[CentralOH] audience-instructors for Python bugfixing needed
Catherine Devlin
catherine.devlin at gmail.com
Thu May 6 15:40:31 CEST 2010
Calling... anybody who has experience with working on Python itself! (The
Python core, and/or the Python Standard Library)
I need a few of you (3?) who can commit to come to PyOhio and take part as
audience/instructors in a Teach Me Bugfixing session. The PyOhio Call for
Proposals is up May 10 so I'd better find you quick!
Our awesome language has a problem: there's a big backlog of bugs in the
Python bug tracker, and the volunteers who work on them are stretched too
thin. That's why Jesse Noller and others are trying to get more people
involved in the process. (Read
I've never done it myself, so I want to lead a Teach Me Bugfixing session.
(See http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/2010/04/bugfixing-at-pyohio.html.)
In a Teach Me session, the person at the projector *doesn't* know the
material. Instead, she asks the audience questions ("How do I find a bug to
work on?"), and they talk her through it. It's based on Teach Me Twisted, a
mind-blowing session Steve Holden led at PyCon 2008 (
http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/2008/03/teach-me-twisted.html). I think
it's a fantastic way to teach, but it depends on some veterans being in the
audience. There are folks in the greater Python community eager to get hold
of a video of such a session... if we do this well, it could become an
important tool in keeping the quality of core Python code high.
And all I need from you, my audience-instructors, is a promise to show up
(no preparation necessary). Can you make it? Can you pass the appeal on to
others you know of?
Thanks! See you in July!
- Catherine
*** PyOhio 2010 * July 31 - Aug 1 * Columbus, OH * pyohio.org ***
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