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Message-ID: <>

From: Sean Reifschneider []
> PEP: 243
> Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
> 	platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
> 	platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
> 	distributions.  It is encoded as
> 	"<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".

This probably needs to include the Python version for which a binary
distribution was compiled.

> 	signature (optional) -- A GPG signature of the uploaded
> 	distribution as signed by the author.  This may be used by the
> 	cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.

Why GPG? Is that available on all platforms? Could PGP signatures be used
for people on Windows (for example), who probably don't have GPG?

>     The upload client must submit the page in the same form as
>     Netscape Navigator version 4.76 for Linux produces when presented
>     with the following form:

I'd suggest this format be spelled out. I don't have Linux or Netscape, so I
can't determine what the submitted page should look like from this

> Platforms
>     The following are valid os names:
> 	debian
> 	hpux
> 	mandrake
> 	redhat
> 	solaris
> 	suse
> 	windows
> 	yellowdog

dos? beos? mac? This feels very Unix-specific...

>     Version is the official version string specified by the vendor for
>     the particular release.  For example, "nt" (Windows), "9.04"
>     (HP-UX), "7.0" (RedHat, Mandrake).

That's not likely to be precise enough. Is Windows 2000 "2000" or "nt"? It's
binary-compatible with NT. Same goes (and more so) for Windows 9x, which are
most definitely NOT NT, but which are binary-compatible.

Take a Windows security module. It's binary compatible with Windows 9x, NT,
and 2000. But the API calls involved either don't exist, or produce errors
or do nothing on Windows 9x, which has no security features (ducks, waiting
for the "Windows in general has no security features" jokes :-)


From  Tue Mar 20 10:19:45 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 03:19:45 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RE: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 09:25:00AM -0000
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 09:25:00AM -0000, Moore, Paul wrote:
>This probably needs to include the Python version for which a binary
>distribution was compiled.

Good idea.

>Why GPG? Is that available on all platforms? Could PGP signatures be used

Because GPG is available on the server that will be accepting these
connections.  My understanding is that GPG can read some PGP encondings
(more now that RSA has fallen out of patent), so I've changed this to
read "GPG-compatible signature".

You will note that it said *OPTIONAL* there...

>I'd suggest this format be spelled out. I don't have Linux or Netscape, so I
>can't determine what the submitted page should look like from this

I'll see if I can find the RFC which specifies this.  It seems like 2388
may be the one, but 1867 seems to look promising also.

>dos? beos? mac? This feels very Unix-specific...

I'd be willing to bet that it covers a larger percentage of non-unix
platforms than it does the unix platforms.  I've added the ones listed

>>     Version is the official version string specified by the vendor for
>>     the particular release.  For example, "nt" (Windows), "9.04"
>>     (HP-UX), "7.0" (RedHat, Mandrake).
>That's not likely to be precise enough. Is Windows 2000 "2000" or "nt"? It's

Seems pretty precise to me.  Windows 2000 is "2000", NT is "nt", 95 is
"95"...  Distutils can't make a judgement about wether a package is likely
to work on other similar platforms.  Only somone who knows the system
intimately can really determine if it's likely to break on other similar
platforms.  If they are really that close together, then the catalog client
can decide that if it doesn't find a 2k package it should check to see if
there are any NT packages available...

The thing I wondered was wether it was important to differentiate Windows
by the build number, but I think splitting it out by the vendor version is
good enough.

 If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have
 schizophrenia.  -- Thomas Szasz
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Tue Mar 20 17:58:55 2001
From: (Francois Granger)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:58:55 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PEP: 243 Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

on 20/03/01 18:01, at wrote:

> Platforms
>   The following are valid os names:
> debian
> hpux
> mandrake
> redhat
> solaris
> suse
> windows
> yellowdog

What about MacOS ?

From  Wed Mar 21 00:13:08 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:13:08 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> Here is PEP 243, discussing how to make Distutils submit .tar.gz
> packages (and the like) to the mythical catalog server.  I've got code for
> this prototyped, but give me a couple of days to make it completely
> PEP-compliant.

First off, I think it may be too early to draft this PEP. It may make
more sense to wait until we have one or more catalog prototypes

I think that most folks agree that eventually the catalog and distutils
should be integrated to allow you to upload your archive as easily as
possible. However, I think that if this is going to be formalized as a
PEP (rather than evolved as we work with catalog servers) then we should
spell out some requirements and use cases.

>     The upload will be made to the host "" on port
>     80/tcp.

Was the name of the catalog server decided at the conference? Did we
decide who's in charge of it, etc? 
>         pkginfo -- The file containing the distribution meta-data (as
>         specified in PEP-241 [1]).

For source packages this can be extracted from the archive.
>         platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
>         platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
>         distributions.  It is encoded as
>         "<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".

Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
and incompatible ways to specify platform information.
>         signature (optional) -- A GPG signature of the uploaded
>         distribution as signed by the author.  This may be used by the
>         cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.

It might also be used by human downloaders.
> Status
>     I currently have a proof-of-concept client and server implemented.
>     I plan to have the Distutils patches ready for the 2.1 release.
>     Combined with Andrew's PEP-241 [1] for specifying distribution
>     meta-data, I hope to have a platform which will allow us to gather
>     real-world data for finalizing the catalog system for the 2.2
>     release.

I'd like to talk to you about the catalog server. I have built several
prototypes myself, and I'd love to talk with you more about the project.

Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Wed Mar 21 00:46:37 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:46:37 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:13:08PM -0800
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:13:08PM -0800, Amos Latteier wrote:
>First off, I think it may be too early to draft this PEP. It may make
>more sense to wait until we have one or more catalog prototypes

Well, I *DID* demo my prototype catalog server at Python 9...  The problem
I face is that it's not really very useful until we actually have stuff
*IN* it.

