From westside_indie at  Sun Dec 11 20:01:41 2005
From: westside_indie at (John Walton)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 11:01:41 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Catalog-sig] information needed to make a connection between
Message-ID: <>

 Hello again! I'm still working on that  instant messenger (for science fair), and I have been reading about  networking in some Java tutorials. In one part of it, it said to have a  connection with another computer, you need to know the IP name of the  computer you want to connect with. I don't know whether or not this is  the same for Python, but could someone please tell me what information  of the computer you want to connect with the you actually need for a  connection? In other words (or plain english), what information do I  need to get a connection with another computer (IP address, name, IP  name)? Also, could you tell me how to find it on a computer? Since I'll  be testing the instant messenger on the three computers in my house, I  just need to know how to find the information on the computer I'd  currently be on (not from any remote location). Thanks!  :)

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From tdwdotnet at  Sun Dec 11 20:25:46 2005
From: tdwdotnet at (Tim Williams (gmail))
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:25:46 +0000
Subject: [Catalog-sig] information needed to make a connection between
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/12/05, John Walton <westside_indie at> wrote:
>  Hello again! I'm still working on that instant messenger (for science
> fair), and I have been reading about networking in some Java tutorials. In
> one part of it, it said to have a connection with another computer, you need
> to know the IP name of the computer you want to connect with. I don't know
> whether or not this is the same for Python, but could someone please tell me
> what information of the computer you want to connect with the you actually
> need for a connection? In other words (or plain english), what information
> do I need to get a connection with another computer (IP address, name, IP
> name)? Also, could you tell me how to find it on a computer? Since I'll be
> testing the instant messenger on the three computers in my house, I just
> need to know how to find the information on the computer I'd currently be on
> (not from any remote location). Thanks!  :)

You need to know the hostname of the remote machine you are trying to make a
connection to.    From this you can work out the IP address of the machine
and then connect to it directly.    You could work with just the IP address,
but these are liable to change, where as the hostname in theory won't.

>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostbyname('')

If the machine is on your network,  using its name (eg 'JohnW'   )  should
give the same result

HTH :)
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From ben at  Mon Dec 12 02:02:01 2005
From: ben at (Ben Bangert)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 17:02:01 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Policies for packages where the author is
In-Reply-To: <1130087383.3218.21.camel@roll>
References: <>
	<> <1130087383.3218.21.camel@roll>
Message-ID: <>

On Oct 23, 2005, at 10:09 AM, Colin Stewart wrote:

> I'm happy to remove the space in the name, although it's really  
> just working around bugs in other software!  As far as setuptools  
> support goes - please send me a patch against version 0.6 and I'll  
> review it.  If the impact's minimal I can just include it, in the  
> worst case I can put it under a "contrib" folder for those than  
> would like it.
> >From what I can tell the Cheese Shop is just a place to gather  
> links to Python software - I'm happy for someone else to put an  
> entry to WSGIUtils or any of the other Python software I maintain.

I've registered and uploaded WSGIUtils in Cheese Shop from the latest  
0.7 release. I have no problem keeping the entry updated with the  
latest WSGIUtils until/unless someone else wants to maintain it.

If someone has some suggestions for classifiers, let me know.

- Ben

From acapnotic at  Wed Dec 14 00:27:32 2005
From: acapnotic at (
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:27:32 -0800
Subject: [Catalog-sig] submit_pkg_info and 'missing required field'
In-Reply-To: 0
Message-ID: <20051213232732.1217.1435347961.divmod.quotient.5784@ohm>

I guess Jp already reported this as bug 1323471, but I ran into it today.  Perhaps "submit_pkg_info" is getting verified as if it were a "submit" action?  (the "submit" form has a name field, submit_pkg_info does not.)

Is Pypi's code still hosted at sourceforge?  The CVS links seem to have been deactivated.

I would like to be able to make a new release without filling in all the fields again...

