From Sat Sep 1 15:49:17 2001 From: (Suchandra Thapa) Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 09:49:17 -0500 Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: <057001c12bf3$5c653b30$>; from on Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09:47:53AM -0700 References: <057001c12bf3$5c653b30$> Message-ID: <20010901094917.C1623@hepcat> --0vzXIDBeUiKkjNJl Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09:47:53AM -0700, Andy McKay wrote: > Just wondering what the status of the catalog-sig, whats the plan for mov= ing > forward, and what can I do to help? >=20 > Looking at the status it looks like we had two prototypes one in Zope (li= nk > not working) and another that I havent looked at installing yet. But after > that activity seems to have stopped... >=20 I have some code that has limited functionality. Currently it has a text interface, has a basic system for specifying package and server information, can deal with dependencies, and there is currently some ftp code but I haven't tested that yet. I've been meaning to work on it but=20 have gotten busy earlier. I need to add more documentation and change some of the code around to make it easier to understand. I'm in the midst of mo= ving but I should get some time to put some work on it later, and should be able= to post an alpha version here on Tuesday, possibly earlier. =20 The biggest problem I came across when writing the code was a lack of a= =20 catalog for locating information about installed packages. Without that it= =20 becomes very difficult to handle dependencies in more than a rudimentary=20 fashion. I know this was discussed on the distutils sig but I'm not sure w= hat=20 the current status on this is. Also a listing of files in a package would be important if we want to let users delete packages but is not necessarily (C= PAN current seems to do okay without a delete function). The other area we problem need to consider is package maintenance on sy= stems that have a package manager. I believe distutils allows you to generate rp= ms from a package so it should be too difficult to integrate this with rpm bas= ed distributions. I don't think other package formats like debian or slackware are support by distutils so it would be more difficult to integrate into t= hose systems. =20 Also I'm not sure how well windows could be supported. Pure python=20 packages shouldn't be a problem but packages that have c or c++ files to be compiled would probably need to be distributed as a binary since gcc, vc++,= =20 and/or swig probably won't be available. How does disutils work on windows? =20 --=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Suchandra S. Thapa=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------ --0vzXIDBeUiKkjNJl Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iEYEARECAAYFAjuQ9WwACgkQ6nShCjt5AZIc9ACfQ6M6yCZWCVVUBM4Z4/NwAZJf xEsAoIje+hbyKdHivJad84qm7VTwNuH6 =PQnx -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --0vzXIDBeUiKkjNJl-- From Sun Sep 2 16:54:34 2001 From: (Martin v. Loewis) Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 17:54:34 +0200 Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: <012c01c12ccb$e7128b60$> ( References: <057001c12bf3$5c653b30$> <> <00ce01c12c28$04485dd0$> <> <012c01c12ccb$e7128b60$> Message-ID: <> > Probably, what I need is a vision. I havent got one yet. Then just take mine :-) "Make the registry for Python packages operational for production use". I'd like to see the registry operate somewhere at, but that is not mandatory - what matters more is some sort of guarantee that data put in won't be lost, and that there are no downtimes of the service longer than, say, 24h. It may be that it won't be used once it is there; in this case, I can offer the follow-up vision "talk <pick some number> package maintainers into putting their software into the registry, and to update the entry every time they update the package". These people would be "early adaptors", so you not only have to talk them into using the system, but also to deal with all the problems they find. Regards, Martin From Mon Sep 3 18:29:07 2001 From: (Andy McKay) Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 10:29:07 -0700 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata References: <> Message-ID: <00a001c1349d$f0374b70$> > I spent some time looking at the metadata of some > other packaging systems namely Debian's apt, ACS's > apm, and the OSD format. Yep, we use the OSD format quite well in the perl and python packager manager. > there is also an assumption within the pep241 and 243 > i'd like to address. namely that the author of a > package will be the person to upload a package. at > least initially this is likely to be unlikely, > especially during an initial rush to fill up the > repository via some semi-automated extraction from the > vaults. You're absolutely right, this was an issue we had with our catalog. > something else i was considering is a some type of > global unique identifier to allow for replication of > information to different repositories. i was thinking > of something along the lines of a new uri protocol > that identified a package on the basis of its > classification with the catalog... i'm a little fuzzy > on this. You probably dont want to make it unique on