[CentralOH] Come be a Hero to Thousands

Issac Kelly issac.kelly at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 02:42:16 CEST 2010

Who really needs to know Zend, Ruby, and Python though?

Sounds scary to me.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 8:32 PM, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com>wrote:

> I just wanted to let you know that I allowed this post as they are looking
> for Python developers and they are a startup company right here in Columbus.
>  Here is a recent article about them:
> http://www.massdevice.com/news/covermymeds-lands-650000-ohio
> Cheers,
> -Eric
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Jobs at CoverMyMeds <jobs at covermymeds.com
> > wrote:
>> *
>> *CoverMyMeds <http://www.covermymeds.com> is looking for talented
>> developers that want to change the world.  Our web-based products touch the
>> lives of literally thousands of people each day.
>> Changing the world isn’t easy.  We need the help of ingenious teammates
>> who have the knack for creating clever solutions to difficult problems.
>>  We’re expanding a couple of our team rosters.
>> CoverMyMeds is busy automating one of the most painful administrative
>> tasks in healthcare today - the prior authorization process. Our web service
>> helps thousands of doctors and pharmacists improve the lives of their
>> patients by finding and electronically transmitting prior authorization
>> forms for any drug and any health plan.  Our product has serious user
>> traction and significant funding.
>> ==========================
>> *Server Developer*
>> extending our web-services and data processing layer
>> ==========================
>> This position requires:
>> * Several years in a senior position designing and building middleware or
>> web-services (this is not a DBA position).
>> * Someone who is conscientious and practical, with a lot of patience for
>> detail.
>> * Bonus skills: Experience with a healthcare data interchange format such
>> as HL7, CCR, SCRIPT, or any of the EDI transactions.
>> ==========================
>> *Web Developer*
>> extending our core product and writing new client applications against our
>> API
>> ==========================
>> This position requires:
>> * Several years working on large LAMP applications.
>> * A solid understanding of the DOM, AJAX, and standards-compliant CSS.
>> * An understanding of UI design and usability.
>> * Bonus skills: jQuery, Zend Framework (PHP), Ruby, *Python* and their
>> related frameworks.
>> This is an agile development team that crafts web-based systems for our
>> custom software clients.  If you like to take a project from inception to
>> deployment, this is the place for you.  New clients and projects are a way
>> of life - it’s rarely boring.  We never farm out our developers to other
>> firms.
>> ==========================
>> *Web Developer*
>> ==========================
>> * Several years working on LAMP applications.  (If you have PHP
>> experience, but want more Ruby or *Python*, you’ll fit in perfectly.)
>> * Solid understanding of the DOM, AJAX, and standards-compliant CSS.
>> * Understanding of UI design and usability.
>> * Bonus skills: jQuery, Zend Framework (PHP), SQL
>> These positions come with plenty of benefits:
>> For the right candidates, we offer an environment with a true technical
>> career track (rather than just a management career track), a strong
>> engineering culture where you’ll be challenged to improve your skills, and a
>> transparent management structure with no politics. All of our managers write
>> code, and our developers work with customers directly.  Our technical teams
>> have virtually no turnover - which is almost unheard of.
>> * A great salary and significant profit sharing
>> * 100% paid health insurance
>> * We eat together, with free lunch every day prepared by an on-site chef
>> * All of these positions are at our
 Downtown Columbus office<http://www.covermymeds.com/main/contact-cmm>
>> .
>> * Your pick of hardware, which lately tends toward a MacBook Pro, one or
>> more 24 inch monitors (or better), and any software you want
>> * Books and educational materials without question
>> Reply to this email and let us know what you can do.
>> We’re much more interested in links to your personal website and work than
>> your resume. Before being hired, you’ll be expected to come in for a day (or
>> more) to hack up an application (in your chosen technology), collaborate
>> with our staff, and show that you’ll improve our culture.
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