[CentralOH] Volunteers Needed for May Meeting

Eric Lake ericlake at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 02:45:22 CET 2010

On 03/24/2010 05:16 PM, Eric Floehr wrote:
> All,
> I would like to do something different for our May meeting in two
> months.  Instead of a single speaker, I'd like to have a laptops-open,
> hands-on meeting.  Basically, I'd like two to five volunteers to walk
> through a Python component (library, module, third-party API, etc.)
> from the basics to a program that does something.  It doesn't have to
> be anything fancy, but by the end someone should have gotten their
> feet wet and understand how to use that particular component.
> It could be a component you are very familiar with and use often, or a
> cool component you have discovered, or, one that you'd like to learn
> more about (getting together a short talk to teach someone else is
> often the best way to learn!).  Some examples of the types of things
> that could be interesting:
> 1. Using lxml or BeautifulSoup or etc. to scrape a web page
> 2. Creating a TwitterBot
> 3. Creating a UI that graphs some data
> 4. ???
> The goal would be to work up to the app, so that when done, the
> audience would feel comfortable taking the next step with the app...so
> a little more than just a line-by-line explanation of the app.
> Suggestions? Anyone interested?
> Best Regards,
> Eric
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If only I lived in Ohio :/

Please post how this turns out. I may see if I can replicate it within
my LUG.


Eric Lake

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