the classification since that may change. CPAN uses authors, which isn't too bad but we will be a little less strict on that. Wouldn't the combination of package name and version be good enough and reasonably permanent? Cheers. -- Andy McKay. From Tue Sep 4 01:06:44 2001 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 20:06:44 -0400 Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 02 Sep 2001 17:54:34 +0200." <> References: <057001c12bf3$5c653b30$> <> <00ce01c12c28$04485dd0$> <> <012c01c12ccb$e7128b60$> <> Message-ID: <> > > Probably, what I need is a vision. I havent got one yet. > > Then just take mine :-) "Make the registry for Python packages > operational for production use". Exactly. > I'd like to see the registry operate somewhere at, but that > is not mandatory - what matters more is some sort of guarantee that > data put in won't be lost, and that there are no downtimes of the > service longer than, say, 24h. I can't talk for XS4ALL, but I expect that this won't be a problem. > It may be that it won't be used once it is there; in this case, I can > offer the follow-up vision "talk <pick some number> package > maintainers into putting their software into the registry, and to > update the entry every time they update the package". > > These people would be "early adaptors", so you not only have to talk > them into using the system, but also to deal with all the problems > they find. I doubt that finding early adopters would be a problem. Dealing with the problems they find is of course essential for the success. --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Wed Sep 5 08:01:21 2001 From: (Martin v. Loewis) Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 09:01:21 +0200 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: <> (message from Kapil Thangavelu on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 11:39:38 -0700 (PDT)) References: <> Message-ID: <> > I've started work on a fourth catalog implementation. > I've had a few questions/comments, i wanted to send to > the list to resolve regarding metadata. While this is a laudable goal, I have a few procedural concerns with your message. > the key for interoperability among the three is having package > metadata. More specific, the key for interoperability is having *standard* metadata. > looking over pep 241, i can note several deficiencies > that i would like to address. While the use of rfc822 > for metadata definition does lower the author burden > is unextensible and creates the opportunity for > ambiguity in the metadata, i'd like to change this to > an xml based format. This is where my procedural concerns start. PEP 241, as-is, is already implemented in distutils and currently available to users through Python 2.2aX. Any change at this point in time needs a *very* good reason for the change, such as the PEP being unimplementable, not achieving the goal it is intended to achieve, etc. IOW, changing the format of the metadata now will significantly slow down progress on producing a catalog implementation, and getting packages registered with it. Thus, we might get the perfect system on paper; I'd rather prefer an incomplete system in reality. As for XML specifically: What problem does the mere switching to XML achieve? I believe your claim that the current format is unextensible is incorrect: The Metadata-Version was put in precisely to allow future extensions. I'd strongly discourage "proprietary" extensions at this time, so not being able to put in those is a good thing: Any extensions used ought to be published and documented, in a revision of PEP 241. > probably the biggest problem with adoption of pep241 > is the lack of dependency info. Dependency info should > be both version specific and capable of being os > dependent. Because package dependency is really hard, I believe it was deliberately left out from version 1.0 of the metadata. That means that any package author requiring prerequisite packages should put the prerequisite list into the Description, with the user of the catalog being responsible for fulfilling the prerequisites. So lack of dependency info is IMO a key to success, rather than a problem. > there is also an assumption within the pep241 and 243 > i'd like to address. namely that the author of a > package will be the person to upload a package. at > least initially this is likely to be unlikely, > especially during an initial rush to fill up the > repository via some semi-automated extraction from the > vaults. That's a good point. Should we support a Packager field in addition to the Author field (which, of course, requires a new Metadata-Version)? Alternatively, would could encourage uploaders to put their name into the Author field, and put the "true" author into the Description. I doubt the true author would be happy to receive complaints about the packaging when she didn't even know somebody uploaded the package. That also relates to the question how package uploads get approved; that is something that whoever operates the catalog needs to find a policy for. E.g. some uploaders could get permission to upload packages they didn't author (you can find out the signer of a package from the signature, right?) > i'll try and write up an xml schema which defines this > package-metadata xml