[Catalog-sig] readthedocs.org or packages.python.org?

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 6 21:40:19 CET 2013

Lennart Regebro <regebro <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Packages.python.org support any HTML, I think, right?
> That said, is anyone using it without with Sphinx?

That's not the only difference: it also requires that your project be in a
public Mercurial or Git repository that RTD can pull from. For almost all cases,
this is fine - but for me, for at least one project, I can't use RTD. That's
because the project (python-gnupg) doesn't have its own repository, it's part of
a larger repository that can't be public. The project is open source and I could
of course pull it into a separate repository, but I would lose the history
without doing a bit of work to try and keep it. I may well undertake this at
some point, but until then, RTD is not usable for that project. And so it may be
for other projects too, but for different reasons.

While I find the RTD integration with DVCS very convenient, I like the fact
about packages.python.org that you can just upload a directory of documentation,
and there is distutils support for this. If we were to lose packages.python.org
in favour of RTD, then unless RTD accepted HTML bundles like packages.python.org
does, distutils/Distribute/setuptools would presumably break when one tried to
do an upload_doc.


Vinay Sajip

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