[Catalog-sig] New proposal, with PEP

Richard Jones rjones@ekit-inc.com
Sat, 26 Oct 2002 09:31:26 +1000

I've now posted three messages on the subject of my online catalog effort - 
four if you count the message I sent to the distutils sig. None of those 
posts have generated any feedback to me. Not even "piss off, you're wasting 
our precious time". That's a bit damn disheartening. People have looked at 
and used the prototype though, so I suppose at least the posts weren't 
ignored. I'm persisting regardless, because I believe I've got a good idea, 
and I have friends who also believe I'm on to a good thing too. I also know 
there's a history of little support for these projects.

I have now written a draft PEP which follows. Comments are welcome.

Please note the specific limitations of scope in the Abstract.

Title: Distutils Enhancements
Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2002/10/25 07:08:28 $
Author: Richard Jones <rjones@ekit-inc.com>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 24-Oct-2002
Python-Version: 2.3


This PEP proposes several extensions to the distutils packaging
system [1]_. These enhancements include a central package index, tools
for submitting package information to the index and extensions to the
package metadata to include Trove [2]_ information.

This PEP does not address either issues of package dependency, nor
centralised storage of packages. Nor is it proposing a local
database of packages as described in PEP 262 [6]_.

Existing package repositories such as the Vaults of Parnassus [3]_,
CPAN [4]_ and PAUSE [5]_ will be investigated as prior art in this


Python programmers have long needed a simple method of discovering
existing modules and systems available for their use. It is arguable
that the existence of these systems for other languages have been a
significant contribution to their popularity. The existence of the
catalog-sig, and the many discussions there indicate that there is a
large population of users who recognise this need.

The introduction of the distutils packaging system to Python
simplified the process of distributing shareable code, and included
mechanisms for capture of package metadata, but did little with the
metadata save ship it with the package.

The server should be hosted in the python.org domain, giving it an air
of legitimacy that existing catalog efforts do not have.

The interface for submitting information to the catalog should be as
simple as possible - hopefully just one command-line command for
more regular users.

Issues of package dependency are not addressed due to the complexity
of such a system. The original PEP which proposed such a system was
dropped as the author realised that platform packaging system (RPM,
apt, etc) already handle dependencies, installation and removal.

Issues of package dissemination (storage on a central server) are
not addressed because they require assumptions about availability of
storage and bandwidth that I am not in a position to make.


The specification takes three parts, the `web interface`_,  the
`distutils register command`_ and the `distutils trove

Web Interface

A web interface is implemented over a simple store. The interface is
available through the python.org domain, either directly or as

The store has columns for all metadata fields. The (name, version)
double is used as a uniqueness key. Additional submissions for an
existing (name, version) will result in an *update* operation.

The web interface implements the following commands:

  Lists known packages, optionally filtered. An additional HTML page,
  **search**, presents a form to the user which is used to customise
  the index view. The index will include a browsing interface like
  that presented in the Trove interface design section 4.3. The
  results will be paginated, sorted alphabetically and only showing
  the most recent version. Most recent version information will be
  determined using the distutils LooseVersion class.
  Displays information about the package. All fields are displayed as
  plain text. The "url" (or "home_page") field is hyperlinked.
  Accepts a POST form submission of metadata about a package. The
  "name" and "version" fields are mandatory, as they uniquely identify
  an entry in the index. Submit will automatically determine whether
  to create a new entry or updating an existing entry. The metadata
  is checked for correctness where appropriate - specifically the
  Trove discriminators are compared with the allowed set. An update will
  update all information about the package based on the new submitted
  Registers a new user with the index. Requires username, password and
  email address. Passwords will be stored on the server as SHA hashes.
  If the username exists:

  1. If valid HTTP Basic auth is provided, the password and email
     address are updated with the submission information, or
  2. If no valid auth is provided, the user is informed that the login
     is already taken.

  Registration will be a three-step process, involving:

  1. User submission of details to the *register* command,
  2. Web server sending email to the user's email address with a URL
     to visit to confirm registration with a random one-time key, and
  3. User visits URL with the key and confirms registration.

  Several user Roles will exist:

    Can assign Owner Role - they decide who may submit for a given
    package name.
    Owns a package name, may assign Maintainer Role for that name
    Can submit and update info for a particular package name

  Sends a password reminder to the user's email address.

The **submit** command will require HTTP Basic authentication,
preferrably over an HTTPS connection.

Distutils Register Command

An additional distutils command, "register" is implemented which
posts the package metadata to the central server. The register command
automatically handles user registration; the user is presented with
three options:

1. login and submit package information
2. register as a new packager
3. send password reminder email

On UN*X systems, the user will be prompted at exit to save their
username/password to a file in their home directory in the file
``.pythonpackagerc``.  A similar system could be used on Windows, I

Notification of changes to a package entry will be sent to all users
who have submitted information about the package. That is, the original
submitter and any subsequent updaters.

The register command will include a --verify option which performs a
test submission to the server without actually committing the data.
The server will perform its submission verification checks as usual
and report any errors it would have reported during a normal
submission. This is useful for verifying correctness of Trove

Distutils Trove Categorisation

The Trove concept of *discriminators* will be added to the metadata
set available to package authors. The list of discriminators will be
available through the web, and added to the package like so::

        name = "roundup", 
        version = __version__,
        discriminators = [
            'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
            'Environment :: Console (Text Based)',
            'Environment :: Web Environment',
            'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
            'Intended Audience :: Developers',
            'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
            'License :: OSI Approved :: Python License',
            'Operating System :: MacOS X',
            'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
            'Operating System :: POSIX',
            'Programming Language :: Python',
            'Topic :: Communications :: Email',
            'Topic :: Office/Business',
            'Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking',
        url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/roundup/',

It was decided that strings would be used for the discriminator
entries due to the deep nesting that would be involved in a more
formal Python structure.

The original Trove specification that discriminator namespaces be
separated by slashes ("/") unfortunately collides with many of the
names having slashes in them (eg. "OS/2"). The double-colon solution
(" :: ") implemented by Sourceforge and Freshmeat gets around this

The list of discriminator values on the module index has been merged
from Freshmeat (with their permission) and Sourceforge (awaiting their
approval). This list will be made available through the web interface
as a text list which may then be copied to the ``setup.py`` file.

Reference Implementation

Reference code and demonstration server are available at


===== ===================================================
Done  Feature
===== ===================================================
 Y    Submission
 Y    Index
 Y    Display
 Y    Search
 N    User rego
 N    Trove
 N    User verification
 N    Password reminder
===== ===================================================

In the three days 22nd and 23rd October after the first announcement to
the catalog-sig (22nd) and distutils-sig (23rd), the prototype had 50
visitors (not including myself), three of whom used the register command
to submit package information.


.. [1] distutils packaging system

.. [2] Trove

.. [3] Vaults of Parnassus

.. [4] CPAN

.. [5] PAUSE

.. [6] PEP 262, A Database of Installed Python Packages


This document has been placed in the public domain.


Anthony Baxter and Toby Sargeant for encouragement and feedback
during initial drafting.

The many participants of the distutils and catalog SIGs for their
ideas over the years.

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