From Petersson at  Tue Mar  8 00:08:21 2005
From: Petersson at (Lightfoot Michael)
Date: Tue Mar  8 09:10:17 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re[3]: talk with his pills
Message-ID: <585501c523b5$00abd405$>

SP -M UR The we 
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Expe ce thr es lon gas rien 
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de shi g wit hou ld Wi ppin 
hin 24 rs SP -M UR 
The we and Saf Wa
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From ianb at  Thu Mar 10 22:45:40 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu Mar 10 22:45:32 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brant Harris wrote:
> Weren't we going to discuss PyPI over at catalog-sig?  Not like I
> care, I'm good with whateva'.

I was going to write up something specific to what we've done, but I 
haven't.  But what they hey, I'll just copy this over; this is all in 
reference to code we (ChiPy people) have in an svn repository:

-- I started moving things to ZPT templates, Brian Ray started 
documenting the database and building some tools around it (I'm not 100% 
clear there), and several people have added an xmlrpc interface to build 
a command-line client, which is what the rest of Brant's email involves...

> I had some ideas for the PyPI client package... Here's the basic API
> layout idea.  Just brainstorming, really.  Everything would sit in the
> pypi module, or perhaps pypi.client:
> def search(*args, **kw):
>     """
>     Return a list of packages with the first argument as a search string.
>     Specific attributes can be searched with keyword arguments.
>     """
> def install(package, silently=0):
>     """
>     Downloads a package and then runs " build" and "
> install" on the
>     sucker.
>     The <silenty> would do so without outputing any info, so that a
> module could do
>     it... well silently.
>     """
> def update(package, silently=0):
>     """Updates the package..."""
> def download(package, path, silently=0):
>     """Downloads a package to the given path."""
> def info(package):
>     """Returns a string with the information for the package well formated."""
> def docs(package):
>     """Returns the document string for the package, or maybe even more?"""
> #And then what if there was an ability to svn in and out right within
> the package index?
> class svn:
>     def co(package, path):
>          """Checks out a package to the path indicated."""

From ianb at  Mon Mar 14 09:02:36 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Mon Mar 14 09:02:21 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI WSGI frontend
Message-ID: <>

I implemented PyPI as a WSGI application.  It's fairly trivial, and 
doesn't effect anything except pypi.cgi (actually doesn't effect that 
file, but is an alternative to that code).  The WSGI version is here:

And the CGI version I based it on (only slightly different from CVS):

I'm not 100% sure if PyPI is threadsafe, or serves multiple requests 
from a single process properly, but I haven't seen anything that would 
make me expect a problem.  So this should be sufficient to get it to run 
under mod_python or Twisted or whatever.

Ian Bicking  /  /
From richardjones at  Tue Mar 15 09:34:37 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Tue Mar 15 09:34:49 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI WSGI frontend
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 07:02 pm, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I implemented PyPI as a WSGI application.

Now I need to read up on WSGI :)

Knowing nothing about it, does creosote have WSGI support?

> I'm not 100% sure if PyPI is threadsafe

I believe it is as long as the sqlite build is threadsafe. One thing I will 
try to achieve during the pre-PyCon sprinting is migrating to PostgreSQL 
(since the psql database is already set up and waiting).

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From richardjones at  Tue Mar 15 09:37:37 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Tue Mar 15 09:37:44 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 08:45 am, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I was going to write up something specific to what we've done, but I
> haven't.

I read your weblog entry - it was enlightening :)

> But what they hey, I'll just copy this over; this is all in 
> reference to code we (ChiPy people) have in an svn repository:

I should have given you lot access to the CVS repo. Sorry about that 

> I started moving things to ZPT templates, Brian Ray started
> documenting the database and building some tools around it (I'm not 100%
> clear there),

Sounds interesting.

> and several people have added an xmlrpc interface to build 
> a command-line client, which is what the rest of Brant's email involves...
> > I had some ideas for the PyPI client package... Here's the basic API
> > layout idea.  Just brainstorming, really.  Everything would sit in the
> > pypi module, or perhaps pypi.client:
> [snip]

I guess this is what I'll be looking at as part of the sprint. I've still got 
a fair amount of reviewing to do of messages to this SIG though. Hopefully 
I'll find some time on Thursday, otherwise I'll be doing it during the 
Sprint :(

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From bray at  Tue Mar 15 15:59:53 2005
From: bray at (
Date: Tue Mar 15 16:00:00 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI WSGI frontend
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>   
Message-ID: <>

> I believe it is as long as the sqlite build is threadsafe. One thing I
> will 
> try to achieve during the pre-PyCon sprinting is migrating to PostgreSQL 
> (since the psql database is already set up and waiting).