From richardjones at  Wed Dec 14 04:28:57 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:28:57 +1100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] submit_pkg_info and 'missing required field'
In-Reply-To: <20051213232732.1217.1435347961.divmod.quotient.5784@ohm>
References: <20051213232732.1217.1435347961.divmod.quotient.5784@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 10:27, acapnotic at wrote:
> I guess Jp already reported this as bug 1323471, but I ran into it today. 
> Perhaps "submit_pkg_info" is getting verified as if it were a "submit"
> action?  (the "submit" form has a name field, submit_pkg_info does not.)

Please try now - I fixed the bug related to 1323471.


From richardjones at  Wed Dec 14 03:37:07 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:37:07 +1100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] submit_pkg_info and 'missing required field'
In-Reply-To: <20051213232732.1217.1435347961.divmod.quotient.5784@ohm>
References: <20051213232732.1217.1435347961.divmod.quotient.5784@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 10:27, acapnotic at wrote:
> I guess Jp already reported this as bug 1323471, but I ran into it today. 
> Perhaps "submit_pkg_info" is getting verified as if it were a "submit"
> action?  (the "submit" form has a name field, submit_pkg_info does not.)

Does your PKG_INFO file have a "Name: " field?

> Is Pypi's code still hosted at sourceforge?  The CVS links seem to have
> been deactivated.

No, it's in SVN on now:


From westside_indie at  Sat Dec 17 20:00:22 2005
From: westside_indie at (John Walton)
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 11:00:22 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Catalog-sig] tutorials on peer to peer network programming
Message-ID: <>

 Hello,  I am still working on the  instant messenger, and I'm thinking that when a person wants to talk to  someone else, a direct connection between the clients is made.   Only problem is that I don't know a thing about peer-to-peer network  programming.  Anyone know any tutorials on this?  Thanks!

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From dangoor at  Tue Dec 27 15:28:42 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 09:28:42 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
Message-ID: <>

When people create a new project with TurboGears, they get a
reasonably complete for free. Some people will ultimately
want to release their TurboGears project as open source, and we're
hoping that we can use the Cheeseshop to keep track of these packages
rather than having our own independent catalog.

It seems like all that's needed is a trove classifier for TurboGears
projects. I've got a project that's ready to submit as it is...

If this is a good idea, who can set it up?


Kevin Dangoor
Author of the Zesty News RSS newsreader

email: kid at

From martin at  Tue Dec 27 17:43:58 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 17:43:58 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> When people create a new project with TurboGears, they get a
> reasonably complete for free. Some people will ultimately
> want to release their TurboGears project as open source, and we're
> hoping that we can use the Cheeseshop to keep track of these packages
> rather than having our own independent catalog.
> It seems like all that's needed is a trove classifier for TurboGears
> projects. I've got a project that's ready to submit as it is...
> If this is a good idea, who can set it up?

What specific classifier would you suggest to use?


From dangoor at  Tue Dec 27 18:09:04 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:09:04 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/27/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> > It seems like all that's needed is a trove classifier for TurboGears
> > projects. I've got a project that's ready to submit as it is...
> >
> > If this is a good idea, who can set it up?
> What specific classifier would you suggest to use?

One person on the project suggested:
Environment :: TurboGears

Another possibility would be:
Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: TurboGears


From exarkun at  Tue Dec 27 18:44:28 2005
From: exarkun at (Jean-Paul Calderone)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:44:28 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>

On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:09:04 -0500, Kevin Dangoor <dangoor at> wrote:
>On 12/27/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>> Kevin Dangoor wrote:
>> > It seems like all that's needed is a trove classifier for TurboGears
>> > projects. I've got a project that's ready to submit as it is...
>> >
>> > If this is a good idea, who can set it up?
>> What specific classifier would you suggest to use?
>One person on the project suggested:
>Environment :: TurboGears
>Another possibility would be:
>Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: TurboGears

Suggested additions to go along with this one:

  Environment :: CherryPy
  Environment :: Django
  Environment :: JOTWeb
  Environment :: Karrigell
  Environment :: Medusa
  Environment :: Twisted.Web
  Environment :: Twisted.Web2
  Environment :: Nevow
  Environment :: Paste
  Environment :: Subway
  Environment :: SnakeSkin
  Environment :: Zope2
  Environment :: Zope3
  Environment :: Five
  Environment :: Webware
  Environment :: Wareweb

This is just a preliminary list, of course.  If the idea is amenable we can do a more thorough survey of widely-used environments so that we don't miss anything.


