[CentralOH] Contract Django Development needed

Brian Costlow brian.costlow at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 16:21:20 CEST 2012


Forwarding this to the list from Scott Anderson from GRPUG. They will work
with someone who wants to work remotely.

   Scott <scott.andersen at protrainings.com> Apr 16 06:09PM -0700

   Hi everyone,

   I mentioned at tonight's meeting that I am looking for someone to give
   me a
   hand finishing up a Django project I am involved with.

   The name of the startup is Bulko.com. It is a group food buying website
   that allows members to receive the wholesale discount benefits of
   in bulk and then split the items into more reasonable quantities.

   We have a final list of features and bugs to finish coding before we
   officially launch the website beyond the current private beta. The code
   base is Django and Coffeescript and it uses Solr for product searches.

   Let me know if you are interested or know of someone who might be and we
   can discuss the details.

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