From info at  Tue Jun  1 18:40:49 2004
From: info at (Medical Knowledge Institute)
Date: Tue Jun  1 18:58:13 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] MKI Health Reporter: Take Action Now on Childhood
	Obesity, Expert Says
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M.K.I   N.E.W.S.L.E.T.T.E.R.











Copyright 2004 Medical Knowledge Institute



From ianb at  Tue Jun 15 21:53:05 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Tue Jun 15 21:53:13 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
Message-ID: <>

Howdy.  I just recently posted some ideas for PyPI 
(, but some 
of the basic features I was thinking about should be generally useful:

1. Express relationships between packages.  These are relationships 
like alternative-implementation, fork, part-of, recommends, requires, 
etc.  At the moment I'm thinking purely about displaying this 
information, not any fancy distutils magic installation of 
2. Cache packages.  I.e., download a copy of the package, and if the 
package disappears then we have a backup.

These are both more important when dealing with smaller pieces of code 
-- code that is part of a more interdependent ecosystem (1), and code 
that is more transient (2) -- but these apply just as well to 
full-blown packages.

The other thing that might be useful is some improved categorization of 
code.  The Trove categories are... well, they are stupid.  No fault of 
anyone here.  CPAN's much more coarsely-grained categories are much 
better, in my opinion (Acme, AI, Algorithm, Apache, AppConfig, Archive, 
Array, and so on:

But even more coarsely-grained than that, there are classes of package. 
  Right now we have libraries and applications.  I'd like to add modules 
-- though the name is vague, I'm thinking of code on the sophisticated 
end of the Python Cookbook entries.  Small, reusable, and not worth 
distutilifying (I just can't imagine making a whole package for one 
100-line module, nor can I imagine using such a package).

When you're looking for code, each of these is quite different from the 
others -- for any search, you will probably be interested in any of 
these (a library to use, or a module or application to borrow from).  
Right now we're neither here nor there, as people don't think to add 
applications to PyPI, and the trove categories are inappropriate for 

On top of this is the infrastructure issue, which probably also has to 
be dealt with before moving forward much (i.e., SQLite and CGI).  
Concurrent updates to a SQLite database from multiple processes scares 
the crap out of me.  But it doesn't look like that should be too hard 
to fix.

Ian Bicking | |

From richardjones at  Tue Jun 15 23:30:40 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Tue Jun 15 23:30:50 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 11:53, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Howdy.  I just recently posted some ideas for PyPI
> (

I commented there, but I might repeat some of my comments here too where 

> 1. Express relationships between packages.  These are relationships
> like alternative-implementation, fork, part-of, recommends, requires,
> etc.  At the moment I'm thinking purely about displaying this
> information, not any fancy distutils magic installation of
> dependencies.

There's been a number of proposals and I believe some code towards 
implementing this kind of meta-data capture. 

The two extensions to distutils dealing with this issue that I know of are 
PIMP (/PackMan) and the ZPKG tools:
   (couldn't find a page giving the technical details of PIMP)
   (this page has a good list of links to prior discussions / proposals)

Various proposals have also been made on this list. I have no idea how related 
those projects are. It would be a shame to develop *another* system.

> 2. Cache packages.  I.e., download a copy of the package, and if the
> package disappears then we have a backup.

The disappearance of packages is a concern. An archive network would solve 
this issue, but it requires both organisation and support from hosts. I'm 
pretty sure the current machine is not suitable for storing 

> The other thing that might be useful is some improved categorization of
> code.  The Trove categories are... well, they are stupid.  No fault of
> anyone here.  CPAN's much more coarsely-grained categories are much
> better, in my opinion (Acme, AI, Algorithm, Apache, AppConfig, Archive,
> Array, and so on:

The current Trove list may be extended - I simply drew on the two best-known 
lists: sourceforge and freshmeat. 

What's the "Acme" category hold? :)

> But even more coarsely-grained than that, there are classes of package.
> Right now we have libraries and applications.

PyPI doesn't make this distinction - though I believe it is a useful one.

> I'd like to add modules -- though the name is vague, I'm thinking of
> code on the sophisticated end of the Python Cookbook entries.  Small,
> reusable, and not worth distutilifying

This sounds like a good idea, but raises a couple of issues:

1. Distutils isn't involed, but that's OK since PyPI allows TTW entry
   of package meta-data.
2. PyPI currently makes no assumptions about what the download_url
   points to. Would you advocate using the download_url for locating
   the module source?

As I said in response to your weblog entry:

"PyPI is intended to be an index of metadata that is generated by distutils. 
I'm not sure I'm comfortable extending that scope to include actual code 
fragments. It would confuse the meta-data schema and user interfaces 

> When you're looking for code, each of these is quite different from the
> others -- for any search, you will probably be interested in any of
> these (a library to use, or a module or application to borrow from).

Yep. And note that some entries will span two (or all?) categories - Roundup, 
for example, is both a library and an application.

> Right now we're neither here nor there, as people don't think to add
> applications to PyPI, and the trove categories are inappropriate for
> libraries.

I don't believe the categories as they stand are *that* useless!

> On top of this is the infrastructure issue, which probably also has to
> be dealt with before moving forward much (i.e., SQLite and CGI).
> Concurrent updates to a SQLite database from multiple processes scares
> the crap out of me.  But it doesn't look like that should be too hard
> to fix.

As I said in response to your weblog entry:

"Finally, PyPI is bordering on being too large for the technologies it's built 
on; sqlite will need to be replaced by postgresql some time soon and the web ui scales very poorly. Development such as you're proposing 
would push those technologies over the edge :)"

On a separate topic, I believe it's pretty important that a document be 
written that captures your intentions. A lot of ideas have floated around on 
this list over the years - only to be subsequently forgotten because they're 
lost in the list archive. Yes, I'm suggesting writing a PEP about it. That 
way there's a single place someone can go to see the content and status of 
the proposal.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From ianb at  Wed Jun 16 00:32:13 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Wed Jun 16 00:32:22 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jun 15, 2004, at 10:30 PM, Richard Jones wrote:
>> 1. Express relationships between packages.  These are relationships
>> like alternative-implementation, fork, part-of, recommends, requires,
>> etc.  At the moment I'm thinking purely about displaying this
>> information, not any fancy distutils magic installation of
>> dependencies.
> There's been a number of proposals and I believe some code towards
> implementing this kind of meta-data capture.
> The two extensions to distutils dealing with this issue that I know of 
> are
> PIMP (/PackMan) and the ZPKG tools:
>    (couldn't find a page giving the technical details of PIMP)
>    (this page has a good list of links to prior discussions / 
> proposals)
> Various proposals have also been made on this list. I have no idea how 
> related
> those projects are. It would be a shame to develop *another* system.

