[Catalog-sig] Deprecate External Links

Christian Hofstaedtler christian at hofstaedtler.name
Wed Feb 27 18:20:14 CET 2013

> I propose we deprecate the external links that PyPI has published
> on the /simple/ indexes which exist because of the history of PyPI.
> Ideally in some number of months (1? 2?) we would turn off adding
> these links from new releases, leaving the existing ones intact and
> then a few months later the existing links be removed completely.

I fully support this.
Ideally, /simple/ indexes would only serve download links, and all
of them should include a checksum (md5/sha...).

I'm working on a package installer right now and this reconfirms the
decision to ignore non-release links.


       Christian Hofstaedtler       | design, deploy, scale
http://christian.hofstaedtler.name/ | phone +43 720 699846

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