[CentralOH] Python User Group International Survey
Brian Curtin
brian.curtin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 05:12:04 CEST 2011
The PSF is happy to launch today an international survey of Python user
group organizers to help it better serve the large and ever-expanding
international Python user community.
The survey contains questions on user group organization, events,
demographics, and growth. There are some questions with numerical
answers, and while your best guess is fine, you may find it helpful to
gather some statistics on your user group membership before starting
the survey (example statistics include the number of active members
and the size and topics for recent user group events).
We expect this survey to take around 30 minutes to complete. We
appreciate your time and honesty in answering these questions.
The PSF blog post announcing the survey:
The survey was written by Jessica McKellar (http://jesstess.com),
organizer for the Boston Python Meetup
(http://meetup.bostonpython.com), and Jesse Noller
(http://jessenoller.com/), PSF board member and PyCon chair with input
and feedback from survey specialists and others.
The survey was pretested with a handful of user group organizers, and
their answers were phenomenal. Organizers have tons to say about these
topics, and we hope to get a lot of great, actionable data for
strengthening the relationship between the PSF and Python user groups
out of this effort.
Outreach, education, diversity and community building are critical for
Python as a community, and the Foundation - this data should greatly
assist in our targeting our resources and furthering the mission of
the Foundation in all ways.
Thank you
The Python Software Foundation
Jessica McKellar
Jesse Noller
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