[CentralOH] My "Welcome to Django" note. and notes on tonight's talk.

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Wed Feb 2 17:19:23 CET 2011


Thanks so much for your talk and the wealth of information in this
post!  The library app is quite useful and helpful and I would love to
see it integrated into the COhPy site.  It would also be cool to just
put in ISBN and have it pull the rest of the information from Amazon
or somewhere.

I think it would be cool to take the information from your post and
make a reference page on COhPy so folks can easily refer to it.


Who is up for cutting their teeth on a little Django project for COhPy?

Best Regards,

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Issac Kelly <issac.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:
> ## My Talk
> The site is at:
> http://cohpy.o1.gondor.io
> You have to be an administrator to add books, so if you want to do that, let
> me know and I'll up your privleges.
> This is pretty close to markdown, so it might look better if you paste it
> into a markdown viewer like http://www.raindance.co.nz/markdown/demo.lsd
> The code is at:
> http://github.com/issackelly/cohpy2011
> To build the project:
> * A] Have Python
> * B] have virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper
> * C] mkvirtualenv cohpy
> * D] git clone http://github.com/issackelly/cohpy2011.git
> * E] cd cohpy/cohpy_project
> * F] pip install -r requirements/project.txt
> * G] createdb cohpy # postgres
> * OR
> * G] touch local_settings.py # copy DATABASES to local_settings.py
> * * change postgres_psycopg2 to sqlite3
> * * change name to dev.db
> * H] python manage.py upgradedb --execute # This is nashvegas, what my
> deployment environment uses for migrations
> * OR #   normal (no migration framework would be)
> * H] python manage.py syncdb --noinput
> * OR # South -- my current preferred way to migrate
> * H] python manage.py syncdb --noinput && python manage.py migrate
> * I] python manage.py createsuperuser (makes your first user..)
> * J] python manage.py runserver
> -----
> go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to try it out.
> ----
> next time you work on the project
> A] workon cohpy; cd Projects/cohpy/cohpy_project
> B] python manage.py runserver
> ## If you need help.
> there is a django-users mailing list, and a #django room on irc.freenode.net
> We also have a #cohpy room on irc.freenode.net, that i'm in basically
> anytime I'm working, I promise to be helpful if I can.
> ## Welcome To Django, I Hope you like it Here.
> Other Developer Driven Interactive Agencies Focused on Django.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> * Kelly Creative Tech
> * Revsys
> * Eldarion
> * Lincoln Loop
> * Urban Airship
> * Caktus
> * Bread-And-Pepper
> * Maykin Media
> * Oddbird
> Individual Developers of Note
> -----------------------------
> * Jacob Kaplan-Moss (jacobian.org)
> * Alex Gaynor (Alex_Gaynor kingkilr)
> * Jannis Leidel (jezdez)
> * Russell Keith-Macgee (freakboy3742)
> * Eric Holscher (ericholscher // surfingkansas.com)
> * Danny Greenfeld (pydanny)
> * Brian Rosner (brosner)
> * Carl Meyer (carljm)
> * James Tauber (jtauber)
> * Simon Wilison (simonw)
> * Adrian Hovolati (?)
> * Kevin Fricovsky (montylounge)
> * Luke Hatcher (lukeman)
> * Malcolm Trednick
> * Justin Lilly (jlilly)
> * Daniel Lindsey (toastdriven)
> * James Bennett (ubernostrum)
> * Eric Floranzo (ericflo)
> * Idan Gazit (idan)
> * Curt Micol (asenchi)
> ... lots lots more.
> Some Cool Projects built on Django
> ----------------------------------
> * Disqus
> * Rdio
> * ReadTheDocs
> * MochiGames
> * Layar
> * Everyblock
> The Django Pony
> ---------------
> The Django Pony is the unofficial mascot.  Some people think it's too silly
> to be proper.  Those people don't have souls.
> For a language named after a very silly acting group, a web app framework
> built on top of it can have a silly mascot.
> Media and Sites of Interest
> ---------------------------
> * [Official Django Docs][docs]
> * [Django Packages][dp]
> * [Reddit][reddit]
> * [DjangoDose][djangodose]
> * [Django Weekly][djangoweekly]
> Some Big Organizations that use a lot of Django
> -----------------------------------------------
> * NASA
> * PBS
> * Discovery
> * Vodafone
> * Sanoma Digital
> Great Projects worth looking into/reading the docs of
> -----------------------------------------------------
> * South - db migrations (Schema/Code)
> * Tastypie - api creation
> * Haystack
> * django-pagination - very easy pagination
> * django-filter - nice filter library for lists of objects
> * Pinax
> * Taggit - tagging library
> * django-uni-form - I have a fork of this that works with the fieldsets from
> django-form-utils listed below... I use my own fork of this project
> * django-basic-apps - this is where I got the library from
> * django-model-utils and django-form-utils - Great projects for some small,
> but often-used use cases.
> * easy-thumbnails -- this is a fork of sorl.thumbnail, the most recent one
> is different than the one I started with, I happen to like easy-thumbnails
> more, and it has the same API.
> * django-servee - wysiwyg editing of your models.  the documentation is
> currently way too sparce for this, but suffice it to say, I'm working on
> that.
> Watch These Talks
> -----------------
> * Reusable Apps (James Bennett)
> * State of Pinax (Brian Rosner)
> Things you should know about Python
> ------------------------------------
> * PEP-8
> * virtualenv - virtualenvwrapper
> * pip
> Jobs
> ------
> * [Django Gigs] [djangogigs]
> * [django community page] [dcp]
>     [dcp]: http://www.djangoproject.com/community/
>     [djangogigs]: http://djangogigs.com/
>     [djangodose]: http://djangodose.com/
>     [djangoweekly]: http://djangoweek.ly/
>     [docs]: http://docs.djangoproject.com
>     [reddit]: http://reddit.com/r/django/
>     [dp]: http://djangopackages.com
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