From richardjones at  Sun Jan  2 23:47:35 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Sun Jan  2 23:47:44 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 08:48 pm, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> I'm interested in helping this along.  Similar to your revisions with
> PEP-243, here's what I think should happen to PEP 314:
> [python module names only as provides/requires]

This seems reasonable to me. In particular:

> Requires should not be arbitrary.

I really can't see a reasonable situation where anything *other* than this 
could be the case (racking my brain to try to think of *any* python module / 
package which could be replaced with another, retaining API compatibility).

The current list of changes to PEP 314 version 1.15 are:

* Platform and License need to be altered to indicate they take text 
describing the platform/full license text in the case where there is no 
appropriate Classifier. 
* Requires/Provides need to specify *only* python package or module names. 
Abstract names are not considered useful.
* Conflicts, on the other hand, probably *does* need to specify actual 
distutils package names, rather than python package names or module names, as 
the latter can be determined from the Provides field.

I've had another glance at DOAP, but I think I'd need to dedicate at least 
half a day to it, which I don't have at the moment. Is anyone up to speed 
enough with it to give a summary of what we'd need to change to become 
compatible? Or does the patch against PyPI:

and its comments capture it all?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From bob at  Mon Jan  3 00:13:56 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Mon Jan  3 01:11:48 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 2, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Richard Jones wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 08:48 pm, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> I'm interested in helping this along.  Similar to your revisions with
>> PEP-243, here's what I think should happen to PEP 314:
>> [python module names only as provides/requires]
> This seems reasonable to me. In particular:
>> Requires should not be arbitrary.
> I really can't see a reasonable situation where anything *other* than 
> this
> could be the case (racking my brain to try to think of *any* python 
> module /
> package which could be replaced with another, retaining API 
> compatibility).
> The current list of changes to PEP 314 version 1.15 are:
> * Platform and License need to be altered to indicate they take text
> describing the platform/full license text in the case where there is no
> appropriate Classifier.
> * Requires/Provides need to specify *only* python package or module 
> names.
> Abstract names are not considered useful.
> * Conflicts, on the other hand, probably *does* need to specify actual
> distutils package names, rather than python package names or module 
> names, as
> the latter can be determined from the Provides field.

I'm unconvinced that Conflicts does anything useful at all.  It's 
obvious that installing two packages with the same module name is a 
conflict (probably an upgrade).  Anything else couldn't possibly 
conflict in any concrete way in the same way that Provides and Requires 
can't mean anything useful without specifying actual module names.  I 
say get rid of Conflicts altogether.


From jafo at  Sun Jan 16 01:23:22 2005
From: jafo at (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sun Jan 16 01:23:39 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 08:28:35PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
>Without looking into it too closely, it seems like yum is closely tied to RPMs 
>and their associated package databases.

I would suspect that the code for handling mirror lists and downloading of
files is not at all tied to the RPM file format.  That code has had
something like a year of development on it, and probably can be used with
few changes.

There are 3 different downloaded file types: RPM packages, RPM headers, and
the repository information.  The repository information would probably
require some tweeks, and the RPM packages and headers would need to be
replaced with something else.  Unless we were to decide to use RPM as the
package format.  Which is probably also not a bad idea.

>Also, I'm not sure I want to try to solve dependencies.

I'm not sure you have a choice not to.  I'm also not sure it's as hard a
problem as some people seem to think.  Red Hat and Debian have fairly good
solutions to this problem with years and years of thought behind them.

 Like its politicians and its wars, society has the teenagers it deserves.
                 -- J. B. Priestley
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <>, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995.  Qmail, Python, SysAdmin

From bob at  Sun Jan 16 01:53:51 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Sun Jan 16 04:27:43 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 15, 2005, at 19:23, Sean Reifschneider wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 08:28:35PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
>> Without looking into it too closely, it seems like yum is closely 
>> tied to RPMs
>> and their associated package databases.
> I would suspect that the code for handling mirror lists and 
> downloading of
> files is not at all tied to the RPM file format.  That code has had
> something like a year of development on it, and probably can be used 
> with
> few changes.

Well, yum is GPL and therefore not suitable for inclusion into Python.  
It doesn't really matter if the code is already written in Python and 
implements some useful things, unless you're certain that you can get 
those components relicensed to suit Python.

> There are 3 different downloaded file types: RPM packages, RPM 
> headers, and
> the repository information.  The repository information would probably
> require some tweeks, and the RPM packages and headers would need to be
> replaced with something else.  Unless we were to decide to use RPM as 
> the
> package format.  Which is probably also not a bad idea.