I'm not entirely clear on all of these, but I think they all are 
looking for dependencies.  Along with that they need canonical 
identifiers, which PyPI already has well enough (package names).  For 
modules this wouldn't work, as the naming would be less unique.  Module 
identifiers would be an issue, but I don't think they'd participate in 
automated dependencies quite so much.

>> 2. Cache packages.  I.e., download a copy of the package, and if the
>> package disappears then we have a backup.
> The disappearance of packages is a concern. An archive network would 
> solve
> this issue, but it requires both organisation and support from hosts. 
> I'm
> pretty sure the current machine is not suitable for storing
> packages.

It should mostly take disk space, at least how I'm envisioning it.  If 
each package has a download URL (that's a real download URL, not just a 
web page with other references) then we cache the archives and provide 
a link to that archive if we detect that the source archive is gone.  
Packages without download locations won't be very popular (though they 
can still be interesting -- I've certainly found links to missing code 
that would interest me).

>> The other thing that might be useful is some improved categorization 
>> of
>> code.  The Trove categories are... well, they are stupid.  No fault of
>> anyone here.  CPAN's much more coarsely-grained categories are much
>> better, in my opinion (Acme, AI, Algorithm, Apache, AppConfig, 
>> Archive,
>> Array, and so on:
> The current Trove list may be extended - I simply drew on the two 
> best-known
> lists: sourceforge and freshmeat.
> What's the "Acme" category hold? :)

Joke modules, I believe.  Pythonistas apparently aren't as prone to 
humor.  So it goes.

I've found the trove categories to be overwhelming to use when creating 
packages, and I've never paid attention to them when looking for 
packages.  In part because I can't expect authors to have defined 
categories for their package.

In Perl the categories are also caught up in naming, which I don't 
think we'd use.  And you can't belong to multiple categories, for the 
same reason.  But I think they present a simpler set of categories that 
would be more useful.  The Vaults has a reasonable set of categories as 
well.  We just need less categories.

>> But even more coarsely-grained than that, there are classes of 
>> package.
>> Right now we have libraries and applications.
> PyPI doesn't make this distinction - though I believe it is a useful 
> one.
>> I'd like to add modules -- though the name is vague, I'm thinking of
>> code on the sophisticated end of the Python Cookbook entries.  Small,
>> reusable, and not worth distutilifying
> This sounds like a good idea, but raises a couple of issues:
> 1. Distutils isn't involed, but that's OK since PyPI allows TTW entry
>    of package meta-data.

I'd probably want to set up a automatic submission client that uses 
docstrings, but that's a separate issue.

> 2. PyPI currently makes no assumptions about what the download_url
>    points to. Would you advocate using the download_url for locating
>    the module source?

Yes, or another field.  Freshmeat allows for a set of download URLs, 
which would potentially help this -- i.e., Windows installer, tarball, 
rpm or deb, etc.

> As I said in response to your weblog entry:
> "PyPI is intended to be an index of metadata that is generated by 
> distutils.
> I'm not sure I'm comfortable extending that scope to include actual 
> code
> fragments. It would confuse the meta-data schema and user interfaces
> considerably."

The idea of broad categories (application, library, module) may 
alleviate the UI issues.  We already have enough fragmentation -- even 
the Vaults get new submissions that don't go to PyPI -- so I'd hate to 
set up an entirely separate system.  It could be parallel, but that 
doesn't seem necessary.  Anyway, the prerequisite features are 
generally useful, so it's not a decision that has to happen yet.

>> When you're looking for code, each of these is quite different from 
>> the
>> others -- for any search, you will probably be interested in any of
>> these (a library to use, or a module or application to borrow from).
> Yep. And note that some entries will span two (or all?) categories - 
> Roundup,
> for example, is both a library and an application.

Maybe that's what would be called a "framework".  But yes, it's a 
little vague.

>> Right now we're neither here nor there, as people don't think to add
>> applications to PyPI, and the trove categories are inappropriate for
>> libraries.
> I don't believe the categories as they stand are *that* useless!

Perhaps.  On one hand they are a set of properties (e.g., development 
status or natural language), which you probably wouldn't search on, but 
which are useful fields.  Or a broad filter that would be appropriate 
for separate interfaces (intended audience).  Or largely meaningless 
(at least for libraries, particularly OS and programming language).  
Which leaves the topics, which aren't the best set of categories.  And 
I don't think I'd rely on them.

So far I just have searched on the description.  A full-text of 
description, keywords, title, and classifiers would probably be my 
favorite search if available.  Unless I'm searching for a specific 
package, I would find searching on any single field (including 
category) to be too restrictive and too likely to cause me to miss 
something interesting.

>> On top of this is the infrastructure issue, which probably also has to
>> be dealt with before moving forward much (i.e., SQLite and CGI).
>> Concurrent updates to a SQLite database from multiple processes scares
>> the crap out of me.  But it doesn't look like that should be too hard
>> to fix.
> As I said in response to your weblog entry:
> "Finally, PyPI is bordering on being too large for the technologies 
> it's built
> on; sqlite will need to be replaced by postgresql some time soon and 
> the
> web ui scales very poorly. Development such as you're 
> proposing
> would push those technologies over the edge :)"
> On a separate topic, I believe it's pretty important that a document be
> written that captures your intentions. A lot of ideas have floated 
> around on
> this list over the years - only to be subsequently forgotten because 
> they're
> lost in the list archive. Yes, I'm suggesting writing a PEP about it. 
> That
> way there's a single place someone can go to see the content and 
> status of
> the proposal.

Sure, after a bit of back-and-forth here.  Maybe it would be easier to 
just write something up to be put in docs/ in CVS.

Ian Bicking | |

From richardjones at  Wed Jun 16 05:59:45 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Jun 16 05:59:57 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 14:32, Ian Bicking wrote:
> For modules this wouldn't work, as the naming would be less unique.
> Module identifiers would be an issue, but I don't think they'd
> participate in automated dependencies quite so much.

If you're going to have some meta-data embedded in the module, then one of 
those fields can be a name in the PyPI namespace.

I think that if the modules are going to be in PyPI, then they've got to have 
a unique name. Names are keys in PyPI (just as they are in CPAN / PAUSE).

> It should mostly take disk space, at least how I'm envisioning it.

Then current (creosote) is definitely not up to the task.

> If 
> each package has a download URL (that's a real download URL, not just a
> web page with other references) then we cache the archives and provide
> a link to that archive if we detect that the source archive is gone.

I guess the issue is how we know what the download_url points to.

I think we agree that the distutils meta-data is going to have to grow some 
additional fields (or single a complex field) that point specifically to 
source, win32 binary, redhat RPM, etc. download files. Of course, for 
projects hosted on sourceforge, all this is moot since there is no such thing 
as a URL pointing to a file (ok, there is, but I suspect your project would 
be booted if you used URLs pointing directly at mirrors).