format. Before you do so, I'd like to hear more what problems you expect to be solved by an XML format over the PEP 241 format. Regards, Martin From Wed Sep 5 18:03:33 2001 From: (Roman Suzi) Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 21:03:33 +0400 (MSD) Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Mon, 3 Sep 2001, Guido van Rossum wrote: >> It may be that it won't be used once it is there; in this case, I can >> offer the follow-up vision "talk <pick some number> package >> maintainers into putting their software into the registry, and to >> update the entry every time they update the package". Can't SourceForge infrastructure used for managing Python Catalog? This will solve many problems, as many packages are at home at SF anyway. So they could do it virtually linking entries into Catalog (without stroing thing double). Just an idea... I really do not know what SF _can_. >> These people would be "early adaptors", so you not only have to talk >> them into using the system, but also to deal with all the problems >> they find. > >I doubt that finding early adopters would be a problem. Dealing with >the problems they find is of course essential for the success. Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi -- _/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ _/ _/ Wednesday, September 05, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/ _/ "... Clinton sandwich: $5 of baloney and $20 in taxes" _/ From Thu Sep 6 08:45:26 2001 From: (Mats Wichmann) Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:45:26 -0400 Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> >Can't SourceForge infrastructure used for managing Python Catalog? This >will solve many problems, as many packages are at home at SF anyway. So >they could do it virtually linking entries into Catalog (without stroing >thing double). Just an idea... I really do not know what SF _can_. Dunno, but I'll take a look at it sometime. I had suggested in a different forum that we maybe needed a site for little packages, that were not big enough for their own SF projects...some of those maybe coming out of the now deleted "contrib" directory from Tim Peters suggested setting up a single SF project as a container for all these smaller bits. Don't know well this would work without exploring further. From Thu Sep 6 10:32:12 2001 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 05:32:12 -0400 Subject: [Catalog-sig] Status In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:45:26 EDT." <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> > Dunno, but I'll take a look at it sometime. I had suggested in > a different forum that we maybe needed a site for little packages, > that were not big enough for their own SF projects...some of those > maybe coming out of the now deleted "contrib" directory from > Tim Peters suggested setting up a single SF project as > a container for all these smaller bits. Don't know well this > would work without exploring further. Another alternative would be to revive use of the site for this. --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Fri Sep 7 06:24:42 2001 From: (Kapil Thangavelu) Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:24:42 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> --- "Martin v. Loewis" <> wrote: > > I've started work on a fourth catalog > implementation. > > I've had a few questions/comments, i wanted to > send to > > the list to resolve regarding metadata. > > While this is a laudable goal, I have a few > procedural concerns with > your message. allright. > > the key for interoperability among the three is > having package > > metadata. > > More specific, the key for interoperability is > having *standard* > metadata. definitely. > > > looking over pep 241, i can note several > deficiencies > > that i would like to address. While the use of > rfc822 > > for metadata definition does lower the author > burden > > is unextensible and creates the opportunity for > > ambiguity in the metadata, i'd like to change this > to > > an xml based format. > > This is where my procedural concerns start. PEP 241, > as-is, is already > implemented in distutils and currently available to > users through > Python 2.2aX. Any change at this point in time needs > a *very* good > reason for the change, such as the PEP being > unimplementable, not > achieving the goal it is intended to achieve, etc. the pep is obviously implementable, the question is rather does it achieve its goal, the pep itself doesn't define a goal, so that is hard to say. as for achieving my goal as stated previously as """ creating a pythonic version of cpan/apt, to automate installation of new packages with depedency resolution. """ the pep as it currently stands make such a goal IMO pratically unattainable/maintainable. therefore the sooner changes are discussed and made, the better. > IOW, changing the format of the metadata now will > significantly slow > down progress on producing a catalog implementation, > and getting > packages registered with it. Thus, we might get the > perfect system on > paper; I'd rather prefer an incomplete system in > reality. two things, regarding slowing down catalog implementations, i think changing the format of the metadata so that it can achieve the above goal, will