[CentralOH] Python Indentation problem

Brandon Rhodes brandon at rhodesmill.org
Fri Apr 6 05:35:33 CEST 2012

Fandi Peng <fandi.814 at gmail.com> writes:

> How would you indent the following lines to meet PEP8
> python coding convention?

I'll try! :)

     def win(self):
         return (self.win_by_kill() or
                 self.win_by_reach() or
                 not self.get_available_moves(
                     (self.player + 1) % len(self.MARKS)

And the other expression:

         end = self.FORWARD[(self.player + 1) % len(self.MARKS)]
         my_sorted_moves = [ tuple(reversed(c)) for c
                             in my_reversed_src_dst[::end] ]

Brandon Rhodes      brandon at rhodesmill.org      http://rhodesmill.org/brandon

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