[Catalog-sig] Registering http://pypi.rit.edu/ as http://X.pypi.python.org/

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Nov 9 21:35:59 CET 2011

Am 09.11.2011 19:20, schrieb Ralph Bean:
> Hello,
>   I have just setup http://pypi.rit.edu and would like to begin the process of
>   reviewing it and registering it as a X.pypi.python.org mirror.
>   I have not yet found any documentation on how to start that process, other
>   than emailing this list.

Sending it to this list is fine. Please let me know (best in private)
whether this host has a fixed address; I'd rather register that instead
of a CNAME. If we can use a fixed IP address, your server will be
g.pypi.python.org, and shall then respond to that name as well
(otherwise, I'll probably make it e.pypi.python.org). I'll also need an
email contact address for this service. If the system has an IPv6
address, let me know that as well.

I think I like this process of posting new proposed mirrors to
catalog-sig: the community needs to gain trust into the mirror operators
(at least into their ability to operate the service; data integrity
 is provided with cryptographic protection as well). Having the operator
introduce themselves (as you did), sounds about right.


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