I also see the upload facility is really orthogonal to the issues of the
actual catalog.  You don't need a catalog server to implement the upload,
and therefore I don't see any real reason for delaying this for the catalog
server.  Having an upload facility in the 2.1 distutils will allow us to
get some real-world data for the catalog server.

>PEP (rather than evolved as we work with catalog servers) then we should
>spell out some requirements and use cases.

How is that different from what has been going on with the discussions
around my swalow project over about the last month?  It's been on the
distutils, catalog, and python mailing lists...

>Was the name of the catalog server decided at the conference? Did we
>decide who's in charge of it, etc? 

The name "" was suggested by AMK, I believe.  At the
current time, it probably makes sense to set it up on one of my boxes, and
I'll take responsibility for it...

>For source packages this can be extracted from the archive.

Yeah, and I actually have the code written to do this for .tar.* files.  I
wasn't sure I wanted to require that the upload server implement that
though -- I'll take this as a vote that it should.

>>         platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
>>         platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
>>         distributions.  It is encoded as
>>         "<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".
>Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
>and incompatible ways to specify platform information.

Sorry, what platform meta-data are you speaking of?

>I'd like to talk to you about the catalog server. I have built several
>prototypes myself, and I'd love to talk with you more about the project.

I thought that's what you were doing.  At the moment I have a working
prototype of a catalog server using the working name "swalow", which is
available from the FTP site.  The package upload code I also
have prototyped, but haven't yet released it.

 "I'll thrash you like a Netscape process on a machine with 640K."
                 -- John Shipman, 1998
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Wed Mar 21 01:03:40 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:03:40 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> Well, I *DID* demo my prototype catalog server at Python 9... 

I wish I had been able to be there :-(

> I also see the upload facility is really orthogonal to the issues of the
> actual catalog.  You don't need a catalog server to implement the upload,
> and therefore I don't see any real reason for delaying this for the catalog
> server. 

True. But see below for some caveats.

> >Was the name of the catalog server decided at the conference? Did we
> >decide who's in charge of it, etc?
> The name "" was suggested by AMK, I believe.  At the
> current time, it probably makes sense to set it up on one of my boxes, and
> I'll take responsibility for it...

> Yeah, and I actually have the code written to do this for .tar.* files.  I
> wasn't sure I wanted to require that the upload server implement that
> though 

This is an example of how the implemention of the catalog server may
have a bearing on how we want the distutils integration to work. I can
think of some other details that might make a difference, for example,
does the catalog sever prefer FTP or HTTP communication?

> >Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
> >and incompatible ways to specify platform information.
> Sorry, what platform meta-data are you speaking of?

Um, the one in PKG_INFO (PEP 241). Maybe you have something else in
> I thought that's what you were doing.  At the moment I have a working
> prototype of a catalog server using the working name "swalow", which is
> available from the FTP site. 

Cool, I'll check it out. Right now I'm working on a catalog server in
Zope. I have lots of different ideas, so I'd love to see what you've
done. I'll try to make my prototype available in a couple days.


Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Wed Mar 21 01:55:57 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:55:57 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:13:08PM -0800
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 04:13:08PM -0800, Amos Latteier wrote:
>>         platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
>>         platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
>>         distributions.  It is encoded as
>>         "<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".
>Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
>and incompatible ways to specify platform information.

The developer, at least according to PEP 241 as it currently stands,
can only provide high-level platform info, not low-level details like
OS versions or CPU, and they may not need to do so at all.

I do want to get BDFL go-ahead before checking in any PEP 243 changes,
though, and if Guido says no, that would settle it.  PEP 241 is a
must-have for 2.1, IMHO, and he assented to it at IPC9, but 243 is
more of a "wouldn't it be nice if...", and if that's considered too
risky for 2.1b2, that's fine with me.


From  Wed Mar 21 10:36:46 2001
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:36:46 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Moore, Paul" wrote:
> From: Sean Reifschneider []
> > PEP: 243
> > Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
> >       platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
> >       platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
> >       distributions.  It is encoded as
> >       "<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>".
> This probably needs to include the Python version for which a binary
> distribution was compiled. least for Windows this is mandatory. You get nasty error
messages otherwise.
> >       signature (optional) -- A GPG signature of the uploaded
> >       distribution as signed by the author.  This may be used by the
> >       cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.
> Why GPG? Is that available on all platforms? Could PGP signatures be used
> for people on Windows (for example), who probably don't have GPG?

I'd say go with PGP -- it is far more available and known than
GPG... after all the intent of a signature is for the people
who download the code to check it and if they don't know what
GPG is, then it is of no practical use for them (hard to tell,
if it's of practical use for them at all ;-).
> >     The upload client must submit the page in the same form as
> >     Netscape Navigator version 4.76 for Linux produces when presented
> >     with the following form:
> I'd suggest this format be spelled out. I don't have Linux or Netscape, so I
> can't determine what the submitted page should look like from this
> description...

Can't we just specify: use HTTP POST with multipart/form-data encoding 
and then redirect to the RFC (can't remember the number) or Netscape
description of the form upload proposal ?!
> > Platforms
> >
> >     The following are valid os names:
> >
> >       debian
> >       hpux
> >       mandrake
> >       redhat
> >       solaris
> >       suse
> >       windows
> >       yellowdog
> dos? beos? mac? This feels very Unix-specific...
> >     Version is the official version string specified by the vendor for
> >     the particular release.  For example, "nt" (Windows), "9.04"
> >     (HP-UX), "7.0" (RedHat, Mandrake).
> That's not likely to be precise enough. Is Windows 2000 "2000" or "nt"? It's
> binary-compatible with NT. Same goes (and more so) for Windows 9x, which are
> most definitely NOT NT, but which are binary-compatible.
> Take a Windows security module. It's binary compatible with Windows 9x, NT,
> and 2000. But the API calls involved either don't exist, or produce errors
> or do nothing on Windows 9x, which has no security features (ducks, waiting
> for the "Windows in general has no security features" jokes :-)

