[CentralOH] Python and Oracle

Chris Chandler chris at developingchris.com
Wed Dec 9 15:29:06 CET 2009

How do you know that schedulizer is connecting directly to the database?
I have a feeling they are parsing an api feed, given the way their FAQ reads
about being able to be "out of sync" with the university for a matter of

While its public information, that doesn't really mean that they'll give you
a direct connection to their database.

Chris Chandler

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Michael S. Yanovich <
yanovich at cse.ohio-state.edu> wrote:

> I've started a challenge in Python (I may have gotten myself in over my
> head) where I want to create a Python script that would access a *remote*
> Oracle database and provide the contents of a certain entry in the database.
> I've done some research on this and it seems that I would need either
> cx_Oracle or PyODBC.
> For cx_Oracle it looks like I need to have Oracle installed locally to use
> it. However, I have found some useful tutorials on using cx_Oracle that make
> it look easy for what I want to accomplish.
> As for PyODBC I would have to compile it locally and change my PATHs for
> Python to get this to work, but I'm not fully sure on how to go about using
> it to access a database. (It seems more intimidating)
> The server I would like to remotely connect to doesn't have a documented
> API, but it does have a publicly search-able database that anyone can
> connect to and browse. I know it is built on Oracle. I have determined this
> by the error messages and such the system throws at someone. I am assuming
> though that the information I am looking for is in a database.
> The database is:
> https://courses.osu.edu/psp/hcosuct/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.OSR_CAT_SRCH.GBL
> It can be access by going to http://buckeyelink.osu.edu/ and scrolling
> down to and clicking on "Course Catalog" under Academics and under Public
> Access.
> I know something of this nature can be done because a website has
> accomplished this using PHP and maybe something else.
> http://schedulizer.com/
> My question to everyone is: Which route should I go cx_Oracle or PyODBC, or
> am I going about this all wrong? Or is there an easier way?
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