[CentralOH] Django + Celery + RabbitMQ

Joshua Kramer josh at globalherald.net
Wed Jul 20 17:38:54 CEST 2011

>   I have a developing a Django app that processes many <reallyLongTask>.  My
> current implementation to get everything up and running was to block for
> <reallyLongTask> and then deliver the results in a view.  That works great,

Hi Brandon -

If your project is open enough I'd love to see the code you write to 
handle this.  I did something similar a while back, albeit witout the 
async Ajax polling, using Apache QPid and Google Protocol Buffers.  It was 
the same basic idea, a Django web request fires off a message through 
Qpid, which in turn hits a Python backend that runs a long-running 
transaction in R (the R Statistics Package).  Protocol Buffers was the 
"sanest" format when it came to handling arbitrarily nested data 

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