affect just the opposite, namely to speed up catalog development by providing standard metadata needed to provide the interfaces suggested in the catalog-sigs in addition to additional services like subscriptions and syndication. second, please understand that it is not my desire to mandate any changes to existing peps or guidelines. i want to create a real world extensible system that can be used and tested before asking for pep revisions and or authoring new peps , as per my interpretation of pep guidelines from pep 1 """ The PEP should be reviewed and accepted before a reference implementation is begun, unless a reference implementation will aid people in studying the PEP. """ i intend to conduct development openly in this forum with key draft documents available for review. i sincerely want to have a real world implementation that can be adapted to existing standards and allow for open implementations of a client (for example an rdf based client). what i've stated in my metadata comments reflect my thoughts on an information set that i will be using internal to the server and client. making this infoset standard will ease both development and maitainenace. if upon completion of this catalog server these changes are ill-recieved i can hack up some conversion. the server should also allow manual addition of such information via web interfac. also a real world implementation fufills the original comments to the recent 'status' thread for an implementation as well. > As for XML specifically: What problem does the mere > switching to XML > achieve? I believe your claim that the current > format is unextensible > is incorrect: The Metadata-Version was put in > precisely to allow > future extensions. I'd strongly discourage > "proprietary" extensions at > this time, so not being able to put in those is a > good thing: Any > extensions used ought to be published and > documented, in a revision of > PEP 241. what does xml provide... generic language indepedent processing tools for heirarchical information thats amenable to internationalization and is easily extensible. all of which are standard "xml benefits" items ( i feel like i'm preaching to the choir:). the real question is what do rfc822 headers provide, very little imo. simple processing via standard module and low developer overhead. xml parsing routines are also standard in the library and the format is also text editable albeit not quite as friendly as rfc822 headers but with a developer tool/module this is mitigated. modeling some of these concepts in straight rfc822 headers yeilds some fairly ugly results that can be ambigious. the cumulative benefits for implementations of catalog servers and clients seem overwhelming to me. > > > probably the biggest problem with adoption of > pep241 > > is the lack of dependency info. Dependency info > should > > be both version specific and capable of being os > > dependent. > > Because package dependency is really hard, I believe > it was > deliberately left out from version 1.0 of the > metadata. That means > that any package author requiring prerequisite > packages should put the > prerequisite list into the Description, with the > user of the catalog > being responsible for fulfilling the prerequisites. > > So lack of dependency info is IMO a key to success, > rather than a > problem. i think we might have different core goals. to me depedency info is a must. leaving it out of the standard and to convention violates your stated principal above of using 'standard metadata'. without depedency info i think there is undue burden on client and server implentations for depedency resolution (both for install, upgrade, and removal). in addition, the catalog itself should be maintaible, shifting the burden to a few maitainers of the catalog from the masses of the python developers will make a catalog implementation *much* harder to maintain and populate. this info should properly be designated by those who know the packages namely their maintainers and authors. as for depedency info being hard, i'd really like some feedback for my metadata schema ands it characterization of depedency info. sadly emailing this will have to wait till tomorrow when i get back from vacation and have a real net connection. > > there is also an assumption within the pep241 and > 243 > > i'd like to address. namely that the author of a > > package will be the person to upload a package. at > > least initially this is likely to be unlikely, > > especially during an initial rush to fill up the > > repository via some semi-automated extraction from > the > > vaults. > > That's a good point. Should we support a Packager > field in addition to > the Author field (which, of course, requires a new > Metadata-Version)? > Alternatively, would could encourage uploaders to > put their name into > the Author field, and put the "true" author into the > Description. I > doubt the true author would be happy to receive > complaints about the > packaging when she didn't even know somebody > uploaded the package. i would be much more in favor of Packager field rather than introducing non obvious semantics into common metadata concepts. cheers kapil thangavelu __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger From Fri Sep 7 07:41:48 2001 From: (Martin