[Catalog-sig] [Announce] Catalog Server Prototype Updated

Martin v. Loewis martin@loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de
Wed, 2 May 2001 09:31:27 +0200

>   * It now supports PEP 243 (HTTP POST to /archive/pep243_accept to try
> it out.)

This is what I'm most interested in, so I tried it first, using
swalowsupp.py (adopted to the right host, port, and relative path).
sendFile returned ('TRYAGAIN', ''). From the strace output, I could
see that the server response started with

HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable\r\n
Server: Zope/(unreleased version) ZServer/1.1b1\r\n
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 07:15:54 GMT\r\n
Bobo-Exception-File: /home/amos/Trunk/lib/python/Products/PythonCatalog/PEP243.py\r\n
Content-Type: text/html\r\n
Bobo-Exception-Type: NameError\r\n
Connection: close\r\n
Bobo-Exception-Value: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>archive</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=\#FFFFF\>   <TABLE BORDER=\0\ WIDTH=\100%\> <TR VALIGN=\TOP\>  <TD WIDTH=\10%\ ALIG=\CENTER\> <IMG SRC=\http://pdx:8080/p_/ZButton\ ALT=\Zope\> </TD>  <TD WIDTH=\90%\>   <H2>Zope Error</H2>   <P>Zop\r\n
Content-Length: 2006\r\n
Bobo-Exception-Line: 61\r\n

Unfortunately, swalowsupp closed the connection afterwards, so I did
not get to see the 2006 bytes content.

Using another approach, I tried to run Lynx, and Netscape, on the file

        <H1>Upload file</H1>
        <FORM NAME="fileupload" METHOD="POST" ACTION=""
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="distribution"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="distmd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="pkginfo"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="infomd5sum"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="platform"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="signature"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="protocol_version" VALUE="1"><BR>
        <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Upload">

Even though I've entered a distribution and a signature, both browsers
would not include them in their HTTP request. Any idea what could be
wrong with that form?


P.S. In case anybody wants to experiment with it, I include my
modified swalowsupp.py as well. To initiate an upload, do something like


#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Routines for submission of distributions to repository server.'''

# created 2001/03/26 by Sean Reifschneider <jafo-swalow@tummy.com>

uploadHost = 'community.tummy.com'

import httplib, urllib
import time, os, sys
import md5

#  emulate 'md5sum' command on a file

def md5sum(file):
	fp = open(file, 'rb')
	md = md5.new()
	while 1:
		data = fp.read(10240)
		if not data: break
	digest = md.digest()

	sum = reduce(lambda x,y: x + ('%02x' % y), map(ord, digest), '')

def sendDist(fileName, pkgFile = None, platform = None,
		signature = None, userAgent = 'swalow', uploadHost = None):
	if uploadHost == None: uploadHost = ''
	tmp = os.environ.get('PYTHON_MODULE_SERVER', None)
	if tmp: uploadHost = tmp

	#  get file information
	fileLen = os.stat(fileName)[6]
	fileMD5 = md5sum(fileName)

	#  create body
	boundary = '%s%.8f_%s' % ( '-' * 30, time.time(), os.uname()[1] )
	boundary = '---------------------------87109191412184106881070100800'
	body = ''
	body = body + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
			'name="protocol_version"\r\n\r\n1\r\n' % ( boundary, )
	if platform:
		body = body + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
				'name="platform"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' % ( boundary, platform )
	if signature:
		body = body + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
				'name="signature"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' % ( boundary, signature )
	body = body + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
			'name="distmd5sum"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' % ( boundary, fileMD5 )
	body = body + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="distribution"' \
			'; filename="%s"\r\n\r\n' % ( boundary, os.path.basename(fileName) )
	body2 = ''
	body3 = '\r\n--%s--\r\n' % boundary

	if pkgFile != None:
		fileLen = fileLen + os.stat(pkgFile)[6]
		infoMD5 = md5sum(pkgFile)
		body2 = body2 + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
				'name="infomd5sum"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' % ( boundary, infoMD5 )
		body2 = body2 + '--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ' \
				'name="pkginfo"; filename="%s"\r\n\r\n' \
				% ( boundary, os.path.basename(fileName) )

	#  send header
	h = httplib.HTTP(uploadHost,8080)
	h.putrequest('POST', '/archive/pep243_accept')
	h.putheader('Content-length', '%d' % (len(body) + fileLen + len(body2)))
	h.putheader('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary)
	#h.putheader('User-Agent', userAgent)

	#  send body
	fp = open(fileName, 'rb')
	while 1:
		data = fp.read(4096)
		if not data: break

	reply, msg, hdrs = h.getreply()
	status = hdrs.get('X-Swalow-Status', 'TRYAGAIN')
	reason = hdrs.get('X-Swalow-Reason', '')

	return(status, reason)