I started taking a look at converting to postgresql, although I did not
commit anything. During the ChiPy spring a seperated the sql.  This
should run fine on postgres, although I did not test.  Are you thinking
of using psycopg or something else?

From ehs at  Tue Mar 15 16:39:04 2005
From: ehs at (Ed Summers)
Date: Tue Mar 15 16:39:08 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 07:37:37PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
> I guess this is what I'll be looking at as part of the sprint. I've still got 
> a fair amount of reviewing to do of messages to this SIG though. Hopefully 
> I'll find some time on Thursday, otherwise I'll be doing it during the 
> Sprint :(

I take it the sprint is scheduled for PyCon? Any chance those who can't
make it could participate in irc?

Re: a convo we were having over on chipy which we've moved onto
catalog-sig: I integrated the stuff from and moved into, and adjusted the pypi cmd line utility appropriately...and then
removed the unused stuff :)

From chris.mcavoy at  Tue Mar 15 17:40:00 2005
From: chris.mcavoy at (Chris McAvoy)
Date: Tue Mar 15 17:40:20 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I take it the sprint is scheduled for PyCon? Any chance those who can't
> make it could participate in irc?

I'd be interested in this too.

From richardjones at  Thu Mar 17 02:48:48 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Thu Mar 17 02:48:53 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 02:39 am, Ed Summers wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 07:37:37PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
> > I guess this is what I'll be looking at as part of the sprint. I've still
> > got a fair amount of reviewing to do of messages to this SIG though.
> > Hopefully I'll find some time on Thursday, otherwise I'll be doing it
> > during the Sprint :(
> I take it the sprint is scheduled for PyCon? Any chance those who can't
> make it could participate in irc?

Sure, if I can get organised enough to get the IRC going :)

> Re: a convo we were having over on chipy which we've moved onto
> catalog-sig: I integrated the stuff from and moved into
>, and adjusted the pypi cmd line utility appropriately...and then
> removed the unused stuff :)

Cool. Is this going into that svn repository?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From richardjones at  Thu Mar 17 02:50:20 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Thu Mar 17 02:50:25 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI WSGI frontend
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 01:59 am, wrote:
> I started taking a look at converting to postgresql, although I did not
> commit anything. During the ChiPy spring a seperated the sql. This  
> should run fine on postgres, although I did not test.

Is this checked into that svn repository?

> Are you thinking of using psycopg or something else?

I'm familiar with psycopg and it's installed on creosote, so I'd say that's 
the winner :)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From ehs at  Thu Mar 17 03:02:58 2005
From: ehs at (Ed Summers)
Date: Thu Mar 17 03:03:00 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] pypi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 12:48:48PM +1100, Richard Jones wrote:
> Cool. Is this going into that svn repository?

Yeah, you can see our experiments here:

    svn co

From amk at  Sat Mar 19 18:45:01 2005
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Sat Mar 19 18:45:55 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI sprint
Message-ID: <>

The PyPI sprint is now underway.  Join us in #pycon on if you're interested.


From tinuviel at  Tue Mar 29 17:06:58 2005
From: tinuviel at (Seo Sanghyeon)
Date: Tue Mar 29 17:07:02 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
Message-ID: <>

Hello, comp.lang.python, and catalog-sig,

Some of you may remember my mail with the very same subject
last year. :-) I have continued to maintain the table, and here's
the updated result:

304 Python projects indexed, with links to PyPI, FreeBSD port,
Debian deb, Gentoo ebuild, NetBSD pkgsrc, and Fink.

Now I am thinking about adding the version tracking.

What do you think? If you have any suggestion, correction or
omission, please mail me!

P.S. I'm not subscribed. Please CC.

Seo Sanghyeon
From ianb at  Tue Mar 29 18:57:39 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Tue Mar 29 18:58:29 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
> Hello, comp.lang.python, and catalog-sig,
> Some of you may remember my mail with the very same subject
> last year. :-) I have continued to maintain the table, and here's
> the updated result:
> 304 Python projects indexed, with links to PyPI, FreeBSD port,
> Debian deb, Gentoo ebuild, NetBSD pkgsrc, and Fink.