> > What's the "Acme" category hold? :)
> Joke modules, I believe.  Pythonistas apparently aren't as prone to
> humor.  So it goes.

That's what I figured. I'll take the rest of your statement in the sarcastic 
light that it was obviously intended ;)

> I've found the trove categories to be overwhelming to use when creating
> packages, and I've never paid attention to them when looking for
> packages.  In part because I can't expect authors to have defined
> categories for their package.

But they do. I've personally found the category searching to be quite 
productive a couple of times now.

Perhaps I should generate some statistics? I'd have separate counts for users 
using any categories and those using topics...

> In Perl the categories are also caught up in naming, which I don't
> think we'd use.  And you can't belong to multiple categories, for the
> same reason.  But I think they present a simpler set of categories that
> would be more useful.  The Vaults has a reasonable set of categories as
> well.  We just need less categories.

Again, the categories we have at the moment are just the combination of the 
sourceforge and freshmeat listings. I'm well aware it's not the best list 
that it could be and I'd be more than happy to work on the list. 

> I'd probably want to set up a automatic submission client that uses
> docstrings, but that's a separate issue.

I think this is a great idea (I'm a fan of lowest-possible-burden for 
contributors ;)

> The idea of broad categories (application, library, module) may
> alleviate the UI issues.


> We already have enough fragmentation -- even 
> the Vaults get new submissions that don't go to PyPI -- so I'd hate to
> set up an entirely separate system.

Aside: It really is a shame I got zero response from repeated enquiries about 
collaboration with the Vaults people. I honestly didn't want to have to 
develop a new system :(

> Sure, after a bit of back-and-forth here.  Maybe it would be easier to
> just write something up to be put in docs/ in CVS.

Which CVS?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From ianb at  Wed Jun 16 12:51:49 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu Jun 17 08:12:36 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Upgrading infrastructure
Message-ID: <>

I also noticed in those comments a note on Postgres, and that it still 
needed to be installed, and who knows when that would happen...

Would it be suffient just to move to a threaded, long-running model 
instead of CGI?  For all its flaws (in a highly concurrent environment), 
I suspect SQLite probably wouldn't be so bad once the CGI overhead is 
gone, and the CGI overhead will be significant even if Postgres is in place.

Thoughts on what to use?

Static generation of a few key files would also be helpful (like the RSS 


From catalog-sig at  Wed Jun 16 10:59:15 2004
From: catalog-sig at (
Date: Thu Jun 17 09:43:19 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Package/Module/Recipe Versioning,
	Aggregation and Distrobution 
Message-ID: <>

I have been developing a bootstrap loader to enable module/package & python interpretor versioning/specification at time of import within a script.
This is primarily to encourage code re-use/portablility (satisfying dependancies on multiple machines & platforms), and allow revision control and coexistence of packages, a particular weak point of python in my experience (I could be just doing things wrong). I am interested now in how such versioned packages could be agregated and made avaliable through a centralised service such as PyPi/CPAN, and as to wether such functionality described below will be a spanner in the works for distrobution techniques.

---------my actual question ------------------
To people familiar with distrobuting python projects, and associated tools, eg (py2exe, disutils, PyPi, freeze, etc)
Which is not my string point in python, is this going to cause headaches with the way the afore mentioned tools work.

Can this below  mentioned versioning/package retrieval/recipe retrieval be easily integrated with a CPAN like service such as PyPi & in a logical manner, allowing platform specific, versioned packages to be agregated and made available automagically at time of import, or through some form of dependancy checker.

This is similar to a technique seen in PythonMegaWidgets and a discussion I found of David Aschers on versioning.
I have made my intial version of this avaliable on aspn.
This is comprised of two parts, & (, versioner walks a site-packages tree identifying folder structures where versioned packages occur, and distrobutes as in the parent folder of this versioned packages, it also creates empty placeholder's & autoloaders (from foldername import * - where script name = folder name and no exists ) so that you can automagically have "from package.folder.folder.script import method, etc ,etc"
Admittedly Mark Hammonds win32, win32com, etc, didn't work at first inspection but I am happy for such packages to remain locally with site-packages as these are not cross platform packages anyhow, however all other packages I have migrated to my versioned site packages directory have played nicely in tests made. 
(for example: bsddb3, ClientCookie, DCOracle2, Ft, id3, log4py, logging, mx, OpenSSL, PIL, psyco, psyco2, PythonMagick, soaplib, wxPython, xmlplus )
With the manual hack of dragging any built binaries (.so, .dll, .pyd, etc) for said package from DLLS,etc into versioned package folder (OK when this is dpendant on system services eg MySqld, BerkleyDB, etc this could get difficult).

The impact on python syntax for this is minimal with local variables such as:

_foo_version_ = '' #where point depth is level of compatibility required
import foo

Optionally. _python_version_ = '2.2.2' #again point depth is variable

I further intend to remove all of the pollution this make of local namespace once the import has been performed.
And have not gone through extensive testing nor bug fixes as yet, but all seems to work quite nicely.

Ultimately I would love an extension to the python core syntax along the lines of:

import foo version (with inate platform inspection suffixing on package name)#to give the behaviour I have implements

I thought I had seen a PEP on this though cant seem to find this.


------------extension to this------------
Ultimately I would like to achieve a CPAN like web retrieval of versioned packages/scripts which are referenced yet not available, though doing this at time of import perhaps if local variable is declared: e.g. _PyPi_download_ = 1, where if a version is specified it will retrieve that version else defaulting to latest.

I would like to extend this with recipes as well,


import recipe.aspn_python.stringutil.md5hash as md5hash
import recipe.parnassus.stringutil.utf8escape as ut8esc
import recipe.claysstuff.stringutil.utf8unescape as ut8unesc

Where one could register a base foldername, and their lookup service with a central weblookup services which fires a search for a packge/module/scriptname which returns standardised xml results, to allow retrieval of the said package, storing it in the path you have nominated for versioned-packages/recipes (perhaps in, perhaps even allowing syntax to import all packages from source/category/subcategory/etc eg aspn_python.category.*

Having PyPi agregate packages (perhaps with unit tests also) and mirror seems logical, bundling all immediate depandancies within a single archive also seems logical.

