[Catalog-sig] Questions regarding PyPi usage (user feedback)
Richard Jones
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 22:09:01 +1000
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On Monday 28 April 2003 04:13 pm, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> * What should the keyword format be?
> o Comma-separated list of keywords
> o Nice to have sample on the input page or in a tutorial to
> give an idea of desired length, format and depth, for
> instance, here's what I'm planning for PyOpenGL:
> +
Undefined. At the moment, you'll get a substring seach based on the terms y=
enter in the search page. Nothing has been implemented beyond that. To be=20
honest, I'm not sure the keywords make sense in a classifiers world, but=20
classifiers are too new to just throw out keywords yet. You'll note that=20
"keywords" isn't mentioned in the current development documentation any mor=
To balance this, the list of classifiers is completely under our control.=20
Package authors simply need to ask for new classifiers to be added if they'=
needed. This is not stated anywhere though, and needs to be... ideas?
> * What should the classifiers format be?
> o Python list of SourceForge-style classifier strings.
> o How does one specify this in a .cfg file?
> + I assume as a set of multiple key=3Dvalue sets?
I have no idea. I've never used one :)
> * Boilerplate code for determining download URL for SourceForge?
> o This seems to be used as "a website from which you can
> download", rather than a URL to a package which can be
> downloaded. Is there another attribute which means e.g.
> (URL from which to download binary Python 2.2 Win32 package)?
> + It would require some internal knowledge of distutils
> to determine what the final filename will be for a
> particular version, then some code to create the
> download URL from that information, and that would be
> best done by someone who knows distutils.
The whole issue of download URL is a big question that has yet to be answer=
As far as I'm concerned, the download URL can mean whatever the package=20
author wants it to mean. Until we have some automatic download/install syst=
in place, that's all it _can_ be.
Mostly the attribute was added in this release so that it was in place and=
pepole started asking questions about it (and hopefully someone finishes of=
one of the many auto-download/install implementations out there :)
> * What is the definition of "maintainer" vs. "author" (in PyPi) vs.
> "packager" (used elsewhere in distutils world IIRC)?
> o Author -- copyright holder(s)?
> o Maintainer -- current developers?
> o Packager -- one who takes source to build binary for
> package, but is neither author nor maintainer?
See http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/dist/package-index.html in the seco=
last paragraph for a description of what Owner and Maintainer mean in PyPI=
land. Definitely quite separate from Author and Packager. Well, I think the=
> * How does one test for format and completeness without attempting
> to register the package?
> o Is there a scrub-server? A flag to say "just testing"?
Use the "--dry-run" option that most (all?) setup commands support:
python setup.py register --dry-run
> * How does one specify Python version for a particular package (i.e.
> built for Python 2.2, but not 1.5.2)?
> o You don't.
> * How does one include a public key signature for a package?
> o You don't as-of-yet.
These responses are correct.
> * How does one specify format (e.g. Src .zip, Src .tgz, Binary, Src
> RPM, etceteras)
> o You don't.
This is correct, and I'm not sure it's in the scope of PyPI - possibly in t=
yet-to-be-implemented download/install functionality.
ps. it's late, I'm tired, I hope I've answered your questions adequately :)
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