v. Loewis) Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 08:41:48 +0200 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: <> (message from Kapil Thangavelu on Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:24:42 -0700 (PDT)) References: <> Message-ID: <> > second, please understand that it is not my desire to > mandate any changes to existing peps or guidelines. i > want to create a real world extensible system that can > be used and tested before asking for pep revisions and > or authoring new peps So IOW, you want to create a competing infrastructure, hoping that it will be better than the one specified in the PEP, and that it will eventually replace the PEP. Is that correct? Then, of course, you are free to make any choice of implementation, protocol, etc., that you consider appropriate. I'm less interested in such a thing, though, since I cannot interoperate with it unless its protocol is documented. > generic language indepedent processing tools for > heirarchical information thats amenable to > internationalization and is easily extensible. all of > which are standard "xml benefits" items ( i feel like > i'm preaching to the choir:). the real question is > what do rfc822 headers provide, very little imo. Almost all of the same. Language-independence, internationalization, easily extensible. They only difference is that they are not hierarchical. > simple processing via standard module and low > developer overhead. I think processing of 822 headers is simpler than processing XML, because 822 headers are not hierarchical. > the cumulative benefits for implementations of catalog > servers and clients seem overwhelming to me. I don't share this optimism, but as I said: If you are planning your own infrastructure, go with whatever you consider appropriate. > i think we might have different core goals. to me > depedency info is a must. leaving it out of the > standard and to convention violates your stated > principal above of using 'standard metadata'. without > depedency info i think there is undue burden on client > and server implentations for depedency resolution > (both for install, upgrade, and removal). Initially, and until dependency is in the metadata, the software would not deal with dependency at all. It would be up to the user to deal with dependency. Regards, Martin From Fri Sep 7 13:27:51 2001 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 08:27:51 -0400 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 06 Sep 2001 22:24:42 PDT." <> References: <> Message-ID: <> I read lots of good things in Kapil's message. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who needs a PEP before he starts coding. That's fine. Sometimes you need to build a few prototypes before you can agree on a standard; actually the most successful standards are usually obtained that way. His alternative implementation can provide input for a revision of the PEP. I would hope that (a) the PEP is written in such a way to allow an implementation to collect more metadata than is standardized by the PEP; (b) Kapil makes his implementation conformant to the PEP by making his extensions optional (at least in some kind of compatibility mode); (c) the PEP authors and Kapil can keep talking so that Kapil won't have to learn on his own the wisdom collected in the PEP, and the PEP can benefit from Kapil's experience. (Actually, that's two PEPs: 241 and 243.) --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Mon Sep 10 21:53:20 2001 From: (Suchandra Thapa) Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 15:53:20 -0500 Subject: [Catalog-sig] prototype Message-ID: <20010910155319.D971@hepcat> --QXO0/MSS4VvK6f+D Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="sfyO1m2EN8ZOtJL6" Content-Disposition: inline --sfyO1m2EN8ZOtJL6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I've attached a tarball with a prototype module installer. I did some checks on it and it should work in simple cases. Currently, the packages and servers file has dummy information that I've been using to test various features. Currently, there are two major assumptions in the code: 1. Any package is available on any of the servers 2. Package filenames correspond to the directory they untar to (e.g. spam-1.2.tar.gz creates a directory spam-1.2 after being untarred). --=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Suchandra S. Thapa=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------ --sfyO1m2EN8ZOtJL6 Content-Type: application/x-gzip Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ciphon.tar.gz" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 H4sIAOsfnTsAA+w8TXMbR3Y9AD+EEalvUZTWslsfXIAyCQGkLO7SojaOLO9q49Cx6ay8ohhm iBmQI4Iz0PRAJG2qJlltypWkklQOW5VUbrnkkBxzyjVVueQXpCr/YM/JOe+97p7pwQcp2Zaz SRmyoEF/vH79+n33Gze2vMZ2tb3PXuOnVq/VbtdqrAafhdu3cv/CZ27hnQVWW5i/dXthYb5+ C57r9dvz84zXXidS+tMRsRNxzkQYBp1Dxh3V/3/004zCHb6+3uzEnchbX+f+TjuMYh54Ivbc ddEI256wVaPYF7Z+bjuNbWfTa/kinuGNMGj6m7btek0eeSJsPfPe99pe4HpBw/dERQ1edna8 6UW7dPXq1R97MXc4zuZhkzutlgYoeLzl4Pqey+OQb3jcD+CEWi343QwjboACMLZdaoYhX+J1 u6TGtbc3BTRIlKoP9OTfU+Ar03ZJDTG2UN30YjXiQ/iJg1zaAI2D4ThAbim/GwLmB03E4Yvn iE2KIiDOFZDqtrcPK8PWS36TB2HMDWSr6QY1ZBpYir2dNkA9hJ7TOAxXBPC4Gs4wlkoXUyhW txyxDt0V+KsGaOxXoWkNt8DLwv/cKy+2wmCzoje+Ak00afq5PRhqDvkUsGo9ArieiwtEHrBi