[CentralOH] virtualenv best practices for version control

Mark Erbaugh mark at microenh.com
Fri Jun 10 20:10:23 CEST 2011

On Jun 10, 2011, at 1:04 PM, Matthew Talbert wrote:

> I believe that requirements.txt is the default filename used by
> virtualenv when it creates a new virtualenv, so if you don't want to
> mess with Fabric, just adding this requirements.txt to your repo
> should be sufficient, then you can just create the virtualenv with
> "virtualenv [name]".


Thanks.  Where do you place requirements.txt?  I tried creating a folder for the new virtualenv and putting requirements.txt in that folder and then virtualenv [folder]. It created the virtualenv in that folder, but didn't load in the libraries from requirements.txt.  What I did find that worked was once the virtualenv was created and activated to do pip install -r requirements.txt. That loaded the libraries.


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