Having packages also nominate dependancies could be a huge benifit:

Eg. requires['package'] = '1.2.3'

Or standard dependancies.xml in base folder of package, ok this may be simplistic, modelling dependancies is a whole separate issue but for example
        <python version='2.2.2'/>
                <built-against></depend> #using ldd 	
        <platform os='linux' distro='shrike'>
                <service name='gcc' version='3.22'/> #using locate(if present) | binaryName -v [perhaps this is a little flimsy]
                <service name='php' version='4.2'/>
                <name='' version='1.2.4' service='|php|etc' user='root' pass='secret'/> #for private packages
                <name='' version='1.2.4'/> #uses Pypi to get search service to locate/download package

I thought I may as well put out some of the concerns I came across with versioned package managment, and some of the enhancements I could see being of benifit for discussion.
My apologies if I have missed such discussions in these groups I have only recently joined these groups.
Apologies if any of these seems unclear

From amk at  Wed Jun 16 12:14:56 2004
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Thu Jun 17 12:35:52 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 01:30:40PM +1000, Richard Jones wrote:
> "Finally, PyPI is bordering on being too large for the technologies it's built 
> on; sqlite will need to be replaced by postgresql some time soon and the 
> web ui scales very poorly. Development such as you're proposing 

I can pursue installing PostgreSQL on the Python server.  It would be
useful for PyPI, could be used for Roundup, and might be handy for
content management on


From ianb at  Thu Jun 17 12:48:45 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu Jun 17 12:49:03 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Category suggestions
Message-ID: <>

Here's a list of categories that I think are unneeded, with a few 
additions as well (marked with +).

Generally I think a category should only exist if ...

(a) Someone would say "I want something like X", where X is a category, 
(b) Having found a package, I want to know if it has property X (e.g., 
licensing, maturity)
(c) It can't be replace with a unamgiuous keyword, or an element of the 
description (e.g., Z39.50)
(d) If a subcategory, a user would be genuinely interested in the 
specific subcategory, where there would be an *excess* of uninteresting 
packages in the parent category.
(e) If not a property-based category (e.g., maturity level), it 
shouldn't apply to a significant number of the packages.  "Utilities" is 
silly.  "Python" is obvious.

With a bit more thought, it would probably be possible to trim the 
remaining categories considerably, and add in some more useful 
categories.  E.g., "metaclasses".  Generally there should be more 
Python-specific categories (e.g., Zope, etc).  Any Python framework that 
has a significant number of packages that depend on that framework 
should be a category.  (Unless a relationship system makes that 
redundant, which might be an interesting way to factor it.)

Maybe the properties should also be removed and turned into normal 
fields.  E.g., we already have a license field.  It's nice to sort on 
free/proprietary, and maybe permissive/GPL (for free) and 
free-but-proprietary/not-free... but maybe those categories can be 
filled in automatically instead of having the redundancy.

The categories:

Environment :: Console :: Curses
Environment :: Console :: Framebuffer
Environment :: Console :: Newt
Environment :: Console :: svgalib
Environment :: MacOS X :: Aqua
Environment :: MacOS X :: Carbon
Environment :: MacOS X :: Cocoa
Environment :: Other Environment
Environment :: Plugins
Environment :: Web Environment :: Mozilla (?)
Natural Language :: English (?)
Operating System :: OS Independent
   (generally, the OS categories seem excessive for Python)
Programming Language :: Python
   (well duh it uses Python)
Programming Language :: Zope
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Address Book
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA)
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP
Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3
+ Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Client
+ Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Server
Topic :: Communications :: FIDO
Topic :: Communications :: File Sharing :: Gnutella
Topic :: Communications :: File Sharing :: Napster
   (too timely)
Topic :: Communications :: Ham Radio
Topic :: Communications :: Internet Phone
Topic :: Communications :: Telephony
Topic :: Database
   (too *few* topics...)
+ Topic :: Database :: MySQL
+ Topic :: Database :: PostgreSQL
+ Topic :: Database :: SQLite
+ Topic :: Database :: Other RDBMS
+ Topic :: Database :: RDBMS wrappers
+ Topic :: Database :: Persistence
   (for ZODB, Kirbybase, etc)
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE) :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: PicoGUI :: Applications
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: PicoGUI :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Afterstep
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Afterstep :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Applets
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Blackbox
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Blackbox :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: CTWM
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: CTWM :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: Epplets
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: 
Themes DR15
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: 
Themes DR16
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Enlightenment :: 
Themes DR17
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: FVWM
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: FVWM :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Fluxbox
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Fluxbox :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: IceWM
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: IceWM :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: MetaCity
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: MetaCity :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Oroborus
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Oroborus :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish :: Themes 0.30
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Sawfish :: Themes 
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Waimea
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Waimea :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker :: Applets
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker :: Themes
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: XFCE
Topic :: Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: XFCE :: Themes
Topic :: Internet :: WAP

Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries
Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: CGI
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: mod_python
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Twisted
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2 :: Products
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3 :: Products
+ Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Content Management
   (Actually, I'd rather rethink all of Internet)
Topic :: Internet :: Z39.50
Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Scanners
Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture
Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Playing
Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Ripping
Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: CD Audio :: CD Writing
Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3
Topic :: Office/Business :: News/Diary
   (It's not clearn why this is Office/Business)
Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic
Re: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
   (It might be good to get input from someone who cares about this
Topic :: Sociology
Topic :: Sociology :: Genealogy
Topic :: Sociology :: History
   (Sociology just seems strange -- genealogy belongs somewhere,
Topic :: Software Development :: Assemblers
Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers
Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Perl Modules
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Pike Modules
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Ruby Modules
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Tcl Extensions
Topic :: Software Development :: Localization
   (Redunant with Internalization)
Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering
Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering :: CORBA
   ("Object Brokering" a loaded term)
Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance
   (Redundant with Testing / Bug Tracking)
Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation
Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: RCS
Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: SCCS
+ Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Subversion
Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets
Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup
Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Compression
Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Mirroring
Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging
Topic :: System :: Boot
Topic :: System :: Boot :: Init
Topic :: System :: Clustering
   (Redundant with Distributed Computing)
Topic :: System :: Console Fonts
Topic :: System :: Emulators
Topic :: System :: Filesystems
Topic :: System :: Hardware
Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers
Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Mainframes
Topic :: System :: Hardware :: Symmetric Multi-processing
Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring
Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring :: Hardware Watchdog
Topic :: System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization
Topic :: System :: Operating System
Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels
Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: BSD
Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: GNU Hurd
Topic :: System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux
Topic :: System :: Power (UPS)
Topic :: System :: Recovery Tools
Topic :: System :: Software Distribution
   ("Software" loaded, redundant with Installation/Setup -- File
   Distribution maybe more appropriate)
Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory
Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: 
Topic :: System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory
:: NIS
   (Audience, not Topic)
Topic :: Terminals
Topic :: Terminals :: Serial
Topic :: Terminals :: Telnet
Topic :: Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals
Topic :: Text Editors :: Text Processing
Topic :: Text Processing :: Fonts
Topic :: Text Processing :: General
Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX
Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML
Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: VRML
Topic :: Utilities
   (Too vague)

From amk at  Thu Jun 17 14:01:18 2004
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Thu Jun 17 14:02:02 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Which PostgreSQL interface?
Message-ID: <>

I've embarked on compiling PostgreSQL on, and am
wondering which Python interface to use.  I've used Pygresql and have
been happy with it, but Richard and Ian, I'd like to know if you have
opinions about this.