You may want to take a look at available from my
Python Pages for ways to "define" a platform information string.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company & Consulting:                 
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Mar 21 11:42:58 2001
From: (Moshe Zadka)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:42:58 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>, <>
Message-ID: <E14fh10-0002bl-00@darjeeling>

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:36:46 +0100, "M.-A. Lemburg" <> wrote:

> I'd say go with PGP -- it is far more available and known than

As a data point, newer PGPs can read signatures made by GPG, and GPG
can read any signature made by PGP. However, many people do not have
PGP in their operating systems. There is the OpenPGP standard which both
newer PGPs and GPG conform to --- while Sean seems to have a problem
referring to standards instead of to implementations (<0.9 wink>), he
should learn to cope with it. It is RFC 2440, and I suggest simply
putting a refernce to the RFC in the PEP

> Can't we just specify: use HTTP POST with multipart/form-data encoding 
> and then redirect to the RFC (can't remember the number)

RFC 2388
(Someone should really patch up to make RFC mentions hyperlinks)
(The code can probably be stolen from
"I'll be ex-DPL soon anyway so I'm        |LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?
looking for someplace else to grab power."|YODA: no. Quicker,
   -- Wichert Akkerman (on debian-private)|      easier, more seductive.
For public key, finger  |http://www.{python,debian,gnu}.org

From  Wed Mar 21 13:03:18 2001
From: (Moshe Zadka)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 15:03:18 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <E14fh10-0002bl-00@darjeeling>
References: <E14fh10-0002bl-00@darjeeling>, <>, <>
Message-ID: <E14fiGk-0002kr-00@darjeeling>

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:42:58 +0200, Moshe Zadka <> wrote:

> (Someone should really patch up to make RFC mentions hyperlinks)

Someone just did.
"I'll be ex-DPL soon anyway so I'm        |LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?
looking for someplace else to grab power."|YODA: no. Quicker,
   -- Wichert Akkerman (on debian-private)|      easier, more seductive.
For public key, finger  |http://www.{python,debian,gnu}.org

From  Wed Mar 21 20:00:43 2001
From: (John J. Lee)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 20:00:43 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository
 Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> "Moore, Paul" wrote:
> > Why GPG? Is that available on all platforms? Could PGP signatures be used
> > for people on Windows (for example), who probably don't have GPG?
> I'd say go with PGP -- it is far more available and known than
> GPG... after all the intent of a signature is for the people

As has been pointed out already, the idea was for signatures to be gpg
*readable*.  I think this includes all pgp signatures.  There is an IDEA
module if that's important for signatures (can't remember), and of course
RSA, which is now free.


From  Fri Mar 23 00:09:47 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 17:09:47 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 05:03:40PM -0800
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 05:03:40PM -0800, Amos Latteier wrote:
>This is an example of how the implemention of the catalog server may
>have a bearing on how we want the distutils integration to work. I can
>think of some other details that might make a difference, for example,
>does the catalog sever prefer FTP or HTTP communication?

Currently, I am using HTTP exclusively for communication with the catalog
server, but I expect that FTP or HTTP will be usable for downloading the
actual files.  Doing catalog searches and other of those sorts of lookups
I've been doing via HTTP...

>> >Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
>> >and incompatible ways to specify platform information.
>> Sorry, what platform meta-data are you speaking of?
>Um, the one in PKG_INFO (PEP 241). Maybe you have something else in

Ahh, that's a new field since the copy of 241 I reviewed.  The problem is
that PEP241 doesn't specify the actual contents of that field, so I guess
what I'll do is specify it in 243?  Does that make sense?

>Cool, I'll check it out. Right now I'm working on a catalog server in
>Zope. I have lots of different ideas, so I'd love to see what you've
>done. I'll try to make my prototype available in a couple days.


 Home is where your source is.  -- Sean Reifschneider, 1999
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Fri Mar 23 00:13:44 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 17:13:44 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <E14fh10-0002bl-00@darjeeling>; from on Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 01:42:58PM +0200
References: <>, <> <> <E14fh10-0002bl-00@darjeeling>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 01:42:58PM +0200, Moshe Zadka wrote:
>newer PGPs and GPG conform to --- while Sean seems to have a problem
>referring to standards instead of to implementations (<0.9 wink>), he

I love the saying: "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you
ever find time to do it over?"  However, I'm guilty as charged.  ;-)

 Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 08:51:42 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 01:51:42 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PEP: 243 Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 06:58:55PM +0100
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 06:58:55PM +0100, Francois Granger wrote:
>What about MacOS ?


 His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like
 underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 09:01:49 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 02:01:49 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 08:55:57PM -0500
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 08:55:57PM -0500, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
>The developer, at least according to PEP 241 as it currently stands,
>can only provide high-level platform info, not low-level details like

Indeed.  That's why it's listed as being for binary distributions only.
It'll have to be pulled either from the system or the user at the time of
binary build.  This issue doesn't have to be resolved right now though
because most of what I want to see uploaded initially is source
distributions.  Once we have the experience of cataloging and distributing
the source distributions, we'll be in a better position to handle the
binary issues.

>I do want to get BDFL go-ahead before checking in any PEP 243 changes,
>though, and if Guido says no, that would settle it.  PEP 241 is a
>must-have for 2.1, IMHO, and he assented to it at IPC9, but 243 is
>more of a "wouldn't it be nice if...", and if that's considered too
>risky for 2.1b2, that's fine with me.

I'm firmly convinced that the upload tool is a necessary part of getting
the data we require for the cataloging.  If we can't get it in to 2.1, I'll
make it standalone.  While reduce the accessability of it to the
developers, it will hopefully give it the maturity it needs to get into
Distutils for 2.2.

So, we define "sdist --submit", but not "bdist --submit" at the moment,
defer the platform issue until 2.2, and in the mean time we hopefully get
a serious start to the cataloging server.

 Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves
 on a rainy Sunday afternoon.                -- Heinlein
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 09:13:21 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 02:13:21 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:36:46AM +0100
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:36:46AM +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> least for Windows this is mandatory. You get nasty error
>messages otherwise.

It's gonna be required on most platforms for at least some of the

>I'd say go with PGP -- it is far more available and known than
>GPG... after all the intent of a signature is for the people
>who download the code to check it and if they don't know what
>GPG is, then it is of no practical use for them (hard to tell,
>if it's of practical use for them at all ;-).

I'm thinking of specifying OpenPGP as the standard and leave the
implementation outta it.

>Can't we just specify: use HTTP POST with multipart/form-data encoding 
>and then redirect to the RFC (can't remember the number) or Netscape
>description of the form upload proposal ?!

RFC 2388 is what I'll change it to.

>You may want to take a look at available from my
>Python Pages for ways to "define" a platform information string.

Most excellent.  I don't think we want it to include kernel information

 Got Source?
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 09:45:37 2001
From: (Moshe Zadka)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:45:37 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>, <> <>
Message-ID: <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling>

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 02:13:21 -0700, Sean Reifschneider <> wrote:
> Most excellent.  I don't think we want it to include kernel information
> though...

I'm not sure if you can get away from it completely.

Three words for you:
Large file support

"I'll be ex-DPL soon anyway so I'm        |LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?
looking for someplace else to grab power."|YODA: no. Quicker,
   -- Wichert Akkerman (on debian-private)|      easier, more seductive.
For public key, finger  |http://www.{python,debian,gnu}.org

From  Sat Mar 24 10:42:13 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 03:42:13 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling>; from on Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 11:45:37AM +0200
References: <>, <> <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 11:45:37AM +0200, Moshe Zadka wrote:
>I'm not sure if you can get away from it completely.
>Three words for you: Large file support

Yeah, but knowing if you're running 2.2.18 doesn't tell you the information
you want to know -- do I have the LFS patch in my kernel.

You make my head hurt.  ;-)

 "Bill and Ted on cryptography: If you are really us...  What number are we
 thinking of?" -- Sean Reifschneider, 1998
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 12:54:04 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 13:54:04 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> (message from Moshe Zadka on Sat,
 24 Mar 2001 11:45:37 +0200)
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling>
Message-ID: <>

> > Most excellent.  I don't think we want it to include kernel information
> > though...
> I'm not sure if you can get away from it completely.
> Three words for you:
> Large file support

Maybe I'm missing something, but ... I don't think the packaging
system should deal with "minor" details of the operating
system. Instead, the package should, at run-time, determine whether
the feature is present or not. Otherwise, we end up with packages that
require, say, /proc support (*), and fail to install if /proc was not
mounted, or is missing from the kernel configuration. IMO, the right
behaviour in this case is to produce an exception at run-time (whether
from a deliberate test, or by just using the missing feature).


(*) Or the Fiber API, for you Windows users :-)

From  Sat Mar 24 13:38:57 2001
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 14:38:57 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload
References: <>, <> <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <>
Message-ID: <>

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 11:45:37AM +0200, Moshe Zadka wrote:
> >I'm not sure if you can get away from it completely.
> >Three words for you: Large file support
> Yeah, but knowing if you're running 2.2.18 doesn't tell you the information
> you want to know -- do I have the LFS patch in my kernel.
> You make my head hurt.  ;-)

With the pointer to I just wanted to let you know
that there is a Python module for these sort of things out there
which can handle many different platform issues. Whether you use
the different features or not is really totally up to you...

BTW, I think that information such as the libc version are more
important than, say, the patch level of the OS. Again, these
issues are OS-specific (e.g. on Windows the C RTL version isn't
all that important since MS tries hard to maintain backward

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company & Consulting:                 
Python Pages:                 

From  Sat Mar 24 20:02:14 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 13:02:14 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 02:38:57PM +0100
References: <>, <> <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 02:38:57PM +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>With the pointer to I just wanted to let you know
>that there is a Python module for these sort of things out there

It doesn't detect LFS though, does it?  I don't see that it does...
It's definitely useful though.

>BTW, I think that information such as the libc version are more
>important than, say, the patch level of the OS. Again, these

OS patch level tends to indicate the set of libraries you have.  Much
easier than having to list *ALL* the libraries on your system which might
impact a binary module.  RPM actually looks at the files to see what
they're linked against, which would be the ultimate...

 Language is the most important .. uh..  I think you know what I'm trying
 to say.  -- Steve Martin
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sat Mar 24 23:17:35 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 16:17:35 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Message-ID: <>

Included below is the version of PEP243 after it's initial round of review.
I welcome any feedback.


PEP: 243
Title: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Version: $Revision$
Author: (Sean Reifschneider)
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 18-Mar-2001
Python-Version: 2.1


    For a module repository system (such as Perl's CPAN) to be
    successful, it must be as easy as possible for module authors to
    submit their work.  An obvious place for this submit to happen is
    in the Distutils tools after the distribution archive has been
    successfully created.  For example, after a module author has
    tested their software (verifying the results of " sdist"),
    they might type " sdist --submit".  This would flag
    Distutils to submit the source distribution to the archive server
    for inclusion and distribution to the mirrors.

    This PEP only deals with the mechanism for submitting the software
    distributions to the archive, and does not deal with the actual
    archive/catalog server.

Upload Process

    The upload will include the Distutils "PKG-INFO" meta-data
    information (as specified in PEP-241 [1]), the actual software
    distribution, and other optional information.  This information
    will be uploaded as a multi-part form encoded the same as a
    regular HTML file upload request.  This form is posted using
    ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" encoding [RFC1867].