Is the RPM format itself well specified?  Is there already a suitably 
licensed pure Python implementation for creating and using RPM files?  
Platforms that don't already have RPM are going to need it, and I 
believe that librpm is GPL (and probably also not portable everywhere 
Python is), so we couldn't add that dependency for an extension to wrap 
this functionality.

>> Also, I'm not sure I want to try to solve dependencies.
> I'm not sure you have a choice not to.  I'm also not sure it's as hard 
> a
> problem as some people seem to think.  Red Hat and Debian have fairly 
> good
> solutions to this problem with years and years of thought behind them.

Dependency tracking and resolution requires package maintainers.  I 
think we'd be better off deferring the implementation of this, because 
it would take more effort to get this solution out the door and it 
would require an additional burden to make these packages.  If PyPI had 
tried to solve packaging, distribution, dependency tracking, etc. from 
the start, it would've never finished.

I don't think Python is really ready for this kind of system anyway.  
I'd rather try and fix the fundamental problems of versioning and 
module namespaces in Python itself (which are probably 90% policy and 
10% implementation).

I also find the Red Hat / Debian solution to *this* issue quite 
obnoxious in that you often have to install or upgrade more packages 
than should be necessary.


From jafo at  Mon Jan 17 01:17:18 2005
From: jafo at (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon Jan 17 01:17:44 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 07:53:51PM -0500, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>Is the RPM format itself well specified?

Yes.  At it's heart it's just a cpio archive with some extra information.

>Is there already a suitably 
>licensed pure Python implementation for creating and using RPM files?

Doubtful.  However, it's still valuable to use a mature package format,
despite lack of existing code, as it prevents you from having to design and
build a new format.  .deb and .rpm have years of experience under their
belts, including ability to be relocated, tools to build and manipulate
them, signatures in the case of .rpm, dependencies, etc...  I'd recommend
.rpms primarily because they have the ability to be signed.

>Platforms that don't already have RPM are going to need it, and I 
>believe that librpm is GPL (and probably also not portable everywhere 
>Python is), so we couldn't add that dependency for an extension to wrap 
>this functionality.

Personally, I wouldn't use a system that didn't integrate with my system
package format.  Instead I'd prefer "python bdist_rpm" or
bdist_deb.  That's why I was always more interested in solving the problem
of distributing these packages as opposed to building a new package format.

The process of building the catalot system seems to get mired down in
issues like handling all platforms and allowing non-root users to install
packages outside of the system package location.

>Dependency tracking and resolution requires package maintainers.

I don't see how having dependencies requires that much more than the
maintenance for a  In the worst case, it doesn't hurt anything to
have dependencies that nobody uses.  If we already have a package database,
then we already know if "optik" is installed, for example, so having a
package say that it requires "optik" isn't a huge deal.

>From a user perspective, lacking dependencies is a huge problem.  When you
want to install one package which requires another, it's far better if the
system can determine this and pull in the required other packages.  If
you'd like an example of just how big a deal users consider this, look at
pretty much any discussion related to RPMs and "dependency hell".  These
are almost always discussions from people using "rpm" directly to install
packages (which at least alerts on dependencies, but doesn't automatically
install dependencies).  Any discussion mentioning that Debian packages are
better than RPMs is also likely about this, because "apt-get" (a layer on
top of "dpkg") follows and downloads dependencies where "dpkg" and
"rpm" do not.

>I think we'd be better off deferring the implementation of this, because 
>it would take more effort to get this solution out the door and it 
>would require an additional burden to make these packages.

It wouldn't *REQUIRE* the burden, because you can always release packages
that simply do not list their dependencies.

>If PyPI had
>tried to solve packaging, distribution, dependency tracking, etc. from 
>the start, it would've never finished.

That's certainly not true, as proof of it I submit "yum" which does solve
all these problems, using Python, and *HAS* made progress to a usable
state.  I know something of what I speak about here, since I took the
system which I demonstrated at Python 9 in 2001, tweeked it a bit over the
next month, and turned it into a system for Red Hat package dependency
tracking, installation, and downloading, which worked extremely well for
our users.

The difficulty with applying this solution to Python was entirely
political, not at all technical.  It boiled down to this: in order to reach
critical mass, I was certain that we needed an easy way for module
packagers to submit their packages up to a central repository.  After the
Catalog-SIG discussion at Python 9, I built a patch to Distutils which
would do exactly this.  Getting that code incorporated into the upcoming
Python release was the problem.