From ianb at  Thu Jun 17 14:36:59 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu Jun 17 14:37:13 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Which PostgreSQL interface?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> I've embarked on compiling PostgreSQL on, and am
> wondering which Python interface to use.  I've used Pygresql and have
> been happy with it, but Richard and Ian, I'd like to know if you have
> opinions about this.

PyGreSQL is kind of wonky sometimes.  Psycopg seems to be the better 
interface, in my experience.


From slash at  Thu Jun 17 15:03:56 2004
From: slash at (Mark W. Alexander)
Date: Thu Jun 17 15:04:07 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Which PostgreSQL interface?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 01:36:59PM -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
> A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> >I've embarked on compiling PostgreSQL on, and am
> >wondering which Python interface to use.  I've used Pygresql and have
> >been happy with it, but Richard and Ian, I'd like to know if you have
> >opinions about this.
> PyGreSQL is kind of wonky sometimes.  Psycopg seems to be the better 
> interface, in my experience.

This was some time ago, but the author of PyGreSQL stated that he did
not use the DB-ABI compatible mode so his support for it was hit & miss
based on contributions.

psycopg, otoh, was written to the DB-API-2.0 spec, with thread-safety in
mind, and transparently supports connection pooling.

I switched to psycopg and haven't looked back (though I'd be interested
in more current experiences with PyGreSQL.)

Mark W. Alexander

The contents of this message authored by Mark W. Alexander are
released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.
Copyright of quoted materials are retained by the original author(s).

From richardjones at  Thu Jun 17 18:14:09 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Thu Jun 17 18:14:43 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Which PostgreSQL interface?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 18 Jun 2004 04:01, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> I've embarked on compiling PostgreSQL on, and am
> wondering which Python interface to use.  I've used Pygresql and have
> been happy with it, but Richard and Ian, I'd like to know if you have
> opinions about this.

I have had good experiences with psycopg. It requires the mxDateTime module 
though, which makes building a little more painful.

I have had no experiences with any other psql python modules though.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From golux at  Thu Jun 17 15:36:28 2004
From: golux at (Stephen Waterbury)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:35:05 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Which PostgreSQL interface?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> I've embarked on compiling PostgreSQL on, and am
> wondering which Python interface to use.  I've used Pygresql and have
> been happy with it, but Richard and Ian, I'd like to know if you have
> opinions about this.

I've used pyPgSQL and psycopg with good results, both
by themselves and as backends with Twisted's adbapi.
Both pyPgSQL and psycopg are very well supported, and
questions to their maintainers are answered very promptly.


From amk at  Fri Jun 18 09:47:35 2004
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:43:05 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PostgreSQL installed
Message-ID: <>

I've finished installing PostgreSQL 7.4.3 and the Psycopg DB adapter

It's configured to only support Unix domain sockets, not TCP/IP, so 
databases can only be accessed from creosote.  

Original source code is in ~amk/source/ext ; if we come up with a
standard place to keep source code, I'll move it.  

The binaries, libraries, and data are in /usr/local/pgsql743/ ; 
you may want to add /usr/local/pgsql743/bin to your path.

A cron job will make a nightly backup to /usr/local/pgsql743/dump/backup .

Currently I'm the only user with the ability to create new users and
databases.  Ask me to create a PostgreSQL user for you; let me know if
you want the right to create new databases and/or new DB users.  Since
everyone with login access to creosote is trusted, I'll give these
rights to anyone who asks.  

Richard, I've already created a user for you and a database named
"pypi"; you should be able to run "psql pypi" and then type SQL
queries.  Let me know if there's a problem.


From richardjones at  Fri Jun 18 20:51:39 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:46:11 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 Jun 2004 02:14, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 01:30:40PM +1000, Richard Jones wrote:
> > "Finally, PyPI is bordering on being too large for the technologies it's
> > built on; sqlite will need to be replaced by postgresql some time soon
> > and the web ui scales very poorly. Development such as
> > you're proposing
> I can pursue installing PostgreSQL on the Python server.  It would be
> useful for PyPI, could be used for Roundup, and might be handy for
> content management on

That would be brilliant, thanks!

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From ianb at  Wed Jun 16 12:31:05 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:47:18 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Jones wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 14:32, Ian Bicking wrote:
>>For modules this wouldn't work, as the naming would be less unique.
>>Module identifiers would be an issue, but I don't think they'd
>>participate in automated dependencies quite so much.
> If you're going to have some meta-data embedded in the module, then one of 
> those fields can be a name in the PyPI namespace.
> I think that if the modules are going to be in PyPI, then they've got to have 
> a unique name. Names are keys in PyPI (just as they are in CPAN / PAUSE).

I think they'd have to be parameterized in some way then -- stand-alone 
modules just aren't likely to be uniquely named.  Or, to make them 
uniquely named would lead to funky names (e.g., 
Maybe it could be a name of author_username:module_name, or something 
like that.  Or maybe the names simply don't have to match the Python 
module name.

I really *don't* want to encourage a lot of distutiled modules with 
conflicting names.  In the comments on my post 
( someone 
suggested automatically creating a zip/tarball with the proper, 
and I think that would be a bad idea and would lead to a polluted 

>>It should mostly take disk space, at least how I'm envisioning it.
> Then current (creosote) is definitely not up to the task.

Okay... then maybe it should be a RPC setup.  Like a client can query 
for a list of URLs that have not been archived (sufficiently), and can 
register the fact it has archived a URL.  Then there'd be the 
infrastructure so that archiving can be offloaded to another machine, 
though no archiving or mirroring would be built into the system.  There 
shouldn't be any lack of machines for the use -- disk and bandwidth is 
so cheap these days that a complex system like CPAN's seems like 
overkill.  I'm guessing creosote is just kind of old, and 
(understandably) no one wants to deal with the sysadmin issues of upgrading.

>>each package has a download URL (that's a real download URL, not just a
>>web page with other references) then we cache the archives and provide
>>a link to that archive if we detect that the source archive is gone.
> I guess the issue is how we know what the download_url points to.
> I think we agree that the distutils meta-data is going to have to grow some 
> additional fields (or single a complex field) that point specifically to 
> source, win32 binary, redhat RPM, etc. download files. Of course, for 
> projects hosted on sourceforge, all this is moot since there is no such thing 
> as a URL pointing to a file (ok, there is, but I suspect your project would 
> be booted if you used URLs pointing directly at mirrors).

I think the SF downloading should be built into the downloading client, 
as a kind of screen scraper to get to the real file.  There's so much 
stuff on SF that it can be special cased.  Alternately, we could ask 
submitters to give us a direct URL, and we would only distribute that 
URL to mirrors, never to users.