    The upload will be made to the host "" on port
    80/tcp (POST  The form
    will consist of the following fields:

        distribution -- The file containing the module software (for
        example, a .tar.gz or .zip file).

        distmd5sum -- The MD5 hash of the uploaded distribution,
        encoded in ASCII representing the hexadecimal representation
        of the digest ("for byte in digest: s = s + ('%02x' %

        pkginfo (optional) -- The file containing the distribution
        meta-data (as specified in PEP-241 [1]).  Note that if this is not
        included, the distribution file is expected to be in .tar format
        (gzipped and bzipped compreesed are allowed) or .zip format, with a
        "PKG-INFO" file in the top-level directory it extracts

        infomd5sum (required if pkginfo field is present) -- The MD5 hash
        of the uploaded meta-data, encoded in ASCII representing the
        hexadecimal representation of the digest ("for byte in digest:
        s = s + ('%02x' % ord(byte))").

        platform (optional) -- A string representing the target
        platform for this distribution.  This is only for binary
        distributions.  It is encoded as
        "<os_name>-<os_version>-<platform architecture>-<python

        signature (optional) -- A OpenPGP-compatible signature [RFC2440]
        of the uploaded distribution as signed by the author.  This may be
        used by the cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.

        protocol_version -- A string indicating the protocol version that
        the client supports.  This document describes protocol version "1".

Return Data

    The status of the upload will be reported using HTTP non-standard
    ("X-*)" headers.  The "X-Swalow-Status" header may have the following

        SUCCESS -- Indicates that the upload has succeeded.

        FAILURE -- The upload is, for some reason, unable to be

        TRYAGAIN -- The server is unable to accept the upload at this
        time, but the client should try again at a later time.
        Potential causes of this are resource shortages on the server,
        administrative down-time, etc...

    Optionally, there may be a "X-Swalow-Reason" header which includes a
    human-readable string which provides more detailed information about
    the "X-Swalow-Status".

    If there is no "X-Swalow-Status" header, or it does not contain one of
    the three strings above, it should be treated as a temporary failure.


        >>> f = urllib.urlopen('')
        >>> s = f.headers['x-swalow-status']
        >>> s = s + ': ' + f.headers.get('x-swalow-reason', '<None>')
        >>> print s
        FAILURE: Required field "distribution" missing.

Sample Form

    The upload client must submit the page in the same form as
    Netscape Navigator version 4.76 for Linux produces when presented
    with the following form:

        <H1>Upload file</H1>
        <FORM NAME="fileupload" METHOD="POST" ACTION="swalowpost.cgi"
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="distribution"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="distmd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="pkginfo"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="infomd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="platform"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="signature"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="protocol_version" VALUE="1"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Upload">


    The following are valid os names:

        aix beos debian dos freebsd hpux mac macos mandrake netbsd
        openbsd qnx redhat solaris suse windows yellowdog

    The above include a number of different types of distributions of
    Linux.  Because of versioning issues these must be split out, and
    it is expected that when it makes sense for one system to use
    distributions made on other similar systems, the download client
    will make the distinction.

    Version is the official version string specified by the vendor for
    the particular release.  For example, "2000" and "nt" (Windows),
    "9.04" (HP-UX), "7.0" (RedHat, Mandrake).

    The following are valid architectures:

        alpha hppa ix86 powerpc sparc ultrasparc


    I currently have a proof-of-concept client and server implemented.
    I plan to have the Distutils patches ready for the 2.1 release.
    Combined with Andrew's PEP-241 [1] for specifying distribution
    meta-data, I hope to have a platform which will allow us to gather
    real-world data for finalizing the catalog system for the 2.2


    [1] Metadata for Python Software Package, Kuchling,

    [RFC1867] Form-based File Upload in HTML

    [RFC2440] OpenPGP Message Format


    This document has been placed in the public domain.

Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil
 A smart terminal is not a smart*ass* terminal, but rather a terminal
 you can educate.  -- Rob Pike
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sun Mar 25 02:25:44 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:25:44 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server available
Message-ID: <>


I got inspired after looking at Sean's catalog server stuff, and have
coded up a catalog server in Zope.

You can upload source and binary packages and search and browse. The
catalog expects PKG-INFO files in source distributions.

To upload a package click 'join' and create an account. Then you can
upload new source packages, and add binary packages to existing source

I've uploaded distutils 1.0.2pre as an example. I've also uploaded the
catalog server itself as a package. 

Please try it out. Create an account and upload your packages. Let me
know if you run into any problems.

There are tons of improvements that could be done. Top of my list are
working out an API for use by command line tools and refining and
implementing the distutils upload protocol. Also, there are a lot of
security improvements that could be done.

Let me know what you think.


Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Sun Mar 25 09:10:57 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:10:57 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server available
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Amos Latteier on
 Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:25:44 -0800)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I got inspired after looking at Sean's catalog server stuff, and have
> coded up a catalog server in Zope.
> You can upload source and binary packages and search and browse. The
> catalog expects PKG-INFO files in source distributions.

I'm getting the impression that this server does not conform to the
protocol proposed in PEP 243. I've tried uploading a file using

        <H1>Upload file</H1>
        <FORM NAME="fileupload" METHOD="POST" ACTION=""
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="distribution"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="distmd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="pkginfo"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="infomd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="platform"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="signature"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="protocol_version" VALUE="1"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Upload">

That is, I started Lynx, loaded this file, filled in the distribution
field, and initiated upload. In turn, I got a page with a 500 status
code, and the document

Zope Error
   Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
   Error Type: AttributeError
   Error Value: absolute_url

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 223, in publish_
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in zpublisher_ex
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 162, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 462, in trav
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/, line 229    (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/, line 260
, in getLoginURL
    (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
AttributeError: (see above)        

Of course, my Lynx client did *not* submit any kind of cookie; sending
a cookie is not mandated in PEP 243.


From  Sun Mar 25 10:25:26 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 12:25:26 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Sean
 Reifschneider on Sat, 24 Mar 2001 16:17:35 -0700)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sean,

I have a few minor comments to your draft.

> This form is posted using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" encoding [RFC1867].

This RFC is informative only; the RFC specifying the
multipart/form-data content type is RFC 2388.