>I also find the Red Hat / Debian solution to *this* issue quite 
>obnoxious in that you often have to install or upgrade more packages 
>than should be necessary.

Admittedly, I've only been using the above packaging systems for
a decade, but in my experience that is absolutely not true.  If an update
to a package says that it needs Python >= 2.3.4 instead of Python >= 2.3,
then it probably *DOES* need those other packages upgraded.  If it is
making unnecessary demands on other packages, then it should be reported to
the packager as a bug, because that's what it is.

 If you don't believe it's correct before you start testing, what
 could possibly convince you?  -- Don Grimes, 1994
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <>, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995.  Qmail, Python, SysAdmin

From richardjones at  Mon Jan 17 02:33:24 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Mon Jan 17 02:33:31 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint for PEPs 314 and 243?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 11:23 am, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 08:28:35PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
> >Without looking into it too closely, it seems like yum is closely tied to
> > RPMs and their associated package databases.
> I would suspect that the code for handling mirror lists and downloading of
> files is not at all tied to the RPM file format.  That code has had
> something like a year of development on it, and probably can be used with
> few changes.

It's been pointed out that yum is GPL, which precludes any of its code going 
into Python. We might be able to learn from its design though when we address 
downloading from mirrors.

> There are 3 different downloaded file types: RPM packages, RPM headers, and
> the repository information.  The repository information would probably
> require some tweeks, and the RPM packages and headers would need to be
> replaced with something else.  Unless we were to decide to use RPM as the
> package format.  Which is probably also not a bad idea.

I don't see what RPM gains us over the sdist format.

> >Also, I'm not sure I want to try to solve dependencies.
> I'm not sure you have a choice not to.  I'm also not sure it's as hard a
> problem as some people seem to think.  Red Hat and Debian have fairly good
> solutions to this problem with years and years of thought behind them.

No, I do have a choice not to, and I choose not to :)

I simply don't have time or energy to try to address the issue *correctly* at 
the moment. I *believe* I have time and energy available to try to address 
the other issue of source package upload. That's it. Things for some other 
day are:

- - fetching of source packages by anything other than a web browser or
  ftp program
- - keeping a database of installed packages
- - using dependencies to figure out what else needs to be installed

As with PyPI, I'm attempting to just bite off a little bit so I actually have 
a chance of it getting *done* :)

Of course, this is just me talking. If someone else does want to bite off the 
whole lot, and has the time and energy to stick it through to completion, 
then I'm perfectly happy to let them, and I'll even make supportive noises 
every now and then :)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From chris.mcavoy at  Thu Jan 20 19:02:46 2005
From: chris.mcavoy at (Chris McAvoy)
Date: Thu Jan 20 19:02:49 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
Message-ID: <>

Hi catalog-sig,

Forgive me for being a bull in a china shop, but can someone suggest a
5 hour Sprint task for the Chicago Python Users Group to Sprint on? 
Is there a paragraph in a PEP that we could tackle with the
catalog-sig's blessing?

From richardjones at  Fri Jan 28 09:14:39 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Fri Jan 28 09:14:27 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 05:02 am, Chris McAvoy wrote:
> Forgive me for being a bull in a china shop, but can someone suggest a
> 5 hour Sprint task for the Chicago Python Users Group to Sprint on?
> Is there a paragraph in a PEP that we could tackle with the
> catalog-sig's blessing?

Sorry for the delay. 5 hours probably isn't enough for any of the things I had 
planned. I guess if you were able to get together a patch implementing PEP 
314 then that would be great. I've still not revised the PEP, which I will 
try to do this evening around the most recent discussion:

I'm still keen to actually Sprint at PyCon - I'm going to put up the proposal 
in the wiki tonight too. If nothing else, I'll sit around before PyCon and 
bloody well write the thing by myself :)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From chris.mcavoy at  Fri Jan 28 15:49:28 2005
From: chris.mcavoy at (Chris McAvoy)
Date: Fri Jan 28 15:49:31 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Is there anything that we could do in 5 hours?  We had talked about an
XML-RPC interface for searching, and a client.  Something that could
grow into the perl -MCPAN -e shell sort of interface.  Is that
something you'd be interested it?