From dangoor at  Tue Dec 27 18:59:49 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:59:49 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/27/05, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at> wrote:
> Suggested additions to go along with this one:

[long list deleted]

If "Environment" is the right place for this, we'd likely want
something under "Environment" to hold all of the web frameworks.

> This is just a preliminary list, of course.  If the idea is amenable we can do a more thorough survey of widely-used environments so that we don't miss anything.

Personally, I don't think there's a need to add every web framework.
Any package that can take add-ons should reasonably have a good way to
classify those add-ons, so knowing what those classifications should
be and how they're set up is a good idea. But, I don't think it's
worth adding everything we can think of if there aren't typically
add-ons that are distributed and want to register with the Cheeseshop.

If it's difficult to add trove classifiers, then maybe it's worth
adding them in bulk... but there will always be new things coming
along, and as long is the process is understood and not too onerous,
it would seem to make sense to add classifiers only when add-ons for a
package start showing up.


From martin at  Tue Dec 27 19:32:47 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 19:32:47 +0100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> If it's difficult to add trove classifiers, then maybe it's worth
> adding them in bulk... but there will always be new things coming
> along, and as long is the process is understood and not too onerous,
> it would seem to make sense to add classifiers only when add-ons for a
> package start showing up.

Adding them to PyPI is easy. On your side, just submit a
support request or bug report to

One of the PyPI committers can then easily edit that in
(although it may take some time before somebody
works on the report, anyhow).

The difficult part is to come to an agreement what the classifier
should be. I would personally put it under Environment::Web


From dangoor at  Tue Dec 27 20:00:58 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:00:58 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/27/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> Adding them to PyPI is easy. On your side, just submit a
> support request or bug report to
> One of the PyPI committers can then easily edit that in
> (although it may take some time before somebody
> works on the report, anyhow).

OK, that's good to know.

> The difficult part is to come to an agreement what the classifier
> should be. I would personally put it under Environment::Web
> Environment.

The value in doing something like
Environment :: Web Environment :: TurboGears

is that it allows the information to be easily reused and linked to.
(For example, the TurboGears site can link directly to the list of
available TurboGears pakages...)

If the data is available, it could also be reformatted for use on the
TurboGears site.


From richardjones at  Wed Dec 28 04:31:21 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:31:21 +1100
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 28 December 2005 05:32, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> The difficult part is to come to an agreement what the classifier
> should be. I would personally put it under Environment::Web
> Environment.

I agree.

My only concern (and hence no immediate action) is the length list presented. 
I've never even heard of Wareweb. SnakeSkin I think I've heard of in passing. 
Medusa is a web framework now? I thought it was an async networking library. 
Then there's the three Twisted entries. I believe Five is a potentially 
temporary intermediary library for Zope 2.... and so on :)

Aside: I have a feeling that the Topic :: Desktop Environment set really 
belongs in the Environment section. Yay for hindsight ;)


From dangoor at  Wed Dec 28 04:40:25 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 22:40:25 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/27/05, Richard Jones <richardjones at> wrote:
> My only concern (and hence no immediate action) is the length list presented.
> I've never even heard of Wareweb. SnakeSkin I think I've heard of in passing.
> Medusa is a web framework now? I thought it was an async networking library.
> Then there's the three Twisted entries. I believe Five is a potentially
> temporary intermediary library for Zope 2.... and so on :)

This is exactly why I figured it made sense to add them as people
actually choose to release add-ons to the Cheeseshop.


From goodger at  Wed Dec 28 16:12:19 2005
From: goodger at (David Goodger)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 10:12:19 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon TX 2006: Early-bird registration ends Dec. 31!
Message-ID: <>

Early bird registration for PyCon TX 2006 ends on December 31st,
so there are only a few days LEFT. To register, please visit:

You can still register after Dec. 31st, but the cost will go up by
US$65 (US$25 for students).

This year PyCon will feature a day of tutorials before the three days
of regular presentations.  Course outlines for all the tutorials have
been posted; see

All of the PyCon tutorials are still open for new registrations, but
space is limited, and we suspect they'll all be filled up by the time
early-bird registration closes.