oMFLpkqpDwTYr/hBuxMrRvrAD1zuwN925AexIjiO4jg72nFiPwyIcxx9MMg3uImWFyhQ/MoS 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ptzLXgvPX8hXC8pUSzSo/RvwltDeAmJFd/JrRbPWbqwjzSUPs35UXa81YKLAIUhuP9DCWqu2 Xqs03Yk6bLfLeN4Db9abMvY5sOQhNMTFd5KSkNz3JrGuH1cqtQcoBjWUoHW3XS+xdxl0Mo8n fTgZsqZRjZRNq5cfr1neQNrXK23pR8VEodFoiW4KEQK6NxrFrRRJLaq2yy2QT3iz+cHuAsT0 cqDP6B3/bVbu/3Ps/5HDMBDR+n8ISa0KdGS6WYMZ6Acry1GKUpSiFKUoRSlKUYpSlKIUpShF KUpRilKUohSlKEUpSlGKUpSiFKUoRSlKUYpSlKIUpSg9L+n/AUJ5770A8AAA --sfyO1m2EN8ZOtJL6-- --QXO0/MSS4VvK6f+D Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iEYEARECAAYFAjudKD8ACgkQ6nShCjt5AZIzfgCfXbgMwKcTIv0pMVqAEh9LUoYz RUgAniESd8YKVA5fGX/Xp/wlgnEVGcwv =hKAc -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --QXO0/MSS4VvK6f+D-- From Tue Sep 11 20:04:41 2001 From: (Kapil Thangavelu) Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:04:41 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata schema Message-ID: <> --0-375289087-1000235081=:52800 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline attached is a xml schema for metadata. based loosely off osd, xsa and debian's control files. i stayed away from using namespaces for simplicity. i've run it through the alphaworks schema quality checker, so it should be syntatically correct. overall, the format seems a bit verbose. i'm bit unclear about how best to trim the format, or if client requested info will result in a trimmed data set. i hope all subscribed are well, kapil __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 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Messenger --0-375289087-1000235081=:52800 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="package-spec.xsd" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: package-spec.xsd Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="package-spec.xsd" PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0idXRmLTgiPz4KPHhzZDpz Y2hlbWEgeG1sbnM6eHNkPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxL1hNTFNj aGVtYSI+Cgo8IS0tIGRlZmluaXRpb24gb2Ygc2ltcGxlIHR5cGVzIC0tPgoK PHhzZDpzaW1wbGVUeXBlIG5hbWU9InBhY2thZ2VOYW1lVHlwZSI+CiAgICA8 eHNkOnJlc3RyaWN0aW9uIGJhc2U9InhzZDpzdHJpbmciIC8+CjwveHNkOnNp bXBsZVR5cGU+Cgo8eHNkOnNpbXBsZVR5cGUgbmFtZT0icGFja2FnZUhvbWVV UkxUeXBlIj4KICAgIDx4c2Q6cmVzdHJpY3Rpb24gYmFzZT0ieHNkOnN0cmlu ZyIgLz4KPC94c2Q6c2ltcGxlVHlwZT4KCjx4c2Q6c2ltcGxlVHlwZSBuYW1l PSJzdW1tYXJ5VHlwZSI+CiAgICA8eHNkOnJlc3RyaWN0aW9uIGJhc2U9Inhz ZDpzdHJpbmciIC8+CjwveHNkOnNpbXBsZVR5cGU+Cgo8eHNkOnNpbXBsZVR5 cGUgbmFtZT0iZGVzY3JpcHRpb25UeXBlIj4KICAgIDx4c2Q6cmVzdHJpY3Rp b24gYmFzZT0ieHNkOnN0cmluZyIgLz4KPC94c2Q6c2ltcGxlVHlwZT4KCjx4 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dGUgZG9jdW1lbnQgLS0+Cgo8eHNkOmVsZW1lbnQgbmFtZT0icGFja2FnZSIg dHlwZT0icGFja2FnZVR5cGUiIC8+Cgo8L3hzZDpzY2hlbWE+CgoKCg== --0-375289087-1000235081=:52800-- From Tue Sep 25 08:21:53 2001 From: (Roman Suzi) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:21:53 +0400 (MSD) Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata schema In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Kapil Thangavelu wrote: >attached is a xml schema for metadata. based loosely >off osd, xsa and debian's control files. i stayed away >from using namespaces for simplicity. Last evening I was thinking about Catalog. It occured to me, that there probably must be clear mathematical model of the Catalog. It will give hard-to-beat informational and algorithmic model almost automatically. I know, that Catalog effort is lagging because of over-design (and that is the reason why it is not quite there yet) but still this is very needed to design it right. I am sure that somewhere someone wrote nice dissertation on the topic of storing and retrieving interdependent components (and probably on the description of these data). Software components aren't standing still. They fork, merge, split into parts, join together in any proportions, etc., refactor in any thinkable way. And this data needs to be got based on the descriptions authors of the components write (because who else will do it) for individual versions of components. Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi -- _/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ _/ _/ Tuesday, September 25, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/ _/ ""How to Catch Worms" by Earl E. Bird" _/ From Tue Sep 25 09:51:28 2001 From: (Kapil Thangavelu) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:51:28 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata schema In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> --- Roman Suzi <> wrote: > On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Kapil Thangavelu wrote: > > >attached is a xml schema for metadata. based > loosely > >off osd, xsa and debian's control files. i stayed > away > >from using namespaces for simplicity. > > Last evening I was thinking about Catalog. It > occured to me, that there > probably must be clear mathematical model of the > Catalog. > It will give hard-to-beat informational and > algorithmic > model almost automatically. > > I know, that Catalog effort is lagging because of > over-design (and that is > the reason why it is not quite there yet) but still > this is very needed to > design it right. i've kinda given up on designing it right from the get go, some things need to be tested by fire. in