Wow, PyPI has really bad support.  We should really start bugging 
authors to register their packages.  I think Richard Jones was also 
thinking about quarterly postings to python-announce to remind people of 
PyPI's existance.

Ian Bicking  /  /
From retardcat at  Tue Mar 29 20:15:14 2005
From: retardcat at (Josh)
Date: Tue Mar 29 20:20:24 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] compiler
Message-ID: <>

dose anyone no of a good DOS based python compiler must be free
From richard at  Wed Mar 30 00:00:29 2005
From: richard at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 00:00:33 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29/03/2005, at 8:57 AM, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
>> Hello, comp.lang.python, and catalog-sig,
>> Some of you may remember my mail with the very same subject
>> last year. :-) I have continued to maintain the table, and here's
>> the updated result:
>> 304 Python projects indexed, with links to PyPI, FreeBSD port,
>> Debian deb, Gentoo ebuild, NetBSD pkgsrc, and Fink.
> Wow, PyPI has really bad support.  We should really start bugging 
> authors to register their packages.  I think Richard Jones was also 
> thinking about quarterly postings to python-announce to remind people 
> of PyPI's existance.

Yeah. Hell, the actual file upload stuff hasn't been announced. There's 
been mutterings that PyPI could use a better name, and I was going to 
wait until that had been settled before I made a formal announcement.

PyPI is just too anonymous and is also too easy to confuse with PyPy. 
I've never been particularly happy with the name.

So, any suggestions for a new name?


From deadwisdom at  Wed Mar 30 00:39:00 2005
From: deadwisdom at (Brant Harris)
Date: Wed Mar 30 00:39:02 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You know it's really too bad that "spam" is a computer term already.

I like this game, but my only current suggestion is: ZooPy

> PyPI is just too anonymous and is also too easy to confuse with PyPy.
> I've never been particularly happy with the name.
> So, any suggestions for a new name?
From richard at  Wed Mar 30 01:11:33 2005
From: richard at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 01:11:38 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29/03/2005, at 2:39 PM, Brant Harris wrote:
> You know it's really too bad that "spam" is a computer term already.

Maybe we could try to reclaim it? :)


From trentm at  Wed Mar 30 01:56:00 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Wed Mar 30 02:00:34 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Brant Harris wrote]
> You know it's really too bad that "spam" is a computer term already.

How about "ham", then? :)


Trent Mick
From barry at  Wed Mar 30 02:04:59 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed Mar 30 02:05:02 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 17:00, Richard Jones wrote:

> Yeah. Hell, the actual file upload stuff hasn't been announced. There's 
> been mutterings that PyPI could use a better name, and I was going to 
> wait until that had been settled before I made a formal announcement.
> PyPI is just too anonymous and is also too easy to confuse with PyPy. 
> I've never been particularly happy with the name.
> So, any suggestions for a new name?

"Cheese Shop" came to me late at night over the weekend.  I know it
sucks, but it's Pythonic. :)  I've got the two volume scripts books at
home so I'll pour through it and see if I can come up with something
less sucky.


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From golux at  Wed Mar 30 03:15:23 2005
From: golux at (Stephen Waterbury)
Date: Wed Mar 30 03:15:39 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>PyPI is just too anonymous and is also too easy to confuse with PyPy. 
>>I've never been particularly happy with the name.
>>So, any suggestions for a new name?
> "Cheese Shop" came to me late at night over the weekend.  I know it
> sucks, but it's Pythonic. :)  ...

I like it!  So if a package happens to be missing from the
catalog, the catalog maintainer can always claim the cat ate it.  ;)

From bob at  Wed Mar 30 03:23:18 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 03:23:30 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 29, 2005, at 8:15 PM, Stephen Waterbury wrote:

> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> PyPI is just too anonymous and is also too easy to confuse with 
>>> PyPy. I've never been particularly happy with the name.
>>> So, any suggestions for a new name?
>> "Cheese Shop" came to me late at night over the weekend.  I know it
>> sucks, but it's Pythonic. :)  ...
> I like it!  So if a package happens to be missing from the
> catalog, the catalog maintainer can always claim the cat ate it.  ;)

Something a little more "professional" might be nice for some people.. 
though personally I don't have that constraint, I've seen a lot of 
people whine about such things on lists.