Don't forget to book your hotel room, too.  PyCon TX 2006 is being
held at a Dallas/Addison hotel, and we have negotiated a special low

We hope to see you in Texas!

-- David Goodger
   (on behalf of A.M. Kuchling, Chair, PyCon 2006)

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From ianb at  Fri Dec 30 06:24:04 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 23:24:04 -0600
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
References: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:09:04 -0500, Kevin Dangoor <dangoor at> wrote:
>>On 12/27/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>>>Kevin Dangoor wrote:
>>>>It seems like all that's needed is a trove classifier for TurboGears
>>>>projects. I've got a project that's ready to submit as it is...
>>>>If this is a good idea, who can set it up?
>>>What specific classifier would you suggest to use?
>>One person on the project suggested:
>>Environment :: TurboGears
>>Another possibility would be:
>>Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: TurboGears
> Suggested additions to go along with this one:
>   Environment :: CherryPy
>   Environment :: Django
>   Environment :: JOTWeb
>   Environment :: Karrigell
>   Environment :: Medusa
>   Environment :: Twisted.Web
>   Environment :: Twisted.Web2
>   Environment :: Nevow
>   Environment :: Paste
>   Environment :: Subway
>   Environment :: SnakeSkin
>   Environment :: Zope2
>   Environment :: Zope3
>   Environment :: Five
>   Environment :: Webware
>   Environment :: Wareweb

I strongly agree that we should have classifiers for all the Python 
frameworks which have subcomponents.  For smaller things like JOTWeb, 
Wareweb, and maybe some of the others, we could potentially wait for 
something to appear first, or for someone to ask.  I think there's lots 
of pointless categories, so if there's a category that's actually 
useful, then that's great and we should add it.  I think the Cheese Shop 
can potentially be a registry for whatever... e.g., Environment :: 
TurboGears :: Widgets that would just contain widget extensions.  At 
least, if TurboGears wants that, or even moreso if it can use that 
category in some automated way (e.g., list all the public widget 
plugins) then the cheeseshop should accomodate that.

I also agree it should be flatish, i.e., Zope2/Zope3/ZopeFive can all 
just be separate, as could Plone for instance.  I actually had thought 
"Framework :: Zope2" would be good, and kind of marks it as something 
particular to cheeseshop (and thus to Python).  "Topic :: Internet :: 
WWW/HTTP" is the antithesis of good categorization IMHO ;)

Ian Bicking  |  ianb at  |

From pje at  Fri Dec 30 15:52:08 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 09:52:08 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:24 PM 12/29/2005 -0600, Ian Bicking wrote:
>I actually had thought "Framework :: Zope2" would be good, and kind of 
>marks it as something particular to cheeseshop (and thus to Python).

+1 for a "Framework" hierarchy for plugins/extenders/applications.  Flat is 
better than nested, especially when it's something you have to type out in 
your setup script.  ;)

I would also suggest that some criteria be established for determining when 
a new category should be listed.  For example, a certain minimum number of 
packages *already* registered on PyPI whose authors request the 
classification.  I don't think we should pre-populate the hierarchy 
beforehand; it should be strictly on an as-requested basis.

From dangoor at  Fri Dec 30 17:06:19 2005
From: dangoor at (Kevin Dangoor)
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 11:06:19 -0500
Subject: [Catalog-sig] adding trove classifiers?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20051227174428.1217.681757571.divmod.quotient.8396@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/30/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 11:24 PM 12/29/2005 -0600, Ian Bicking wrote:
> >I actually had thought "Framework :: Zope2" would be good, and kind of
> >marks it as something particular to cheeseshop (and thus to Python).
> +1 for a "Framework" hierarchy for plugins/extenders/applications.  Flat is
> better than nested, especially when it's something you have to type out in
> your setup script.  ;)


> I would also suggest that some criteria be established for determining when
> a new category should be listed.  For example, a certain minimum number of
> packages *already* registered on PyPI whose authors request the
> classification.  I don't think we should pre-populate the hierarchy
> beforehand; it should be strictly on an as-requested basis.
