[CentralOH] Generator and DRY

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Wed Jul 23 02:26:26 CEST 2008

Mark Erbaugh wrote:
> Here are part of method I wrote that provides a generator:
>     def read(self, id, size=None):        
>         i = gen_data.next()
>         try:
>             while True:    
>                 while len(buffer) >= read_size:
>                     yield(''.join(buffer[:read_size]))
>                     del buffer[:read_size]
>                 i = gen_data.next()
>         except StopIteration:
>             pass
>         while len(buffer) >= read_size:
>             yield(''.join(buffer[:read_size]))
>             del buffer[:read_size]
>         if len(buffer):
>             yield(''.join(buffer))
> The purpose of this code is to take data from another generator
> (gen_data) and deliver it in chunks of the specified size (except the
> last).  Code not shown handles possible decompression (zlib) of the
> data.
> However, since the embedded function contains a yield() call, it now
> becomes a generator itself and the re-factored code doesn't do work
> properly.
> Is there a way to create an embedded function where the yield() call is
> still tied to the parent function/method?

I don't have a quick answer to your interesting problem of controlling the 
"yield" space of nested functions (I'll research it) but in case it is useful 
in some obsure way, here is a simple expression for chunking any generator:

   for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), ''):

It doesn't handle your decompression or careful use of memory for huge chunks, 
but perhaps refactoring your code say around gen_data.next() into something 
more like gen_data.read(chunk_size) and layering this with iter() might shed 
light on another approach.  Just a passing thought...  I think iter() is cool.


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