The only two things that bother me about PyPI are the non-obvious 
pronunciation (I also had no clue that WSGI sounded like "whiskey" 
either, until I heard PJE talk about it) and the fact that "I" and "l" 
look so similar in most fonts (esp. those you'd see in a web browser). is a popular site to find Mac OS X software, and 
pythontracker.* seems to be available (though the name is a bit long, 
and such a derivative name is a cop out).

Something with eggs might make sense once PJE and I wrap up bdist_egg 
and friends, though that would be for binaries :)  Unfortunately, 
SpamAndEggs.* are taken.


From fdrake at  Wed Mar 30 04:59:01 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred Drake)
Date: Wed Mar 30 04:59:05 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:23:18 -0500, Bob Ippolito <> wrote:
> Something with eggs might make sense once PJE and I wrap up bdist_egg
> and friends, though that would be for binaries :)  Unfortunately,
> SpamAndEggs.* are taken.

eggcrate.(net/org) is available, though is not.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at>
Zope Corporation
From richardjones at  Wed Mar 30 06:17:30 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 06:17:42 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:23 am, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> The only two things that bother me about PyPI are the non-obvious
> pronunciation (I also had no clue that WSGI sounded like "whiskey"
> either, until I heard PJE talk about it) and the fact that "I" and "l"
> look so similar in most fonts (esp. those you'd see in a web browser).

Humorously, when I talked to my wife about this this morning, she also 
confused the I for an l ;)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From richardjones at  Wed Mar 30 06:42:54 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 06:42:58 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyCon sprint report
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

[this also appears at]

Some projects which saw progress during the sprint included: 

- - The implementation of PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages
  v1.1 should be complete; someone who isn't involved in the
  implementation should review what's in CVS and check it against the PEP.
  Work performed at the sprint included supporting the provides, requires,
  and obsoletes metadata fields in both the distutils package and in PyPI.
  The work was performed by FredDrake, RichardJones, and AndyHarrington.
  There may be some untracked changes in AndrewKuchling's draft of PEP 314;
  these should also be checked (also, the catalog-sig archives). FredDrake
  believes that there are still some glaringly obvious metadata fields
  missing, necessitating a further revision of the package metadata
- - RichardJones migrated the database away from the single-user sqlite
  database to a multi-user postgres one.
- - RichardJones and MartinvonLoewis worked on implementing PEP 243: Module
  Repository Upload Mechanism, supporting a package repository as part of
  PyPI. There are revisions needed to PEP 243 which haven't been written
  yet (mostly to do with cleaning up the use of the HTTP spec). FredDrake
  thinks he uploaded the first package into the live repository, a tarball
  containing ZConfig 2.2. Richard implemented the changes to the PyPI
  application, and Martin added an upload command to the distutils package
  to make it easy to add files from a command line. Uploads may also have
  an accompanying MD5 (for simple validation) and OpenPGP signature.
- - AndrewKuchling integrated work done to add XML-RPC support based on
  efforts from the ChiPy sprint. See  Ian Bicking's blog for more on the
  ChiPy work.
- - RichardJones and MichaelTwomey integrated work started at the ChiPy
  sprint to convert the PyPI web interface to use ZopePageTemplates instead
  of hard-coded HTML in the Python code. This should make it a lot easier
  to keep the logic and presentation separate. "Unit" tests using Selenium
  were also developed.
- - JohnCamara worked on some distutils bugs, and also implemented the
  ReStructuredText formatting of description fields. DavidGoodger
  implemented a couple of safety switches in docutils allowing us to turn
  off the "raw" and "include" directives.

At a separate table in the other sprint room, this suggested topic was 

- - Phillip Eby brought up the idea of application plugins; it would be
  really nice to see this happen. He and Bob Ippolito have some  design
  notes and Bob Ippolito has begun an implementation of the runtime. In
  addition to plugins, this "Python Egg" format should be useful for
  distributing libraries and building applications (via py2exe/py2app)
  as well.

The following topics had been suggested, but were not discussed during the 

- - Installing large applications; see  Fred's post to the Distutils-SIG
  for more on this topic.
- - Defining a way to define new classes of files that can be installed.
  Zope 3 would like this for the "package-includes" files we use; it's
  likely generally useful.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From richardjones at  Wed Mar 30 07:02:14 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 07:02:28 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:59 pm, Fred Drake wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:23:18 -0500, Bob Ippolito <> wrote:
> > Something with eggs might make sense once PJE and I wrap up bdist_egg
> > and friends, though that would be for binaries :)  Unfortunately,
> > SpamAndEggs.* are taken.
> eggcrate.(net/org) is available, though is not.

