[Catalog-sig] Deprecate External Links

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Mar 1 10:24:53 CET 2013

On 01.03.2013 10:02, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 28-02-13 21:08, holger krekel wrote:
>>> I have seen that position in this discussion ("I have to upload 120
>>> >files per release, so I won't do that", for instance).
>> haven't seen that.
> Marc-Andre Lemburg said this, which I took to mean 120 uploads per release:
> """
> However, taking our egenix-mx-base package as example, we have
> 120 distribution files for every single release. Uploading those
> to PyPI would not only take long, but also ...
> """

Correct, with a total of over 100MB per release. However, the above
quote is slightly incorrect: I did not say "I won't do that", just
that there are issues with doing this:

* It currently takes too long uploading that many files to
  PyPI. This causes a problem, since in order to start the upload,
  we have to register the release on PyPI, which tools will then
  immediately find. However, during the upload time, they won't
  necessarily find the right files to download and then fail.

  The proposed pull mechanism (see
  would work around this problem: tools would simply go to
  our servers in case they can't find the files on PyPI.

* PyPI doesn't allow us to upload two egg files with the same
  name: we have to provide egg files for UCS2 Python builds and
  UCS4 Python builds, since easy_install/setuptools/pip don't
  differentiate between the two variants. This is the main
  reason why we're hosting our own PyPI-style indexes, one for
  UCS2 and the other for UCS4 builds:

* I'm not sure whether we want to import our crypto packages
  to the US, so for a subset of the files, we'd probably
  continue to use our servers in Germany.

  Again, with the above proposal, this shouldn't be a problem.

* Ihe PyPI terms are a bummer for us, but this can be fixed,
  I guess.

If we can resolve the issues, we'd have no problem having the
files mirrored on PyPI.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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