>         signature (optional) -- A OpenPGP-compatible signature [RFC2440]
>         of the uploaded distribution as signed by the author.  This may be
>         used by the cataloging system to automate acceptance of uploads.

Is that required to be an ASCII armor (6.2), or can it be a raw
detached signature (10.3)? If the latter, your form should probably
not expect text input there (even if it is an armor, a multiline input
would be more appropriate).

Is it also acceptable to send a Signed Message (10.2) as the
distribution? If so, is it then still mandatory to send the md5sum?
Does the md5sum then apply to the signed or the unsigned distribution?

>     The upload client must submit the page in the same form as
>     Netscape Navigator version 4.76 for Linux produces when presented
>     with the following form:

Wasn't there some complaint about that wording already? What kind of
requirement does that state, beyond what is already specified above
(host, port, method, mime-type, field list).

E.g. I believe Netscape will send all fields, even if left empty. Is
that a requirement, or is it allowed to leave out fields which are
described as optional? Also, that could be read into mandating a
specific order in which the fields must be sent? Is that a

My proposal is to not use the word "must" in that entire section, and
to make it clear otherwise that the section is informative.

>     I currently have a proof-of-concept client and server implemented.

Is that available somewhere?


From  Sun Mar 25 10:45:36 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 03:45:36 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 01:54:04PM +0100
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 01:54:04PM +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
>mounted, or is missing from the kernel configuration. IMO, the right
>behaviour in this case is to produce an exception at run-time (whether

Sure, but how do you do that for C extension modules which use OS features
you don't have (like LFS)?

 Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Sun Mar 25 14:15:58 2001
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 16:15:58 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload
References: <>, <> <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 02:38:57PM +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> >With the pointer to I just wanted to let you know
> >that there is a Python module for these sort of things out there
> It doesn't detect LFS though, does it?  I don't see that it does...
> It's definitely useful though.

The module is intended to include checks like these if they are
important for applications, so if you can provide an API which
checks for LFS, then I'd be happy to include it in

> >BTW, I think that information such as the libc version are more
> >important than, say, the patch level of the OS. Again, these
> OS patch level tends to indicate the set of libraries you have.  Much
> easier than having to list *ALL* the libraries on your system which might
> impact a binary module.  RPM actually looks at the files to see what
> they're linked against, which would be the ultimate...

distutils has all the technology to check for these. I'd suggest
to have the package download tools use these to verify their
existance. Of course, this can only be done *after* downloading
the package, but hey, can't have everything ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company & Consulting:                 
Python Pages:                 

From  Sun Mar 25 15:06:34 2001
From: (Marcus Konermann)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 17:06:34 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Need help on =?iso-8859-1?Q?python=B4s?= glob module
Message-ID: <>

Hallo !

i´m programming a project in my graduation with python an need help on
python´s glob module. I don´t know the search routine, in which python
searches through different files.
For example: I let python search through the actuall directory with the
command *.out (which specifies all files ending of  ".out"). There are
three files in the actuall directory named: ist.out, soll.out and
First, python takes the "rc.out" file, then the "ist.out" file and at
last the "soll.out" file. So, it seems not to be an alphabetical order,
in which python searches through this files.
Please, can you tell me the search routine for python´s glob module ?

Thanks a lot
Marcus Konermann

From  Sun Mar 25 16:58:00 2001
From: (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:58:00 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Need help on =?iso-8859-1?Q?python=B4s?= glob module
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 25 Mar 2001 17:06:34 +0200."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Hallo !

Hi Marcus!

You've posted this question to the wrong list.  For questions like
this, please write to -- or post to comp.lang.python.

> i´m programming a project in my graduation with python an need help on
> python´s glob module. I don´t know the search routine, in which python
> searches through different files.
> For example: I let python search through the actuall directory with the
> command *.out (which specifies all files ending of  ".out"). There are
> three files in the actuall directory named: ist.out, soll.out and
> rc.out.
> First, python takes the "rc.out" file, then the "ist.out" file and at
> last the "soll.out" file. So, it seems not to be an alphabetical order,
> in which python searches through this files.
> Please, can you tell me the search routine for python´s glob module ?
> Thanks a lot
> Grettings
> Marcus Konermann

The source code for glob is in the file in the standard
library.  The matching is actually done in, but that
shouldn't matter.  The search order you're seeing is because the files
aren't listed in alphabetical order in the directory (even though you
always get your directory listing from ls in alphabetical order -- ls
sorts the list itself).

It's easy to sort the list yourself, using the sort() method on lists:

>>> L = glob.glob("*.py")
>>> L
['rc.out', 'ist.out', 'soll.out']
>>> L.sort()
>>> L
['ist.out', 'rc.out', 'soll.out']

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Sun Mar 25 17:40:00 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 19:40:00 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Sean
 Reifschneider on Sun, 25 Mar 2001 03:45:36 -0700)
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 01:54:04PM +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> >mounted, or is missing from the kernel configuration. IMO, the right
> >behaviour in this case is to produce an exception at run-time (whether
> Sure, but how do you do that for C extension modules which use OS features
> you don't have (like LFS)?

I'm not sure I understand the question. The Python core enables or
disables large file API usage at configuration time, by calling
ftell64 instead of ftell, or using long objects to represent inode
numbers instead of integers. That is of no concern for extension

Even if an extension module would use the transitional large file API
(i.e. the *64 functions), that is foremost a concern of the C library,
not the operating system kernel. E.g. on Linux, ftell64 is always
available (atleast since glibc 2, and perhaps longer), no matter
whether the kernel supports it or not. If the C extension module might
expect a feature not to work properly (e.g. the Unicode API on Win98),
it can perform run-time checks and fall-back, or just raise an
exception if the C library function fails.


From  Sun Mar 25 18:58:07 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 13:58:07 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server available
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:10:57 +0200
 "Martin v. Loewis" <>

> I'm getting the impression that this server does not
> conform to the
> protocol proposed in PEP 243. 