an attempt to benefit from what others have done before i've taken a look at alot of real world implementations of package management and software catalogs. here's a sampling- # package management Yellow Dog Updater - Gentoo Linux's Portage - Debian's Apt RPM OpenACS's APM OSD # software catalogs Sourceforge - CPAN Freshmeat UDDI i had planned on writing this stuff up on a public wiki but apparently is transferring all of its content to a cmf based version in a month... > > I am sure that somewhere someone wrote nice > dissertation on the topic of > storing and retrieving interdependent components > (and probably on the > description of these data). actually there's another good parallel besides software components. the catalog is very much parallel to the webservices directory albeit with additional client implentation and metadata requirements. if you find a good dissertation please post a link. cheers kapil thangavelu __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. From Tue Sep 25 14:18:21 2001 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:18:21 -0400 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata schema In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:51:28 PDT." <> References: <> Message-ID: <> > i had planned on writing this stuff up on a public > wiki but apparently is transferring all of > its content to a cmf based version in a month... AFAIK Wiki pages will still be supported and converted, so please don't hesitate. Otherwise, feel free to hijack a page of the (now largely unused) Python 2.2 MoinMoin at --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Sun Sep 30 01:08:42 2001 From: (kapil thangavelu) Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 17:08:42 -0700 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata schema In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> On Tuesday 25 September 2001 06:18 am, Guido van Rossum wrote: > > i had planned on writing this stuff up on a public > > wiki but apparently is transferring all of > > its content to a cmf based version in a month... > > AFAIK Wiki pages will still be supported and converted, so please > don't hesitate. ok, i've moved some content to a wiki on, its at commenting open to all and editing open to members. its a bit weak on a lot of substance... probably the most interesting thing is the page on OtherSystems which still needs some fleshing out regarding OSD/XSA metadata formats. a data-model snapshot for postgres is also on the site at, its mainly a scratch pad i've been using for outlining relational structure... cheers kapil From Sun Sep 30 01:25:51 2001 From: (kapil thangavelu) Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 17:25:51 -0700 Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: <00a001c1349d$f0374b70$> References: <> <00a001c1349d$f0374b70$> Message-ID: <> On Monday 03 September 2001 10:29 am, Andy McKay wrote: > > I spent some time looking at the metadata of some > > other packaging systems namely Debian's apt, ACS's > > apm, and the OSD format. > > Yep, we use the OSD format quite well in the perl and python packager > manager. OSD does alot of things well, but i have some questions/concerns about it and i'm also curious about active state's use. - is activestate the only company currently using OSD? - the use of version number seems very restrictive. there is an interesting discussion of version numbers in the DistUtils file. i'm not sure that enforcing a triple integer tuple of version numbers is realistic. - the lack of depedency classification. packages might have different levels of depedency ie SUGGEST/REQUIRES for example pygame. - the explicit hardcoding of mirrors for codebase - some of the values are a bit irrelevant to a python implementation like vm, and memsize. its obvious that osd was designed to be lean and mean for point and click installs, i think that this might not nesc. bethe case, and i think its important to support client specified levels of information. the information going from a package uploader does not nesc. equal the one going to a client downloading, since the catalog will need additional information for classification purposes (although this could be catalog maintainer supplied). but its also not evident that all clients will want the same level of information, a sysadmin might want to view a changelog, while a newbie might want a point and click install. i think the amount of metadata should be flexible to the client's request and osd doesn't offer that much by way of extended info (discounting additonal namespaces). most of my concerns regarding OSD could easily be solved by altering the format, i'm just curious how AS handles these things. - in what way does PPD differ from OSD? is it just a trimming down of the more esoteric features of OSD (mem, virtual machine,etc)? - the use of depedency specification refers the client to another osd file, without giving any indication of whats this represents? ie say i want to install narval which requires pyxml v0.6. i have pyxml0.6 installed i shouldn't have to grab another file without reason. the only alternative in OSD is sometype of file naming convention which requires the client manually parsing the url... of course this brings up an interesting question that i'm unsure how