[Catalog-sig] [Proposal] Registered packages must provide the source code distribution on PyPI

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Thu Jun 17 10:05:25 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Andreas Jung wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I propose a policy change for packages registered with PyPI:
>>  - packages registered on PyPI have at least one release
> I'm not sure what you mean with "release". Every package on
> PyPI is a release, since it comes with a version number.

This is a package without a release:


>>  - one release of registered package on PyPI _must_ contain
>>    a valid source code distribution (sdist)
> -100
> You'd outrule commercial packages that don't come with a
> source distribution. PyPI is for everyone, not only for
> open source packages.

Commercial package are a special case - I agree. The majority
of all PyPI are non-commercial. In addition you could also
upload binary release in addition to your own download server.

> Furthermore, not all package authors want to upload their
> packages to PyPI.

And this is _exactly_ the problem. If you are a package author
and want to make your packages available to the public through PyPI,
you should be obligated for publishing the related distribution
files on PyPI: for the sake of availability and in order for being
independent of your own infrastructure. Otherwise I have the (arrogant)
opinion: go away - if you are a package author and want to use PyPI:
ensure that your software is available to everyone at any time.

PyPI is not a kindergarten - PyPI is an important resource for
professional Python development. CPAN is better organized and more
reliable for more than ten years than PyPI ever was.


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