Do we need a domain name?

Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like to start 
a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From tripp at  Wed Mar 30 07:15:10 2005
From: tripp at (Tripp Lilley)
Date: Wed Mar 30 07:15:42 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Richard Jones wrote:

> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like to start
> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")

PyCAN. Python Comprehensive Archive Network.

From bob at  Wed Mar 30 07:50:45 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 07:50:51 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:02 AM, Richard Jones wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:59 pm, Fred Drake wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:23:18 -0500, Bob Ippolito <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Something with eggs might make sense once PJE and I wrap up bdist_egg
>>> and friends, though that would be for binaries :)  Unfortunately,
>>> SpamAndEggs.* are taken.
>> eggcrate.(net/org) is available, though is not.
> Do we need a domain name?
> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like 
> to start
> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")

Domain names get mad google juice, if nothing else...


From bob at  Wed Mar 30 07:58:52 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 07:58:59 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:15 AM, Tripp Lilley wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Richard Jones wrote:
>> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like 
>> to start
>> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")
> PyCAN. Python Comprehensive Archive Network.

Boring!  Ruby has the Garden, and PHP has PEAR.. I don't think we need 
to follow after Perl here.


From richardjones at  Wed Mar 30 07:59:09 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 07:59:16 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 03:50 pm, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> Domain names get mad google juice, if nothing else...

Yep - I guess a lot depends on what people are searching for. If they type 
"python eggs" then the Python Eggs page will get the #1 match regardless of 
the domain it's at. Especially if the domain name is "eggbasket" :)

I was sitting in the Lightning Talks session in which Holger was talking about 
rlcompleter2, and Michael Twomey said "what's the URL?" and typed 
"rlcompleter2" into google. The second hit was for:

which is a URL that *didn't exist* until a couple of days earlier. Google 
likes that URL (and the page layout includes a useful title and heading, 
which helps a lot too).

That's pretty cool, and kudos to Martin for implementing it :)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From ianb at  Wed Mar 30 08:15:33 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Wed Mar 30 08:15:22 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> Do we need a domain name?
>> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like 
>> to start
>> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")
> Domain names get mad google juice, if nothing else...

But is already drowning in its own google juice.  And we (the 
Python language) already have all top 16 entries before a Monty Python 
page comes up -- adding another entry won't change anything.  I think is high ranked by association, and something to stick 
with (well, /whatever, but under or maybe a subdomain).

Ian Bicking  /  /
From bob at  Wed Mar 30 08:22:30 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 08:22:36 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 1:15 AM, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>> Do we need a domain name?
>>> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you 
>>> like to start
>>> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")
>> Domain names get mad google juice, if nothing else...
> But is already drowning in its own google juice.  And we 
> (the Python language) already have all top 16 entries before a Monty 
> Python page comes up -- adding another entry won't change anything.  I 
> think is high ranked by association, and something to 
> stick with (well, /whatever, but under or maybe a 
> subdomain).

While that's true, domains are better.  Specifically, 
would be better, because you can use the site: operator.  Thats why we 
have a

"numeric" doesn't provide the results you want, and 
"numeric" doesn't provide any.


From richardjones at  Wed Mar 30 08:24:24 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Wed Mar 30 08:24:29 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 03:58 pm, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:15 AM, Tripp Lilley wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Richard Jones wrote:
> >> Also, is anyone actively on python-list at the moment? Would you like
> >> to start
> >> a thread there? ("If Python had a CPAN, what would you call it?")
> >
> > PyCAN. Python Comprehensive Archive Network.
> Boring!  Ruby has the Garden, and PHP has PEAR.. I don't think we need
> to follow after Perl here.

My sentiments too.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From bob at  Wed Mar 30 08:24:49 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 08:24:54 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:59 AM, Richard Jones wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 03:50 pm, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> Domain names get mad google juice, if nothing else...
> Yep - I guess a lot depends on what people are searching for. If they 
> type
> "python eggs" then the Python Eggs page will get the #1 match 
> regardless of
> the domain it's at. Especially if the domain name is "eggbasket" :)

While that is most certainly true, part of the selection process for 
the name egg was *because* we knew google juice would flow easily...  
If you search the #peak IRC logs, you'll probably find the discussion 
in there :)


From ehs at  Wed Mar 30 08:52:37 2005
From: ehs at (Ed Summers)
Date: Wed Mar 30 08:52:40 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Not to be stubborn but I kinda like PyPI. It has always reminded me of
Pythagoras and 22/7 which seemed appropriate given python's use in 
scientific circles. The math symbol could actually make a nice part of a logo.  

