[CentralOH] PyCharm

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Fri Jun 3 22:03:19 CEST 2011

I've been a fan of WingIDE for many years.  WingIDE 101 is free, WingIDE
personal is $45, and WingIDE Pro (what I use) is $95 for hobbiest or student



On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Daniel 'Dang' Griffith <
pythondevdang at lazytwinacres.net> wrote:

> Do any of y'all use the PyCharm IDE? I've used Notepad++ for quite a while,
> and am moderately happy with it, but find myself wishing it had a little
> more "awareness" of Python. I know there is a Python plugin for Eclipse, but
> I've always found the Eclipse UI intimidating. I haven't looked seriously at
> Komodo, only because of the price (it might be worth $300, but for that
> much, I want something less language-specific, like SlickEdit or UltraEdit).
> PyCharm is only $100 for an individual-developer license, and I think
> that's pretty reasonable for what it seems to do. I haven't downloaded the
> demo; I might do that this weekend.
> But I'd rather hear feedback from any of you who have tried it, whether you
> liked it or not. And if you did, what feature(s) did you particularly like
> or dislike?
> Thanks,
>     --dang
> p.s.
> I still am in mourning for the loss of Premia/Borland/Inprise/Embarcadero's
> CodeWright.
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