[Catalog-sig] API for uploading packages to PyPI

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Mar 22 09:16:34 CET 2013

On 22 Mar, 2013, at 8:37, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I understand that this will make PyPI a potential target for automated spam bots, but still it will be awesome to have an API to upload packages to PyPI.
> For example, I have a code that extract all necessary meta data for the package from the source file itself. It is even able to generate setup.py from this data. https://bitbucket.org/techtonik/astdump The next logical step in this chain is to teach it to upload stuff to PyPI.
> Now I thought that this setup.py is an unnecessary complication. What I need, ideally is just upload single .py file, or a JSON and a .tar.gz FWIW. Is there a straightforward API for things like that? 

Several APIs are documented on pages linked directly from the PyPI homepage (the Infrastructure box)

> Please, CC.
> -- 
> anatoly t.
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