From constant.beta at  Wed May 24 20:56:13 2006
From: constant.beta at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Micha=B3_Kwiatkowski?=)
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 20:56:13 +0200
Subject: [Catalog-sig] Cheesecake enhancements and its integration with PyPI.
Message-ID: <>

Hi, my name is Michal Kwiatkowski and I'll be working over the next
few months on Cheesecake under the Summer of Code (more info on

Because main target of the project is the Python community I want to
ask the community itself what changes to Cheesecake would be valuable.
We'll still brainstorming with Grig on detailed list of things to
implement. If you care, please visit wiki page we've set up at and add your comments and
ideas to the list. Feel free to discuss things in this thread if you

Thanks for support,
 . o .       >>  <<
 . . o   It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong
 o o o   than forgiveness for being right.

From exarkun at  Tue May 30 18:22:46 2006
From: exarkun at (Jean-Paul Calderone)
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 12:22:46 -0400
Subject: [Catalog-sig] PyPI packages
In-Reply-To: 0
Message-ID: <20060530162246.28682.1225349146.divmod.quotient.7647@ohm>

This doesn't seem like the right forum for this request, but since I can't find another one...

The "Twisted Web", "Twisted Runner", and "Twisted News" projects in PyPI are owned by a user named "twisted".  I can't seem to figure out who this user is, but since it is someone other than me, I can't upload new release info to PyPI for these projects.  Can they be re-assigned to me?