You've probably looked already as well but is taken--however there's
nothing there so maybe it's "available". Make him an offer he can't
refuse, etc...

Another random idea: pyfiles.



Computers are useless--all they can give you are answers. [Pablo Picasso]

From deadwisdom at  Wed Mar 30 17:30:34 2005
From: deadwisdom at (Brant Harris)
Date: Wed Mar 30 17:30:36 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Re: [chiPy] Ian and David
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Very Interesting.

It strikes me that a ranking system within PyPi would help alleviate
this problem of "too many choices" of frameworks.  With a ranking
system, clear winners would emerge that would attract support and
concentrate resources.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 02:48:23 -0600, Daniel Delapava
<> wrote:
> Have fun...
> - Daniel
> _______________________________________________
> chiPy mailing list
From ehs at  Wed Mar 30 23:12:21 2005
From: ehs at (Ed Summers)
Date: Wed Mar 30 23:12:24 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, I'm late in catching up with what python eggs actually are.

Now that I know what they are, I like the idea of "eggcrate" a
lot. I agree keeping it in the domain could serve as a 
subliminal stamp of approval. , 
or even better (I think): 

Only downside is that eggs are fragile and break opposed to

From bob at  Wed Mar 30 23:15:38 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed Mar 30 23:15:46 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 4:12 PM, Ed Summers wrote:

> Well, I'm late in catching up with what python eggs actually are.
> Now that I know what they are, I like the idea of "eggcrate" a
> lot. I agree keeping it in the domain could serve as a
> subliminal stamp of approval.
> or even better (I think):
> Only downside is that eggs are fragile and break opposed to
> gems.

Well, they *are* binary packages (even for pure python, they can 
include bytecode) -- and no snakes that I know of lay gems :)


From mcfletch at  Wed Mar 30 23:24:43 2005
From: mcfletch at (Mike C. Fletcher)
Date: Wed Mar 30 23:54:06 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
Message-ID: <>

How about:


as the name and:

as the domain.  I know, I know, no punny connection, but it would seem
to me to better link to the idea of collecting (eating) everything
that's out there, extending Python to be able to consume whatever
protocol, data format, platform, etceteras with which you are presented.

Just a thought,

Ed Summers wrote:

>Well, I'm late in catching up with what python eggs actually are.
>Now that I know what they are, I like the idea of "eggcrate" a
>lot. I agree keeping it in the domain could serve as a 
>subliminal stamp of approval. 
>or even better (I think):
>Only downside is that eggs are fragile and break opposed to
>Catalog-sig mailing list

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

From ianb at  Thu Mar 31 00:18:32 2005
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Thu Mar 31 00:19:26 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
Message-ID: <>

Ed Summers wrote:
> Well, I'm late in catching up with what python eggs actually are.
> Now that I know what they are, I like the idea of "eggcrate" a
> lot. I agree keeping it in the domain could serve as a 
> subliminal stamp of approval. 
> or even better (I think):
> Only downside is that eggs are fragile and break opposed to
> gems.

I like the name, but if someone uploads tarballs will it seem out of place?

Of course, while some eggs hatch cute little chicks, people who find 
their eggs hatching little pythons are usually not so amused...

This guy is kind of cute though...

Or we can give a bad-ass feel to the site, eating all our competitors...

But when you get down to it Monte Python is a lot less creepy than 
actual Pythons.

Ian Bicking  /  /
From hpk at  Thu Mar 31 00:29:40 2005
From: hpk at (holger krekel)
Date: Thu Mar 31 00:29:42 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] download statistics / naming
Message-ID: <>

hi folks, 

i am wondering if there are download statistics 
for packages downloaded through PyPI?  

If not, then it would be a great feature IMHO. 



P.S.: On the naming front, i actually like the suggestion 
      of PYCAN a lot. It has a number of useful connotations 
      like CPAN, can of snakes, the prefix PY signalling python 
      stuff, and the statement "Python is able to" etc.pp. 

