[Catalog-sig] [Distutils] distribute D.C. sprint tasks

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Oct 14 06:59:54 CEST 2008

> OTHO you would lose an interesting info: how downloads evolve in
> time.

Users interested in that could produce that information themselves,
though: they query the download stats once a day, and compute the
first derivative.

> For instance, knowing that 90% of the downloads of a given package 
> where done by zc.buildout is interesting. IIRC, we cannot know it
> right now, and I could work on zc.buildout side for that, because it
> uses the setuptools user agent id

In principle, it would be fine with me to track that, as long as I
don't need to preserve the the complete log files.

So would the stats file then be of the form


? (commas in the useragent replaced with semicolons)


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