to deal with it. it applies more to the client and the server. namely how to deal with conflicting depedency versioning requirements. say in the case above the client has a newer version of a package than the requirements although the narval package might require the older version. how does pyppm deal with this on the client side? > > something else i was considering is a some type of > > global unique identifier to allow for replication of > > information to different repositories. i was thinking > > of something along the lines of a new uri protocol > > that identified a package on the basis of its > > clas sification with the catalog... i'm a little fuzzy > > on this. > > You probably dont want to make it unique on the classification since that > may change. CPAN uses > authors, which isn't too bad but we will be a little less strict on that. > Wouldn't the combination > of package name and version be good enough and reasonably permanent? my primary motivation for category based GUID was for replication purposes. i see it more now as a uri reference to a codebase which will allow for use of replicated servers, ie have /gui/pyqt be available from a number of replicated servers. i should qualify my use of the phrase replication. multi-master/peer-2-peer replication is hard, i think its probably easiest to ditch this and go with a master-> slave setup ala cpan. cheers kapil thangavelu From Sun Sep 30 03:25:45 2001 From: (Dan Milgram) Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 19:25:45 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Catalog-sig] metadata In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > OSD does alot of things well, but i have some questions/concerns about it > and i'm also curious about active state's use. > Let me preface by saying that the PPD format is based on OSD but isn't a 100% faithful rendition, and because it is an XML format it is naturally subject to change. > - is activestate the only company currently using OSD? > Hmm.. Not sure > - the use of version number seems very restrictive. there is an interesting > discussion of version numbers in the DistUtils file. i'm not sure > that enforcing a triple integer tuple of version numbers is realistic. > I agree. And the file has a good approach for comparing versions - I think a lot of packages out there already adhere to version strings as in the StrictVersion class. It seems reasonable to make this the basis for allowable versions, and version comparison. The PPD format for version strings is too restrictive in its current incarnation. > - the lack of depedency classification. packages might have different levels > of depedency ie SUGGEST/REQUIRES for example pygame. > In practice I think this distinction will be made by a very minor fraction of packages out there. In any event this is easily solved by adding a "LEVEL" attribute that defaults to REQUIRES if not there. > - the explicit hardcoding of mirrors for codebase > This seems reasonable to me in this context > - some of the values are a bit irrelevant to a python implementation like vm, > and memsize. > Not in use... > most of my concerns regarding OSD could easily be solved by altering the > format, i'm just curious how AS handles these things. > > - in what way does PPD differ from OSD? is it just a trimming down of the more > esoteric features of OSD (mem, virtual machine,etc)? > Pretty much. There's an additional PYTHONCORE element to specify the language major minor version in order to handle pakcages with C extensions > - the use of depedency specification refers the client to another osd file, > without giving any indication of whats this represents? ie say i want to > install narval which requires pyxml v0.6. i have pyxml0.6 installed i > shouldn't have to grab another file without reason. the only alternative in > OSD is sometype of file naming convention which requires the client manually > parsing the url... > > of course this brings up an interesting question that i'm unsure how to deal > with it. it applies more to the client and the server. namely how to deal > with conflicting depedency versioning requirements. say in the case above the > client has a newer version of a package than the requirements although the > narval package might require the older version. how does pyppm deal with this > on the client side? > It doesn't :( pyppm is somewhat immature and doesn't deal with dependencies - this will be addressed by the python 2.2 release. ppm - the perl variant - does handle dependencies. Both versions maintain a cache or registry of sorts, so if a package has a dependency the cache is checked and the dependent package only need be downloaded if it isn't there. Dependent packages are specified with explicit an explicit version number as an attribute. This isn't as flexible as I'd like it to be. I don't know that there's a particularly good way to handle packages which require older versions but I think RPM and Deb packages are probably a better model to work off of eventually. That said, I think we want to think about this in an evolutionary way - there's only so much that can be tackled in the first go-around. Regards, Dan -- Dan Milgram/ActiveState Developer New! ASPN - ActiveState Programmer Network Essential programming tools and information