From sbigaret at  Sat Feb 28 06:23:39 2004
From: sbigaret at (Sebastien Bigaret)
Date: Sat Feb 28 06:21:25 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Automatically hiding releases
Message-ID: <>

        Hi all,

  I've just read "PyPI comes in handy, again" weblog entry:
in Jeremy's Stuff, referenced yesterday in daily-python. Hopefully this
is the right place to discuss it.

  As a naive PyPI user, I never realized that older release could be
hidden.  Here is what happened: I read the tip-of-each-week Package
Index Tutorial by Jeremy Hylton (thanks!), then used it to modify, finally registered to PyPI, and that's all.  When something is
registered, I checked on PyPI that the entry is correct, but since I've
never logged in (nor need to) since the first time I registered, I never
had the opportunity to see that older release could be hidden, not to
say why they should.

  I realize that hiding older releases makes the PyPI more pleasant and
  efficient, just because a search result does not need to present the
  same project's name x times. I presume that this is the case for most
  projects. My point here is that, now that I know they can be hidden
  I'll do it by hand, and I guess that if is better advertised and
  explained, then other projects' maintainers would probably do so as
  well --the discussion on this topic that can be found in the archives,
  in August 2003 between Jeremy Hylton and Richard Jones, was also
  informative to me.

So this is a +1 for single-visible-release use-case :)  And probably
that, until a decision is made and the feature possibly gets coded, the
hiding feature for projects can be made more proeminent, and better
explained to projects' maintainers on PyPI home page and maybe on
Jeremy's Tutorial as well, since it is probably read by all newcomers.

    Just my 2c. for a better service at PyPI! With best regards,

-- S?bastien.

From richardjones at  Sun Feb 29 18:27:46 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Sun Feb 29 18:27:57 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Automatically hiding releases
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 28 Feb 2004 22:23, Sebastien Bigaret wrote:
>   I've just read "PyPI comes in handy, again" weblog entry:

I've made the change. Registration of a new version of a package will result 
in the existing versions being automatically hidden. The package edit screen 
(accessible using the link in the sidebar when you're logged in) may be used 
to unhide releases.

I've made the package edit screen much more useful now too. The full list of 
changes may be seen at:


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