[Catalog-sig] Deprecate External Links
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Thu Feb 28 11:29:14 CET 2013
On 27.02.2013 19:21, Donald Stufft wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 1:11 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> On 27.02.2013 18:37, Donald Stufft wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 12:10 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>>> Package installers only need access to the static files in
>>>> the /simple/ index. Those can be put behind a CDN to increase
>>>> uptime.
>>>> PyPI itself doesn't have to be up and running if you just want
>>>> to download the files (unfortunately, that's not true at the
>>>> moment, because the /simple/ index is dynamically generated,
>>>> but that can be changed).
>>>> See http://wiki.python.org/moin/CloudPyPI for details.
>>> I'm aware of that, but that doesn't change the statement. If /simple/
>>> is down you cannot determine the external urls. There is no way
>>> to increase uptime by adding more points of failure.
>> Please reread the proposal. The /simple/ index would
>> get hosted on a separate domain which then points to the CDN.
> It. Does. Not. Matter. You are simply moving the SPOF which is
> /simple/, if /simple/ is how you discover the CDN and/or external
> urls then the things it points too can have 100% uptime and if
> /simple/ is down the entire system is down.
We appear to be talking about different things :-)
The proposal suggests to put the /simple/ index itself
on Amazon S3 and then have CloudFront distribute the files
to the end users.
The PyPI server would only manage pushing the file
to the S3 buckets. PyPI could go down and Amazon would still
be serving the files.
See the "Moving static data to a CDN" of
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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