      Whatever name you choose, i recommend to fix it ASAP. 
      I have just written an article for a 50000 readers 
      magazine (about Pycon) which is going to have 
      PyPI mentioned and i expect the mindshare for the
      project to increase in general due to the new 
      facilities ... 
From richardjones at  Thu Mar 31 02:49:20 2005
From: richardjones at (Richard Jones)
Date: Thu Mar 31 02:49:24 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] download statistics / naming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:29 am, holger krekel wrote:
> i am wondering if there are download statistics
> for packages downloaded through PyPI?

I guess we could use the apache logs for this - though we won't catch FTP 

> If not, then it would be a great feature IMHO.

I agree.

> P.S.: On the naming front, i actually like the suggestion
>       of PYCAN a lot. It has a number of useful connotations
>       like CPAN, can of snakes, the prefix PY signalling python
>       stuff, and the statement "Python is able to" etc.pp.

Yeah, I just can't shake off the "me too"-ness of the "..AN" part. Ho hum. I 
also kinda like the idea of an obscure, and hence memorable name. Shtoom - 
now that's memorable (or is it only memorable because it's a friend's 
project?) Shrubbery would be memorable, I think. It's long though.

>       Whatever name you choose, i recommend to fix it ASAP.
>       I have just written an article for a 50000 readers
>       magazine (about Pycon) which is going to have
>       PyPI mentioned and i expect the mindshare for the
>       project to increase in general due to the new
>       facilities ...

What's the actual deadline for this?


Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

From trentm at  Thu Mar 31 03:11:35 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Thu Mar 31 03:15:54 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] download statistics / naming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Richard Jones wrote]
> Shrubbery would be memorable, I think. It's long though.

That is one thing that I don't so much like about "eggcrate". It is long
and a left-hand finger-twister on the keyboard.

Another idea: snakeden (or just "den"?)

I love the little animated GIF on this page with the snake peeking out
of its hole. :)

It is easier to type that "eggcrate" and isn't particular to the egg
package format (which someone brought up might be confusing). Like
"eggcrate" it connotes containment.

There is no "den" command on the PATH on a few computers that I checked
(linux, windows, hpux, aix, solaris). A quick google search didn't turn
up any conflicts with other projects that I could see.

Just an idea. I don't care strongly.


Trent Mick
From bob at  Thu Mar 31 00:49:30 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu Mar 31 03:50:38 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Table of Python Packages, updated
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<Pine.CYG.4.58.0503300014230.16220@PARCHMENT>
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 30, 2005, at 5:18 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Ed Summers wrote:
>> Well, I'm late in catching up with what python eggs actually are.
>> Now that I know what they are, I like the idea of "eggcrate" a
>> lot. I agree keeping it in the domain could serve as a 
>> subliminal stamp of approval.,     or 
>> even better (I think):
>> Only downside is that eggs are fragile and break 
>> opposed to
>> gems.
> I like the name, but if someone uploads tarballs will it seem out of 
> place?

Hopefully people will be uploading eggs and source tarballs.  The eggs 
will eventually be what most people use and care about.

> Of course, while some eggs hatch cute little chicks, people who find 
> their eggs hatching little pythons are usually not so amused... 
> This guy is kind of cute though... 
> Or we can give a bad-ass feel to the site, eating all our 
> competitors... 
> But when you get down to it Monte Python is a lot less creepy than 
> actual Pythons.

Which also works, because of Eggs and SPAM.


From hpk at  Thu Mar 31 12:32:26 2005
From: hpk at (holger krekel)
Date: Thu Mar 31 12:32:29 2005
Subject: [Catalog-sig] download statistics / naming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Richard, 

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 10:49 +1000, Richard Jones wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:29 am, holger krekel wrote:
> > i am wondering if there are download statistics
> > for packages downloaded through PyPI?
> I guess we could use the apache logs for this - though we won't catch FTP 
> accesses.

yes, catching http accesses seems good enough especially 
since the ftp access isn't really advertised (rightfully so). 

> >       Whatever name you choose, i recommend to fix it ASAP.
> >       I have just written an article for a 50000 readers
> >       magazine (about Pycon) which is going to have
> >       PyPI mentioned and i expect the mindshare for the
> >       project to increase in general due to the new
> >       facilities ...
> What's the actual deadline for this?

in three weeks i think.  but don't worry.  It is not an article 
about PyPI by itself but about Pycon and it mentions PyPI 
as a highlight of the sprints. It would just generally be nice to
spread the "correct" name ...