Right you are. I should have been more explicit in my email
about this. This is something that I plan to add soon.

Thanks for trying it out.


From  Sun Mar 25 22:46:36 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 15:46:36 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 07:40:00PM +0200
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 07:40:00PM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
>I'm not sure I understand the question. The Python core enables or
>disables large file API usage at configuration time, by calling
>ftell64 instead of ftell, or using long objects to represent inode

You almost make it sound like autoconf is obsolete...  The point I took
Moshe to be making was that in a conditional-compilation world, there's
some data that simply looking at the OS name and rev isn't going to pick

 Today's robots are very primitive, capable of understanding only a few simple
 instructions such as 'go left', 'go right', and 'build car'.  -- John Sladek
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Mon Mar 26 08:35:58 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 01:35:58 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] ANNOUNCE: Distutils upload patch (PEP243)
Message-ID: <>

I've got the server and client side of my PEP243 implementation (for
uploading distributions made by distutils to the repository server) built.
I've also created the code for distutils (2.1b2) to do the upload.  For

   guin:python-netstring$ ./ sdist --submit
   gzip -f9 dist/python-netstring-1.14.tar
   removing 'python-netstring-1.14' (and everything under it)
   Submitting to repository server...
       sending dist/python-netstring-1.14.tar.gz...

Currently, I have the repository server set up on our "public service"
server "".

The files you will need are:

See the README below for information on how to apply it.

The server for handling the requests is also available at the above site,
you'll need a few support modules as well (like the tar module for
extraction of the PKG-INFO file).

I need to update the repository server and client for PEP241, but that
should be pretty straight-forward.  Also, if anyone else wants to get
copies of the data sent to my repository, I can certainly arrange that...

Any comments?

swalow + Distutils README
Sean Reifschneider <>

The file "distutils-swalow.patch" contains a patch against the 2.1b2
distutils which allows " sdist --submit" to upload the completed
distribution file to the repository server.  This will allow automatic or
semi-automatic submissions of modules.

To gain this functionality, apply the above patch, and copy ""
into the main distutils package directory.

If the environment variable "PYTHON_MODULE_SERVER" is set, that value
overrides the default host for uploading the distribution to.
 That weapon will replace your tongue. You will learn to speak through
 it.  And your poetry will now be written with blood. -- _Dead_Man_
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Mon Mar 26 06:21:43 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 08:21:43 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Sean Reifschneider
 on Sun, 25 Mar 2001 15:46:36 -0700)
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 07:40:00PM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> >I'm not sure I understand the question. The Python core enables or
> >disables large file API usage at configuration time, by calling
> >ftell64 instead of ftell, or using long objects to represent inode
> You almost make it sound like autoconf is obsolete...  The point I took
> Moshe to be making was that in a conditional-compilation world, there's
> some data that simply looking at the OS name and rev isn't going to pick
> up.

Maybe I lost track: I thought we are talking about binary
packages. When you have a binary package, it is already tailored for a
specific system, so there is no need to detect capabilities at
installation time.

autoconf is for configuring source packages, in particular for systems
that you've never heard of - and which might still be supported (in
source form) thanks to feature tests. In a world of dying Unix
variants (and the remaing Unix variants following standards more
closely), it is becoming more and more obsolete, yes.


From  Mon Mar 26 08:49:40 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 01:49:40 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 08:21:43AM +0200
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 08:21:43AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
>packages. When you have a binary package, it is already tailored for a
>specific system, so there is no need to detect capabilities at
>installation time.

Sure there is...  If you have half a dozen binary packages, how do you
determine the one that was built against the set of capabilities that your
system supports?

 Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Mon Mar 26 09:23:29 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 11:23:29 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Sean Reifschneider
 on Mon, 26 Mar 2001 01:49:40 -0700)
References: <>, <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 08:21:43AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> >packages. When you have a binary package, it is already tailored for a
> >specific system, so there is no need to detect capabilities at
> >installation time.
> Sure there is...  If you have half a dozen binary packages, how do you
> determine the one that was built against the set of capabilities that your
> system supports?

If it's half a dozen, you take the one that matches your operating
system name and version; for Linux, you probably use the distribution
name, if it offers that much choice.

I think it is unrealistic that people will build binary Python
packages with and without LFS support, or produce other variants based
on capabilities that can be detected at compilation time. I find that
it is extremely time-consuming to produce two binary packages (Redhat
and W2k); I doubt that we'll have 6 binary packages available for many

Does CPAN even have the notion of binary packages?


From  Mon Mar 26 09:46:05 2001
From: (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 02:46:05 -0700
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:23:29AM +0200
References: <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:23:29AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
>I think it is unrealistic that people will build binary Python
>packages with and without LFS support, or produce other variants based

Don't think "one person building two packages", think "two people each
building the package on their system and then wanting to share it".  It
becomes real problematic if you are running an "almost stock" version of a
distribution...  I ran a 5.2 box with the latest GTK and the older glibc
for a long time -- I know something about this.  ;-)

 Tools may limit the user, but the utility of tools is limited by the
 skill of the user.  -- Leonard Compagno
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

From  Mon Mar 26 15:31:36 2001
From: (Andrew Kuchling)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 10:31:36 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:23:29AM +0200
References: <> <> <E14gkc5-0005c4-00@darjeeling> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:23:29AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
>Does CPAN even have the notion of binary packages?

I don't believe it does, except perhaps for Perl itself.


From  Wed Mar 28 02:31:18 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:31:18 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
Message-ID: <>

Hello Pythonistas,

I've updated my prototype catalog server

It now keeps track of who uploaded what. Plus, the registration process
sends email, so you need to provide a valid email address. Also, you can
now edit your user account information. It still does not implement pep

To contribute packages, get the lastest distutils (1.0.2pre) which
implements PEP 241. Create a package. Create a user account on the
catalog server, and upload your your package.

If you just want to play around, you can manually create a PKG-INFO file
for your archive and upload that.