In case of URLs, perhaps we need a (url, url_type, url_description) 
relation, where url_type is restricted, and maybe (or maybe not) (url, 
url_type) is unique.  url_type would be like homepage, documentation, 
changelog, tar.gz download, Windows installer, Mac disk image, etc. 
Kind of like SourceForge does for downloads, but both a bit larger, and 
a bit less explicit.  (E.g., I think SF has two different types for .gz 
and .bz2 files, which seems unnecessary.)

>>>What's the "Acme" category hold? :)
>>Joke modules, I believe.  Pythonistas apparently aren't as prone to
>>humor.  So it goes.
> That's what I figured. I'll take the rest of your statement in the sarcastic 
> light that it was obviously intended ;)

There really aren't that many joke Python modules, at least that I've 
seen.  Maybe because we lack the namespace for them.  Or because we are 
less prone to puns.

>>I've found the trove categories to be overwhelming to use when creating
>>packages, and I've never paid attention to them when looking for
>>packages.  In part because I can't expect authors to have defined
>>categories for their package.
> But they do. I've personally found the category searching to be quite 
> productive a couple of times now.
> Perhaps I should generate some statistics? I'd have separate counts for users 
> using any categories and those using topics...

Statistics might be useful -- we already have the number of packages 
that are using categories (in the browse screen), but a statistic of the 
number of packages that aren't using the categories would be helpful.

>>In Perl the categories are also caught up in naming, which I don't
>>think we'd use.  And you can't belong to multiple categories, for the
>>same reason.  But I think they present a simpler set of categories that
>>would be more useful.  The Vaults has a reasonable set of categories as
>>well.  We just need less categories.
> Again, the categories we have at the moment are just the combination of the 
> sourceforge and freshmeat listings. I'm well aware it's not the best list 
> that it could be and I'd be more than happy to work on the list. 

Maybe it would even be sufficient to fill it out just a little more (to 
make it more appropriate for Python and libraries), and then offer to 
display a trimmed-down list, since everyone fills out their categories 
by skimming through the list of available categories.  Keywords are also 
another model, and are somewhat redundant now.  Myself, I never know 
what to put in for keywords.

An interactive could be nice too -- it could help 
people get over the distutils hump, as well as promoting the necessary 
parts for PyPI submission.

>>I'd probably want to set up a automatic submission client that uses
>>docstrings, but that's a separate issue.
> I think this is a great idea (I'm a fan of lowest-possible-burden for 
> contributors ;)
>>The idea of broad categories (application, library, module) may
>>alleviate the UI issues.
> Agreed.
>>We already have enough fragmentation -- even 
>>the Vaults get new submissions that don't go to PyPI -- so I'd hate to
>>set up an entirely separate system.
> Aside: It really is a shame I got zero response from repeated enquiries about 
> collaboration with the Vaults people. I honestly didn't want to have to 
> develop a new system :(

Yeah, I was wondering about that.  It would still be nice to import the 
Vaults data, as there's a lot of older but useful stuff there.  Even if 
they didn't collaborate, at some point it would be nice to make PyPI 
more canonical, and import the Vaults data and (hopefully) shut that 
service down once it's entirely redundant.

I should really be careful, as I am prone to distraction (this itself is 
a distraction) and I probably can't participate in this stuff in a 
really consistent way.  But something like setting up an import might be 
a good level of commitment.

>>Sure, after a bit of back-and-forth here.  Maybe it would be easier to
>>just write something up to be put in docs/ in CVS.
> Which CVS?

In the pypi SF project.  Is that the canonical repository for the code?


From richardjones at  Fri Jun 18 21:26:13 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:53:08 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Category suggestions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 18 Jun 2004 02:48, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Here's a list of categories that I think are unneeded, with a few
> additions as well (marked with +).

I agree with most of your changes, and I have some comments where we disagree.

I'd want to analyse whether or not anyone is using any of the topics to be 

> Generally I think a category should only exist if ...
> (a) Someone would say "I want something like X", where X is a category,
> or...
> (b) Having found a package, I want to know if it has property X (e.g.,
> licensing, maturity)
> (c) It can't be replace with a unamgiuous keyword, or an element of the
> description (e.g., Z39.50)
> (d) If a subcategory, a user would be genuinely interested in the
> specific subcategory, where there would be an *excess* of uninteresting
> packages in the parent category.
> (e) If not a property-based category (e.g., maturity level), it
> shouldn't apply to a significant number of the packages.  "Utilities" is
> silly.  "Python" is obvious.

I tend to agree with this. Note that the browsing functionality matches 
subcategories, allowing the packager to specify more finely what their 
package does, eg. "Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Address Book" while 
still matching "Topic :: Communications :: Email".

> With a bit more thought, it would probably be possible to trim the
> remaining categories considerably, and add in some more useful
> categories.


> Maybe the properties should also be removed and turned into normal
> fields.

Yes, this has come up before. I think it's a good idea, but I'm unsure about 
how to go about it. Someone has also pointed out that the license field could 
be used to include the entire license text. I'm not sure whether that's 
useful though.

For your list, I've implicitly agree to changes you proposed unless I note 

+ Environment :: Embedded

> Natural Language :: English (?)

For non i18n, it's good to be explicit.

> Operating System :: OS Independent
>    (generally, the OS categories seem excessive for Python)

They can be important though.

> Programming Language :: Python
>    (well duh it uses Python)

Yeah, this section does seem silly. I guess the only important selections here 
are Python, C, C++ and Java. Perhaps C# too?

> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Address Book
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA)
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP
> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3
> + Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Client
> + Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Server

We'd want to heelp Filters - for things like spambayes, etc.

> Topic :: Communications :: Internet Phone
> Topic :: Communications :: Telephony
>    (both?)

Technically they are separate things, but I'm not sure there's going to be 
enough packages to warrant two categories. Let's just go with Telephony.

> + Topic :: Database :: RDBMS wrappers

IMO this could be confused with the DB-API wrapper. Perhaps Object-Relational 

> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content

Hrm - I'm not sure why you prefer Frameworks over

> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries
> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: CGI
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: mod_python
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Twisted
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2 :: Products
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3 :: Products
> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Content Management
>    (Actually, I'd rather rethink all of Internet)

Yes, given that Twisted and the Zopes are both more than just WWW/HTTP. I'd be 
happy to knock them back a notch:

+ Topic :: Internet :: Twisted
+ Topic :: Internet :: Zope 2
+ Topic :: Internet :: Zope 2 :: Products
+ Topic :: Internet :: Zope 3
+ Topic :: Internet :: Zope 3 :: Products

> Topic :: Office/Business :: News/Diary
>    (It's not clearn why this is Office/Business)

Yeah. I think most of the Office/Business topics could be relabelled 
"Organisational" or some similar Adjective.

> Re: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
>    (It might be good to get input from someone who cares about this
>    area)

I can actually have a good crack at this - I'm doing a review of Field Of 
Knowledge classification systems for work. Off the top of my head, the set 
here is pretty good.

> Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers


> Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation

docutils, et al?

> Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering
> Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering :: CORBA
>    ("Object Brokering" a loaded term)

Yes, but there's a number of schemes in Python that do it.

> Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: RCS
> Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: SCCS
> + Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Subversion

Do we need sub-topics? 

> Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets

There's a number of Python GUI implementations. I'm not sure where else they'd 
go. Perhaps we need

+ Topic :: User Interface

> Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
>    (Audience, not Topic)

I agree the subcategories could go away, but the category is useful. Audience 
and Topic are separate concepts (a package may be for system administrators, 
or it might implement system admin tools for use by other people)

> Topic :: Text Editors :: Text Processing

docutils et al?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From news at  Fri Jun 18 04:32:31 2004
From: news at (ALLNET-News)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:02:08 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] =?iso-8859-1?q?C=E1maras_IP_LAN_y_54Mbit_-_en_stoc?=
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From richardjones at  Thu Jun 17 18:15:54 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:16:36 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Upgrading infrastructure
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 Jun 2004 02:51, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I also noticed in those comments a note on Postgres, and that it still
> needed to be installed, and who knows when that would happen...

It needs someone with time enough to install it.

> Would it be suffient just to move to a threaded, long-running model
> instead of CGI?  For all its flaws (in a highly concurrent environment),
> I suspect SQLite probably wouldn't be so bad once the CGI overhead is
> gone, and the CGI overhead will be significant even if Postgres is in
> place.
> Thoughts on what to use?

I was thinking about investigating Quixote. I've just not had the time to look 
into it.

> Static generation of a few key files would also be helpful (like the RSS
> feed).

This was done as soon as I realised that some idiots out there have their RSS 
feed readers set to poll every minute. It still goes through the cgi 
interface, but doesn't require opening the database.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From Chris.Barker at  Mon Jun 21 13:57:39 2004
From: Chris.Barker at (Chris Barker)
Date: Mon Jun 21 15:09:28 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Package/Module/Recipe Versioning,	Aggregation and
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> I have been developing a bootstrap loader to enable module/package & python interpretor versioning/specification at time of import within a script.
> This is primarily to encourage code re-use/portablility (satisfying dependancies on multiple machines & platforms), and allow revision control and coexistence of packages, a particular weak point of python in my experience (I could be just doing things wrong). I am interested now in how such versioned packages could be agregated and made avaliable through a centralised service such as PyPi/CPAN, and as to wether such functionality described below will be a spanner in the works for distrobution techniques.

Who sent this note? There has been discussion recently on the 
wxPython-users list about how to support versioning of wxPython. I'd 
love to hear what you've worked out. And yes, I agree this is a real 
week point in Python that would be nice to address Python-wide, rather 
than each package developer coming up with their own scheme.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
NOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT         (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

From golux at  Tue Jun 22 20:09:26 2004
From: golux at (Stephen Waterbury)
Date: Tue Jun 22 20:14:55 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Category suggestions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Jones wrote:

> On Friday 18 Jun 2004 02:48, Ian Bicking wrote:
>>Maybe the properties should also be removed and turned into normal
> Yes, this has come up before. I think it's a good idea, but I'm unsure about 
> how to go about it. Someone has also pointed out that the license field could 
> be used to include the entire license text. I'm not sure whether that's 
> useful though.

Especially since it might be repeated in several places.
Perhaps the license field could contain the URL to a
single authoritative copy of the license text.

- Steve

From ianb at  Tue Jun 22 22:30:26 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Tue Jun 22 22:37:16 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Category suggestions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jun 18, 2004, at 8:26 PM, Richard Jones wrote:
>> Maybe the properties should also be removed and turned into normal
>> fields.
> Yes, this has come up before. I think it's a good idea, but I'm unsure 
> about
> how to go about it. Someone has also pointed out that the license 
> field could
> be used to include the entire license text. I'm not sure whether that's
> useful though.

I think the hierarchy that the trove categories use are useful, 
specifically the OSI hierarchy, and classifying some of the different 
proprietary licenses.  At the same time, belonging to multiple license 
categories doesn't make sense, and at least one should be required 
(even if they just choose "other").

> For your list, I've implicitly agree to changes you proposed unless I 
> note
> below:
> + Environment :: Embedded
>> Natural Language :: English (?)
> For non i18n, it's good to be explicit.

The difficulty to me is that there's a lot of libraries, and this 
shouldn't apply to libraries (unless they are not English).  For 
applications this is more interesting, but this is the obvious default 
for almost all libraries.

>> Operating System :: OS Independent
>>    (generally, the OS categories seem excessive for Python)
> They can be important though.

Again, they shouldn't apply to most libraries.  But I suppose OS 
Independent is good enough for most.  A "pure python" category might be 

>> Programming Language :: Python
>>    (well duh it uses Python)
> Yeah, this section does seem silly. I guess the only important 
> selections here
> are Python, C, C++ and Java. Perhaps C# too?

Kind of... I can imagine other things meant to integrate between 
languages -- e.g., Fortran and Python.  Or source code generation, or 
build environments, etc.  But that doesn't mean that each language 
needs its own category, maybe Programming Language :: Other is enough.

>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Address Book
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA)
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Filters
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP
>> Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3
>> + Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Client
>> + Topic :: Communications :: Email :: Server
> We'd want to heelp Filters - for things like spambayes, etc.

Yes, there are a bunch of those.

>> Topic :: Communications :: Internet Phone
>> Topic :: Communications :: Telephony
>>    (both?)
> Technically they are separate things, but I'm not sure there's going 
> to be
> enough packages to warrant two categories. Let's just go with 
> Telephony.
>> + Topic :: Database :: RDBMS wrappers
> IMO this could be confused with the DB-API wrapper. Perhaps 
> Object-Relational
> wrappers?

There's a lot that aren't ORMs, like SQLDict or things like that.

>> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
> Hrm - I'm not sure why you prefer Frameworks over

"Dynamic Content" seems very vague to me.  Any web application could 
qualify.  Hmm... there should be some category to distinguish actual 
web applications from libraries.

>> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI 
>> Tools/Libraries
>> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
>> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
>> Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: CGI
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Frameworks :: mod_python
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Twisted
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 2 :: Products
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Zope 3 :: Products
>> + Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Content Management
>>    (Actually, I'd rather rethink all of Internet)
> Yes, given that Twisted and the Zopes are both more than just 
> WWW/HTTP. I'd be
> happy to knock them back a notch:
> + Topic :: Internet :: Twisted
> + Topic :: Internet :: Zope 2
> + Topic :: Internet :: Zope 2 :: Products
> + Topic :: Internet :: Zope 3
> + Topic :: Internet :: Zope 3 :: Products


>> Topic :: Office/Business :: News/Diary
>>    (It's not clearn why this is Office/Business)
> Yeah. I think most of the Office/Business topics could be relabelled
> "Organisational" or some similar Adjective.
>> Re: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
>>    (It might be good to get input from someone who cares about this
>>    area)
> I can actually have a good crack at this - I'm doing a review of Field 
> Of
> Knowledge classification systems for work. Off the top of my head, the 
> set
> here is pretty good.
>> Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers
> decompyle?
>> Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation
> docutils, et al?

