[CentralOH] HTML Editor?

Nick Albright nick.albright at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 21:14:36 CEST 2011

I'm prolly a bad example.  But I definitely do my HTML by hand (emacs).
 When I have a mismatched tag error (Which I generally try to avoid by
loading the page alot as I'm editing/making sure all looks good/putting
closing tags right after the starting tag, etc..), I'll throw it by an HTML
validation tool.  Typically those will be part of some 'web development'
plugin I have for my browser, and here is one I think that is called alot:
http://validator.w3.org/  It should find tags that are missing close tags.

Between that and right clicking and selecting "Inspect Element" in Chrome to
bring up one of Chrome's many great development tools (Love the Console for
JS debugging!), but the elements tab of that will let me see the DOM tree,
what what it thinks it is.  (Well, what it is, vs what I what I think it
should be ;)

I hope that helps!  (I know your pain all too well :)

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Mark Erbaugh <mark at microenh.com> wrote:

> Yes, this really is a Python question<g>.
> I'm working on a web-based application using the Pyramid framework. Pyramid
> is a descendent of Pylons and can be configured to use various templating
> languages. I'm using Chameleon as it's the default for the template I
> started with.
> Anyways, I'm knee deep in HTML inside vi trying to find a mis-matched tag.
>  Do people using templates still edit the HTML by hand?  I've got Kompozer,
> but doesn't seem to like the template language.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> FWIW, I'm impressed with Pyramid and yes, I will be willing to make a
> presentation to the group<g>.
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