5 hours could build an XML-RPC client and server with time left over
for us to figure out how to Sprint.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:14:39 +1100, Richard Jones
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 05:02 am, Chris McAvoy wrote:
> > Forgive me for being a bull in a china shop, but can someone suggest a
> > 5 hour Sprint task for the Chicago Python Users Group to Sprint on?
> > Is there a paragraph in a PEP that we could tackle with the
> > catalog-sig's blessing?
> Sorry for the delay. 5 hours probably isn't enough for any of the things I had
> planned. I guess if you were able to get together a patch implementing PEP
> 314 then that would be great. I've still not revised the PEP, which I will
> try to do this evening around the most recent discussion:
> I'm still keen to actually Sprint at PyCon - I'm going to put up the proposal
> in the wiki tonight too. If nothing else, I'll sit around before PyCon and
> bloody well write the thing by myself :)
>     Richard
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
> dUeRquuol7s14DsdsUvoeA==
> =Kna0
> _______________________________________________
> Catalog-sig mailing list
From ianb at  Fri Jan 28 18:07:17 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Fri Jan 28 18:08:34 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Jones wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 05:02 am, Chris McAvoy wrote:
>>Forgive me for being a bull in a china shop, but can someone suggest a
>>5 hour Sprint task for the Chicago Python Users Group to Sprint on?
>>Is there a paragraph in a PEP that we could tackle with the
>>catalog-sig's blessing?
> Sorry for the delay. 5 hours probably isn't enough for any of the things I had 
> planned. I guess if you were able to get together a patch implementing PEP 
> 314 then that would be great. I've still not revised the PEP, which I will 
> try to do this evening around the most recent discussion:

There's also a lot of more boring (wait, no, straight-forward but fun!) 
tasks that we could do as well, like port it to WSGI so it could be run 
under mod_python, make it run with Postgres, and separating out the HTML 
into templates (ZPT I'd guess).  Whatever it is, it should be something 
we can get cleaned up and integrated before the PyCon sprint.

> I'm still keen to actually Sprint at PyCon - I'm going to put up the proposal 
> in the wiki tonight too. If nothing else, I'll sit around before PyCon and 
> bloody well write the thing by myself :)

Well, there might be parts we can work on in advance, based on the 
presumption you (and your multitude of sprinting minions!) will be 
filling in other parts later.  E.g., we could work on a mirroring 
script, which might later use some appropriate metadata that's added to 

Ian Bicking  /  /
From richardjones at  Fri Jan 28 23:04:34 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Fri Jan 28 23:04:32 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 04:07 am, Ian Bicking wrote:
> There's also a lot of more boring (wait, no, straight-forward but fun!)
> tasks that we could do as well, like port it to WSGI so it could be run
> under mod_python, make it run with Postgres, and separating out the HTML
> into templates (ZPT I'd guess).  Whatever it is, it should be something
> we can get cleaned up and integrated before the PyCon sprint.

These are great ideas. Either mod_python'ing the web interface or moving from 
sqlite to postgres would be highest of the three in my books. I can supply 
the current sqlite database for sprinters to work from.

Also, investigating / fixing any of:

would also be good.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From ehs at  Fri Jan 28 23:13:29 2005
From: ehs at (Ed Summers)
Date: Fri Jan 28 23:13:38 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] We'd really like to Sprint.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 09:04:34AM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
> I can supply the current sqlite database for sprinters to work from.

Nice thing about sqlite is this sort of thing :) Is there a URL for the
current db?

From richard at  Mon Jan 31 21:40:20 2005
From: richard at (Richard Jones)
Date: Mon Jan 31 21:40:31 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: Distutils sprinting at PyCon
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

[this is a response to a comment PJE left in my weblog]

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 03:56 am, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> we're working on ...
> ...
> This format would obsolete PEP 262, since removing a package will be a
> matter of just deleting its .egg file.  It affects PEP 314 too, because
> "download URL" doesn't allow for platform-specific binary distribution like
> .egg files, and because better platform information is needed.

I'm not sure that having download URLs for *every* download format is *sane* 
for having in the PKG-INFO. I think that the only purpose for the 
download-url field in PKG-INFO is for the download of *the package that the 
PKG-INFO resides in*. The current bdist commands don't modify PKG-INFO 
though, which shoots this idea down pretty quickly (the platform information 
would need to be changed also). There may be some crossover with EGG-INFO, I 
don't know.