That's true, I was thinking of actual documentation, but documentation 
tools makes sense.

>> Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering
>> Topic :: Software Development :: Object Brokering :: CORBA
>>    ("Object Brokering" a loaded term)
> Yes, but there's a number of schemes in Python that do it.

I feel like there should be some better term, though -- one which 
doesn't feel so specific to CORBA and that era.

>> Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: RCS
>> Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: SCCS
>> + Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Subversion
> Do we need sub-topics?

I think it would make sense -- there's a number of tools and 
applications built on Subversion and CVS, and they are pretty tied to 
that backend.

>> Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets
> There's a number of Python GUI implementations. I'm not sure where 
> else they'd
> go. Perhaps we need
> + Topic :: User Interface

Hmm... "User Interface" maybe sounds too vague, but you're right there 
should be something.  Maybe GUI would be clearer.

>> Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
>>    (Audience, not Topic)
> I agree the subcategories could go away, but the category is useful. 
> Audience
> and Topic are separate concepts (a package may be for system 
> administrators,
> or it might implement system admin tools for use by other people)
>> Topic :: Text Editors :: Text Processing
> docutils et al?

But in Text Editors?  Maybe moved somewhere else.  Also I can't 
remember if there's good categories for HTML and XML (where HTML is 
separate).  There's a lot of tools specific to that.

Ian Bicking | |

From richardjones at  Wed Jun 23 02:11:22 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Jun 23 02:13:22 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI improvements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 Jun 2004 02:31, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:
> > On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 14:32, Ian Bicking wrote:
> >>For modules this wouldn't work, as the naming would be less unique.
> >>Module identifiers would be an issue, but I don't think they'd
> >>participate in automated dependencies quite so much.
> >
> > If you're going to have some meta-data embedded in the module, then one
> > of those fields can be a name in the PyPI namespace.
> >
> > I think that if the modules are going to be in PyPI, then they've got to
> > have a unique name. Names are keys in PyPI (just as they are in CPAN /
> > PAUSE).
> I think they'd have to be parameterized in some way then -- stand-alone
> modules just aren't likely to be uniquely named.  Or, to make them
> uniquely named would lead to funky names (e.g.,
> Maybe it could be a name of author_username:module_name, or something
> like that.  Or maybe the names simply don't have to match the Python
> module name.

I guess the problem with modules having the same name is that people can then 
get confused about eg. *which* "csv" module you might be talking about. 
There's at least four of them out there, though one of those is in the 

> I really *don't* want to encourage a lot of distutiled modules with
> conflicting names.  In the comments on my post
> ( someone
> suggested automatically creating a zip/tarball with the proper,
> and I think that would be a bad idea and would lead to a polluted
> site-packages.

Where else would these modules be installed? Or are you advocating that they 
not be installed?

> Okay... then maybe it should be a RPC setup.  Like a client can query
> for a list of URLs that have not been archived (sufficiently), and can
> register the fact it has archived a URL.  Then there'd be the
> infrastructure so that archiving can be offloaded to another machine,
> though no archiving or mirroring would be built into the system.  There
> shouldn't be any lack of machines for the use -- disk and bandwidth is
> so cheap these days that a complex system like CPAN's seems like
> overkill.

Seems like a reasonable idea. We'd want PyPI to be able to query the archives 
it knows about on a regular (weekly?) basis just to make sure everything's in 

> I'm guessing creosote is just kind of old, and 
> (understandably) no one wants to deal with the sysadmin issues of
> upgrading.

Upgrading creosote is in the works, but it requires resources.

> I think the SF downloading should be built into the downloading client,
> as a kind of screen scraper to get to the real file.  There's so much
> stuff on SF that it can be special cased.

That's easy enough to do.

> In case of URLs, perhaps we need a (url, url_type, url_description)
> relation, where url_type is restricted, and maybe (or maybe not) (url,
> url_type) is unique.  url_type would be like homepage, documentation,
> changelog, tar.gz download, Windows installer, Mac disk image, etc.

I like this idea a lot. How it's expressed in PKG_INFO terms is another 
thing :)

> Kind of like SourceForge does for downloads, but both a bit larger, and
> a bit less explicit.  (E.g., I think SF has two different types for .gz
> and .bz2 files, which seems unnecessary.)

Yes, the types are a strange bunch.

> Statistics might be useful -- we already have the number of packages
> that are using categories (in the browse screen), but a statistic of the
> number of packages that aren't using the categories would be helpful.

I did some quickie analysis:

> An interactive could be nice too -- it could help
> people get over the distutils hump, as well as promoting the necessary
> parts for PyPI submission.

Yep, this would be a great idea. My tkinter skillz are very low though. I've 
done most of my GUI programming in PyQt, and tkinter seems quite cumbersome 
in comparison :(

If I can find the time, I'd still like to have another crack at tkinter, and 
perhaps this is the kind of project I need. Unless someone else beats me to 
it :)

> >>Sure, after a bit of back-and-forth here.  Maybe it would be easier to
> >>just write something up to be put in docs/ in CVS.
> >
> > Which CVS?
> In the pypi SF project.  Is that the canonical repository for the code?

Yep. I don't have a CVS change mailer set up for that cvsroot yet, as I'm the 
only committer.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From richardjones at  Thu Jun 24 18:50:30 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Thu Jun 24 18:50:38 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Category suggestions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 19 Jun 2004 11:26, Richard Jones wrote:
> > Re: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
> >    (It might be good to get input from someone who cares about this
> >    area)
> I can actually have a good crack at this - I'm doing a review of Field Of
> Knowledge classification systems for work.

There's two reasonable Field of Knowledge standards in the world. The 
Australian Standard Research Classification and the OECD's Frascati Manual. 
Together, they specify around 1100 actual fields. The following are the 
logical groupings of those fields (with each group holding between 5 and 20 

       Cultural Studies
       Curatorial Sciences
       The Arts
 Social Sciences
       Human Geography
       Cognitive Science
       Social Work
       Earth Sciences
       Alternative Medicine
       Public Health
       Human Movement and Sport
       Environmental Sciences
       Built Environment
       Information and Communication Sciences

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From richardjones at  Sun Jun 27 01:17:47 2004
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Sun Jun 27 01:18:00 2004
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Revised categories
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

I've put up a Wiki page holding the revised categories listing:

I made most changes we've discussed, though I didn't change "Dynamic Content" 
to "Frameworks" as I know that the former is being used quite a bit, so I 
assume that people are happy with it. I also didn't touch the programming 
languages section. I'm not sure we need to.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