I'd love feedback. Does this seem like I'm going in the right direction?
What could be done to make it easier for uploaders and/or downloaders.
Did you encounter any errors? Does the server not parse your package



P.S. The source of the catalog server is available on the catalog
server. (Though, I cheated, and added a PKG-INFO file manually.)

Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Wed Mar 28 06:34:53 2001
From: (Thomas Heller)
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 08:34:53 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
References: <>
Message-ID: <002d01c0b751$331b3930$e000a8c0@thomasnotebook>


the upload failes for me, this is what I get from IE5.5.


Zope Error
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource. 
Error Type: ParseError
Error Value: ('Unknown archive format', 'application/x-zip-compressed', None)

Troubleshooting Suggestions
The URL may be incorrect. 
The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect. 
A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error. 
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the HTML source for this page. 
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience. 

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 223, in publish_module
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 171, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 160, in mapply
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112, in call_object
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 409, in addArchive
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 69, in update
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 56, in parse_meta_data
ParseError: (see above)

From  Wed Mar 28 07:40:28 2001
From: (Martin v. Loewis)
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:40:28 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
In-Reply-To: <> (message from Amos Latteier on
 Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:31:18 -0800)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'd love feedback. Does this seem like I'm going in the right direction?

Unfortunately, it does not look that way to me. I was hoping that
support for the PEP 243 protocol has priority - so I'd rather expect
to tell the system my PGP public key, instead of telling it my home

Having a second implementation of the PEP is important, so that we can
find out whether it is well-enough specified to allow to survive for
the next year or so.


From  Thu Mar 29 18:18:05 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:18:05 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
References: <> <002d01c0b751$331b3930$e000a8c0@thomasnotebook>
Message-ID: <>

Thomas Heller wrote:
> the upload failes for me, this is what I get from IE5.5.
> Zope Error
> Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
> Error Type: ParseError
> Error Value: ('Unknown archive format', 'application/x-zip-compressed', None)

This should be fixed now.

Thanks for the bug report!


Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Thu Mar 29 18:23:54 2001
From: (Amos Latteier)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:23:54 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. Loewis" wrote:
> > I'd love feedback. Does this seem like I'm going in the right direction?
> Unfortunately, it does not look that way to me. I was hoping that
> support for the PEP 243 protocol has priority - so I'd rather expect
> to tell the system my PGP public key, instead of telling it my home
> page.

Supporting PEP 243 is a priority of mine. As is allowing authors to
upload their public keys, and OpenPGP signature files when they upload
packages. I just haven't gotten there yet. So hopefully I'm heading in
the right direction, but too slowly for you to perceive it ;-)
> Having a second implementation of the PEP is important, so that we can
> find out whether it is well-enough specified to allow to survive for
> the next year or so.

I agree. 


Amos Latteier
Digital Creations

From  Thu Mar 29 18:56:31 2001
From: (Thomas Heller)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:56:31 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] [ANN] Prototype catalog server updated
References: <> <002d01c0b751$331b3930$e000a8c0@thomasnotebook> <>
Message-ID: <053b01c0b881$f8196640$e000a8c0@thomasnotebook>

> > the upload failes for me, this is what I get from IE5.5.
> >
> > Zope Error
> > Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
> > Error Type: ParseError
> > Error Value: ('Unknown archive format', 'application/x-zip-compressed', None)
> This should be fixed now.
Still it doesn't work, now I get (my package HAS a PKG-INFO file, see
listing at the bottom):

Zope Error
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource. 
Error Type: ParseError
Error Value: Archive does not contain a PKG-INFO file

Troubleshooting Suggestions
The URL may be incorrect. 
The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect. 
A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error. 
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the HTML source for this page. 
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience. 

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 223, in publish_module
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 171, in publish
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 160, in mapply
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112, in call_object
    (Object: addArchive)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 409, in addArchive
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 69, in update
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/NetDist/, line 66, in parse_meta_data
ParseError: (see above)

Here is the contents of the file I tried to upload:

C:\sf\py2exe\dist>unzip -l
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/
    15041  03-23-01 12:01   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/index.html
      782  03-02-01 22:48   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/py2exe.css
     4197  02-17-01 23:00   py2exe-0.2.4pre/docs/py2exe.jpg
     1087  02-28-01 09:40   py2exe-0.2.4pre/LICENSE.txt
      604  03-29-01 20:50   py2exe-0.2.4pre/MANIFEST
      243  03-07-01 14:16   py2exe-0.2.4pre/
      410  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/PKG-INFO
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
    31880  03-08-01 21:46   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
    32781  03-26-01 21:34   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
     7411  03-21-01 17:13   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
     1353  03-21-01 17:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/py2exe/
      407  02-02-01 20:06   py2exe-0.2.4pre/README.txt
    12913  03-29-01 20:49   py2exe-0.2.4pre/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/
     2249  03-21-01 17:10   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/archive.h
     1710  03-23-01 11:03   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/icon.rc
      766  02-08-01 10:32   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/icon1.ico
     2199  03-26-01 09:28   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/py.c
    11305  03-21-01 17:10   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/py2exe_util.c
      282  03-20-01 22:18   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/python_run.c
      453  03-20-01 22:22   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/resource.h
     2827  03-26-01 21:02   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/run.c
     1975  03-21-01 17:11   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/run_w.c
    11925  03-23-01 11:04   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/start.c
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/static32/
   113416  08-18-00 21:33   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/static32/zlibstat.lib
     8140  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/zconf.h
    41791  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/source/zlib/zlib.h
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/
    25237  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/
    14685  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/
        0  02-19-01 20:44   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools1.5/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/
    15106  02-15-01 23:16   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/
        0  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.0/
        0  03-29-01 20:51   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/
    14702  11-06-00 04:49   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/
        0  01-16-01 16:12   py2exe-0.2.4pre/tools2.1/
 --------                   -------
   377877                   42 files