How to then handle a collection of download URLs is another problem. It could 
partly be solved by an online repository of the sort I'm planning on 

This problem has had a lot of hand-waving up until now ;)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From pje at  Mon Jan 31 22:04:39 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Mon Jan 31 22:02:54 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: Distutils sprinting at PyCon
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 07:40 AM 2/1/05 +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
>[this is a response to a comment PJE left in my weblog]
>On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 03:56 am, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > we're working on ...
> > ...
> > This format would obsolete PEP 262, since removing a package will be a
> > matter of just deleting its .egg file.  It affects PEP 314 too, because
> > "download URL" doesn't allow for platform-specific binary distribution like
> > .egg files, and because better platform information is needed.
>I'm not sure that having download URLs for *every* download format is *sane*
>for having in the PKG-INFO.

I agree.  The idea Bob and I are working on is that the download URL is in 
fact the URL of a manifest file that lists platforms and download locations.

>The current bdist commands don't modify PKG-INFO
>though, which shoots this idea down pretty quickly (the platform information
>would need to be changed also).

Exactly; platform-specific info shouldn't be in PKG-INFO.

>  There may be some crossover with EGG-INFO, I
>don't know.

The EGG-INFO directory is wide open for extension with additional metadata 
files; currently we only have two files in EGG-INFO whose contents are 
defined: native_libs.txt and eager_resources.txt.  These control automatic 
extraction of files when other files are requested for extraction.  I would 
suggest that a (non-platform-specific) PKG-INFO might be useful to include 
in the EGG-INFO directory.

>How to then handle a collection of download URLs is another problem. It could
>partly be solved by an online repository of the sort I'm planning on
>This problem has had a lot of hand-waving up until now ;)

We're trying to do something along the lines of Eclipse's "feature" 
concept, where a file describes a feature (package in this case) and lists 
the various downloads that are required for that feature including 
platform-specific URLs for those items that are platform-specific.

The idea is that the download URL in PyPI and elsewhere would then be the 
download URL for a file that describes currently available versions of the 

Obviously there is still some handwaving here, but hopefully the waves are 
much smaller and better defined now, because it's more about defining a 
format and having tools to parse and download.

(We may want that file to be XML, simply because it would allow the 
contents to be rendered with an XSL stylesheet for viewing by humans.)

From ianb at  Mon Jan 31 22:11:59 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Mon Jan 31 22:13:36 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: Distutils sprinting at PyCon
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> The idea is that the download URL in PyPI and elsewhere would then be 
> the download URL for a file that describes currently available versions 
> of the package.

One thing I was hoping would be possible is mirroring, which means 
replacing download URLs with other URLs.  If all the URLs are contained 
in a single file managed outside of PyPI, then it's hard to build a 
service on top of it (unless PyPI fetched the file and used that 
information to recreate a file that included mirrors, but that seems to 
defeat the purpose of an extra file).  Also, it's one more file to 
manage; it's reasonable to manage files in your package -- either or an auxilliary file, but managing those files online is 
harder.  Some people already seem overwhelmed with the system as it is 
-- and I don't know if there's anything to do about that, since it 
really doesn't seem that hard and maybe some people are just being a 
little whiney, but the sentiment does exist.

Ian Bicking  /  /
From bob at  Mon Jan 31 21:55:05 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Feb  2 13:35:48 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: Distutils sprinting at PyCon
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 31, 2005, at 15:40, Richard Jones wrote:

> [this is a response to a comment PJE left in my weblog]
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 03:56 am, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> we're working on ... 
>> ...
>> This format would obsolete PEP 262, since removing a package will be a
>> matter of just deleting its .egg file.  It affects PEP 314 too, 
>> because
>> "download URL" doesn't allow for platform-specific binary 
>> distribution like
>> .egg files, and because better platform information is needed.
> I'm not sure that having download URLs for *every* download format is 
> *sane*
> for having in the PKG-INFO. I think that the only purpose for the
> download-url field in PKG-INFO is for the download of *the package 
> that the
> PKG-INFO resides in*. The current bdist commands don't modify PKG-INFO
> though, which shoots this idea down pretty quickly (the platform 
> information
> would need to be changed also). There may be some crossover with 
> don't know.
> How to then handle a collection of download URLs is another problem. 
> It could
> partly be solved by an online repository of the sort I'm planning on
> implementing.
> This problem has had a lot of hand-waving up until now ;)

Beyond what's on that wiki page, we did have a discussion about how the 
downloading and metadata might work on the #peak IRC channel: (there wasn't a 
whole lot else discussed that day).

There have also been discussions on the 28th and 31st (today) about 
eggs, but the only discussion relevant to online meta-data, 
dependencies, and package downloading happened on the 27th.
