[Catalog-sig] [updates] PEP 301 -- Package Index and Metadata for Distutils

Richard Jones rjones@ekit-inc.com
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 13:14:15 +1100

[if you reply to this message, please only reply to one of the mailing lists!]

Hi everyone,

PEP 301 has been updated:
- changes to the success/failure indicators used by the register.py
  command. Originally I had copied the idea of using X-PyPI-* headers
  from PEP 243. Upon advice from Greg Stein, I have switched to using
  HTTP response codes.
- clarifications to Roles
- added PKG-INFO upload interface
- included overview of online index database schema
- updated deliverables in the Reference Implementation section
- included implememtation detail for "classifiers" keyword
- have implemented the trove classifiers, so various parts of the
  PEP to reflect reality

Also, the web interface and register distutils command have had some 
development work too:
- added Trove metadata to the database, including registration of it,
  verification and dumping
- added "latest stable" release field (unused at the moment)
- handle multiline descriptions in PKG-INFO uploads (yay for the email
- switched from X-Pypi-* headers to HTTP response codes as per PEP
- lots of HTML interface cleaning including better stylesheet usage and
  a nicer navigation bar, better support for logging in and out and
  finally a single place to go for submitting information

There's still a bit to do, but I'd rather wait until I know whether the PEP is 
to be accepted or not before I start applying spit-n-polish :)

  PEP: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0301.html
  Web: http://www.amk.ca/cgi-bin/pypi.cgi
